#1 2024-06-28 08:35:31

United States
Reputation: +110
Registered: 2013-12-30
Posts: 165
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Interstate 82 - Road War 2024 - %100 Combat Maps

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Featuring IS82 Classic Battle Maps!
  The event will begin with close quarters infantry!  Disco Wars and Pringles will feel like Berlin to the classic BF1942 players.
  Our finale map will be Survivor Arena Extreme! Here there are a ton of custom battle vehicles that are unique to Insterate 82! Some are just crazy! It is pure fun!
When  :  July 20, 2025 at 4pm est
Where  :  -[HELLO]- GC  &  IS82     I.P. : 14568
What do I need ?   You will need Battlefield 1942 with the Interstate 82 mod installed. 
You will also need the Road War 2024 Event Maps. 
Datafield42 users do not need to add the mod or the event maps.  The application will do it for you!
Question :  Then why don't I just get Datafield?      Answer : I don't know, why don't you!
Datafield 2.01 :  https://www.moddb.com/games/battlefield … atafield42
Other users can click below for the Road War 2024 Map Pack or visit the IS82 Resource page to install the mod.
Hello Clan IS82 Resources : https://forum.helloclan.eu/resources/77


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