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What happened to all former "admins"? Did you lose ur admin key due to simple server crashed and you dont have it anymore in moongamers? What is the purpose of ur life anymore? Did you lose also every authority you have ever gained in ur life? Yes. Buahaha! Ok, I wish all u nerd kids lot of good things, someday you may receive some girl to talk you back if you are lucky. Good luck!
The fisheries is not so great. Really low quotas. Both on the cod and kingkrab. King crab have been overfished big time.
The cod is probably not overfished but it have changed spawning grounds. Warmer waters and it just spawns more north i guess. In the normal spawning area the fishermen are forced to use a device that make sound on the fishing netts to scare away dolphins. They have had this devices for 4 years now. And the cod have been missing there for 4 years... usa threaten with extra taxes on the cod if we don't use them. And they stopped the research fishing on the border with Russia where they measured how much the cod reproduce.
It just feels like everyone have to bleed now.
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