#1 2024-05-22 17:08:46

Reputation: +7
Location: Chattogram or Chittagong
Registered: 2020-03-30
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Battlefield Vietnam Multiplayer Lags

Hello everyone. I am Ashfaqur. Hopefully, you all are well.

I have been playing Battlefield Vietnam since 2021. Whenever I played Singleplayer, I never got lags. But, whenever I play Multiplayer, the game lags a lot. It's impossible to play Multiplayer properly with the lags.

In Battlefield 1942, my ping is from 290-350. And I don't lag in Multiplayer
My ping is the same in BF Vietnam too. But I get lags

Now, my question is: Does my game lag in Multiplayer due to high ping or is any other reason is behind it?

Thank you.


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#2 2024-05-31 00:32:12

Reputation: +57
Registered: 2016-08-09
Posts: 204
Windows 10 Chrome 125.0

Re: Battlefield Vietnam Multiplayer Lags

it's the high ping. you may not notice it on bf1942 due to servers having a patch that helps players with high pings. i don't think bf vietnam servers use this patch.


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#3 2024-06-02 07:08:57

Reputation: 0
Registered: 2024-02-10
Posts: 23
Windows 10 Chrome 125.0

Re: Battlefield Vietnam Multiplayer Lags

There should be some way to add those patches, in my case I don't notice it as much because I usually have 60 ping, although I'm used to it since I spent 7 years playing bf42 without that patch and I got the hang of it when shooting further; The patch is confusing because it only affects infantry but not vehicles...


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