#1 2021-08-12 13:30:17

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Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

There was a player with nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"  on simple server, last seen around 3am pst.

It is very much doubtful what this player claims to have achieved in that nick name, so I have to further question this player's motives. Was their goal to deceive other kind hearted players? Cheat others out of money?

Yes I am aware of box86 and other tools of the sort. No I don't believe for one second that a heavy x86 binary will run at playable speed on wine armhf with real time translation.  Even more doubtful that bf1942's hard coded net protocol works under this type of set up.

This is something that I have attempted to do with several arm boards over the years, raspi 3, 4, jetson nano, none have performed well and networking simply did not work with box86.

If you are on this forum, I'd like to see some proof. Otherwise I have no choice but to call you out as a fraud, who (shamefully) logged into simple server on your pc, with that dumbass fraudulent nick name of yours.



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#2 2021-08-12 14:01:16

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

panik wrote:

I have no choice but to call you out as a fraud, who (shamefully) logged into simple server on your pc, with that dumbass fraudulent nick name of yours.



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#3 2021-08-12 14:33:24

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

panik wrote:

There was a player with nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"  on simple server, last seen around 3am pst.

It is very much doubtful what this player claims to have achieved in that nick name, so I have to further question this player's motives. Was their goal to deceive other kind hearted players? Cheat others out of money?

Yes I am aware of box86 and other tools of the sort. No I don't believe for one second that a heavy x86 binary will run at playable speed on wine armhf with real time translation.  Even more doubtful that bf1942's hard coded net protocol works under this type of set up.

This is something that I have attempted to do with several arm boards over the years, raspi 3, 4, jetson nano, none have performed well and networking simply did not work with box86.

If you are on this forum, I'd like to see some proof. Otherwise I have no choice but to call you out as a fraud, who (shamefully) logged into simple server on your pc, with that dumbass fraudulent nick name of yours.


Hello. There was a guy on the server with a nickname like "Coffin shaker". Will you ask him to provide proofs and post the video where he really shakes the coffin?


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#4 2021-08-12 15:02:42

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

Well, no, because it's feasible to shake a coffin. It would be mildly inconvenient since you'd have to buy a coffin first, but by then you can shake it like nicki minaj's hips.

On the other hand it's not really feasible to play bf1942 online on the raspi 4 with today's tooling.

By the slimmest chance that my callout triggers this fraud of a noob to learn to code and get bf1942 to actually work on arm, that would be a win? smile


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#5 2021-08-12 16:04:53

Empress of Doom
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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

Please ask DEATH RAPE if he actually rapes dead people.

For the record... I'm not actual light from the sun. Sorry for the confusion.


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#6 2021-08-12 18:44:05

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

panik wrote:

There was a player with nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"  on simple server, last seen around 3am pst.

It is very much doubtful what this player claims to have achieved in that nick name, so I have to further question this player's motives. Was their goal to deceive other kind hearted players? Cheat others out of money?

Yes I am aware of box86 and other tools of the sort. No I don't believe for one second that a heavy x86 binary will run at playable speed on wine armhf with real time translation.  Even more doubtful that bf1942's hard coded net protocol works under this type of set up.

This is something that I have attempted to do with several arm boards over the years, raspi 3, 4, jetson nano, none have performed well and networking simply did not work with box86.

If you are on this forum, I'd like to see some proof. Otherwise I have no choice but to call you out as a fraud, who (shamefully) logged into simple server on your pc, with that dumbass fraudulent nick name of yours.


i have a raspi 3 model B smile


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#7 2021-08-12 21:53:32

Black Mamba
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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

Sunshine wrote:

Please ask DEATH RAPE if he actually rapes dead people.

For the record... I'm not actual light from the sun. Sorry for the confusion.

Why hasn’t this guy been asked to change his name? It’s very offensive.


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#8 2021-08-13 00:09:14

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

panik wrote:

There was a player with nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"  on simple server, last seen around 3am pst.

It is very much doubtful what this player claims to have achieved in that nick name, so I have to further question this player's motives. Was their goal to deceive other kind hearted players? Cheat others out of money?

Yes I am aware of box86 and other tools of the sort. No I don't believe for one second that a heavy x86 binary will run at playable speed on wine armhf with real time translation.  Even more doubtful that bf1942's hard coded net protocol works under this type of set up.

This is something that I have attempted to do with several arm boards over the years, raspi 3, 4, jetson nano, none have performed well and networking simply did not work with box86.

If you are on this forum, I'd like to see some proof. Otherwise I have no choice but to call you out as a fraud, who (shamefully) logged into simple server on your pc, with that dumbass fraudulent nick name of yours.


It was me, I did install playonlinux and box86 on twister os, downloaded a bf1942 copy from this forum, and installed it with playonlinux.

But it wasn't really playable, I only managed to get a mine kill, which even was difficult to do, i needed to spam on key 5, because it often switched back to the k98, I guess because of poor performance. The sound shutters, even after setting it to 16 channels.

This guy has a lot better performance, he overclocked his cpu and gpu, but maybe also because he plays singlepayer.
Increasing video memory may also improve performance.


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#9 2021-08-13 01:17:43

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

Seems I succeeded in luring you out of the water. smile

No offense about the first post, was just poking some fun at the oddity of it all. For some reason I thought you were actually this singaporean youtube guy, who seems to have a fetish for aliexpress parts.

When I tried this, wine's network stack on arm was more or less broken for this game. I suppose playonlinux fixed it somehow. Thanks for the pointer.


What a wacky looking cooler.. I might buy one. smile


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#10 2021-08-13 01:35:33

Black Mamba
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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

It's all henk's fault


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#11 2021-08-13 10:23:57

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

Yep, indeed.
I once tried running a linux bf1942 server on the raspberry pi, but sadly the raspberry has arm architecture which will need some emulator to run a x86 program.
So in the end I used an old laptop which now runs a terminal only version of Debian (So i dont use the laptop screen).
This setup only consumes around 12 Watt smile
Which is in the same range as the raspberry

Last edited by henk (2021-08-13 10:24:42)


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#12 2021-08-13 19:21:58

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

The dedicated server for bf1942 is native to linux, no?
I thought there was a native version for mac, too.


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#13 2021-08-13 19:39:35

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

I don't remember if they ever released the source for the linux server. Newer ones I can find nowadays are just a binary blob .run file.


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#14 2021-08-13 22:46:40

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

I have seen some mentioning of the linux server making in old forum thread, the gist of it was that it performed (noticeable?) worse then the windows server when it was released. Back in ca 2004 every cpu cycle counted.

Something im curious about is macintosh pushing into ARM territory, especially Rosetta 2 with ahead-of-time compilation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahead-of-time_compilation. It would be nice if this could someday work with any standard ARM unit out there.

In some benchmarks, x86-64-only programs performed better under Rosetta 2 on a Mac with an Apple M1 SOC than natively on a Mac with an Intel x86-64 processor.


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#15 2021-08-13 23:09:34

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

@panik, no source has been provided, ever...
@bud, I feel that the windows server feels better, regs wise, dunno for sure why


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#16 2021-08-13 23:46:18

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

as you propably know already, linux bf42 server has something running that takes ca 15% cpu constantly players or no players in it, i believe this is allocated network resources of some kind that has a fixed value. the windows version of bf42 server starts with 0% cpu
so if my theory is right the strain should be much harder on a linux machine when there is a lot of players as it cant scale up those particular resources. that being said this is just me theorising, i dont really know linuz sustems that well

i have tried using windows in rented vps servers running bf42 server and inside the vma it uses 0% cpu (no players), but the vma itself is drawing a hefty 50% cpu at this configuration (really sucks)

the best performance ive ever got from bf42 server was a dedicated xenon with windows xp, it was in fact such big difference in ingame feeling that some players insisted that the plane engines was modded for more higher torque and speed even that was not the case.


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#17 2021-08-14 06:47:58

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

what a strange topic


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#18 2021-08-14 12:40:27

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

bud wrote:

the best performance ive ever got from bf42 server was a dedicated xenon with windows xp, it was in fact such big difference in ingame feeling that some players insisted that the plane engines was modded for more higher torque and speed even that was not the case.

I still would love to see such a server!
Sadly windows is so terribly inconvenient for servers

Last edited by henk (2021-08-14 12:43:46)


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#19 2021-08-14 13:02:09

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

Not the best idea to put a windows xp server on the internet? big_smile
On a lan, maybe.


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#20 2021-10-08 04:37:42

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

henk wrote:

Yep, indeed.
I once tried running a linux bf1942 server on the raspberry pi, but sadly the raspberry has arm architecture which will need some emulator to run a x86 program.
So in the end I used an old laptop which now runs a terminal only version of Debian (So i dont use the laptop screen).
This setup only consumes around 12 Watt smile
Which is in the same range as the raspberry

is that why your "knife server" always crashes?


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#21 2021-10-08 12:10:18

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

that server is not on my laptop wink


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#22 2021-10-08 13:06:51

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

henk wrote:
bud wrote:

the best performance ive ever got from bf42 server was a dedicated xenon with windows xp, it was in fact such big difference in ingame feeling that some players insisted that the plane engines was modded for more higher torque and speed even that was not the case.

I still would love to see such a server!
Sadly windows is so terribly inconvenient for servers

Long ago there was rumours about xenon cpu´s floating around (better prestanda), but ive never seen any concrete evidence about it.

I have an old idea to try and change the clock crystal on the motherboard to make a sort of variable internal-speed in the machine.

I can change serverspeed via software, but it produce a bit of lag and so its not good in real use case. 1.05 is about the highest before it starts to lag.

One time the server speed tied into the intel speedstep process (CPU frequency scaling) and the weird linux Scaling governors (they like to jump cores witch can reate microstutter i think), so the server randomly speeded up to doubble speed when i was playing. That was unplayable ofcourse, but interestingly i dont think there was any lag from that.


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#23 2024-05-22 22:46:15

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Re: Fraudulent nick name "bf1942 on raspberry pi 4"

Last week i tried again bf1942 on mine raspberry pi 4, got like 15-30fps, with i think 20 players online + bots. The cpu and gpu of the raspberry pi 5 are both 2-3 times faster than the raspberry pi 4 i think that gets quite playable.

You can also pay it on android with winelator, i got around the same performance as the raspberry pi 4, despite being 4 times faster than the rasbpery 4. This when sounds is turned off, otherwise i got ~5fps. The controls are shitty, this game is not made for touch smile


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