#31 2024-01-18 23:51:03

Black Mamba
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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Russian MadMax wrote:
tragic wrote:

Кажется, работает очень хорошо для меня и моего 150 пинга. Помимо типичной задержки, снимки регистрируются гораздо чаще и без необходимости вести из-за пинга.  Тем не менее, я попробовал этот патч на 7 или 8 различных серверах с пингами от 30 до 220, и SiMPLE кажется самым непоследовательным. На самом деле кажется, что на сервере или в игре были внесены другие изменения, чтобы он вел себя по-другому. Этот опыт уникален только для этого сервера. Несколько постоянных клиентов SiMPLE также упомянули, что Moongamers теперь чувствуют себя лучше, чтобы играть на пост-патче. Разница в производительности и согласованности игры заметна между двумя серверами. Было бы здорово, если бы руководство могло разобраться в этом и вернуть или исправить все, что может привести к этому падению качества.

hoтя I think it's also about the server base (os base) moon have windows , simple is Linux

I suspect this too. Historically, hit registrations have always been more consistent in Moon vs SiMPLE.


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#32 2024-01-19 01:32:15

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

I hope it’s just the OS and not actual changes that have been implemented without at least informing the community


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#33 2024-01-19 02:39:37

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Was wird in diesem Kessel hier nur für ein seltsames Süppchen gekocht?


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#34 2024-01-19 23:46:51

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

simon wrote:

Just half a year ago nobody in their wildest dreams imagined that 300 ping infantry side regs could be possible on bf42. I mean yeah, it's over a quarter of a second delay what do you really expect?

When you are truly 11500 km away from a server, we can begin to have a more detailed discussion...In the meantime, feel free to read as many times as you'd like the explanations I have provided.


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#35 2024-01-20 00:20:50

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Yes.. my point was that eveyone knows this, this is what high ping is. But the patch is still a crazy good improvement
Nobody can fix the fact that your wires are longer :-D


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#36 2024-01-21 00:47:40

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

simon wrote:

Yes.. my point was that eveyone knows this, this is what high ping is. But the patch is still a crazy good improvement
Nobody can fix the fact that your wires are longer :-D

We have tachyonic internet in Argentina.


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#37 2024-01-27 16:49:21

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

tragic wrote:

Hey everyone,

I'm sure some of you all are aware of the new hit registration patch that was created recently, but I wanted to share it here as well.

It works awesome! Thank you. Any chance to get something like this for BFVietnam?


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#38 2024-01-27 17:04:26

Black Mamba
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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Telrin wrote:
tragic wrote:

Hey everyone,

I'm sure some of you all are aware of the new hit registration patch that was created recently, but I wanted to share it here as well.

It works awesome! Thank you. Any chance to get something like this for BFVietnam?

You already have decent regs in Vietnam


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#39 2024-02-25 15:07:40

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Unbelievable......................  This new patch just made  bf1942 an arcade game and all  I see is positive comments from  suck ups and idiots who had over 20 years to improve their gameplay but never did . Simple is a European server , Moon  is based in the USA,  so try to figure out the lag and compensate your lead like in any other online game . This new patch is a joke.Everything has become easier to kill , shoot some paratroopers with a plane in Market Garden, no problem , 100 % succes rate .  Like the guy  said in the video , " to attract more and new  players"   lmao.  Well , let me tell you sir guy who made this  patch I guess 2024,.  It makes me think you've been messing with the game before and you re not playing the original game. Like many others .......  Calming Clam openly talking on moon how to edit files , Jumpy and boom  killing 6 people with one clip . How about making  a server sided  anticheat patch  like Pb. Most hated sniper banned youtube video  ............... lol  you 're a joke to and yes  guess who  ..... 2024  ..... Seems like the woke virus has infected bf1942

, thx lin, thx tuia

Last edited by Angeleyes (2024-02-25 15:28:56)


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#40 2024-02-25 15:37:21

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

You must've hit your head pretty hard. Server owners and a number of egg heads have spent countless hours trying to make the game a bit more equal for exactly noobs like you who always complained when better players joined, to keep you from leaving. It's their own miscalculation too as it turns out when everyone is kind of equal the game becomes utterly boring and far from what it used to be - you got that right. But you at least as a proud noob from the bottom of the scoreboard should be happy when you get those few ridiculous kills on better players now thanks to all kinds of modding. sigh


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#41 2024-02-25 16:18:16

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Angeleyes wrote:

so try to figure out the lag and compensate your lead like in any other online game

Name a few at least, please


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#42 2024-02-26 14:47:20

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Don't worry guys, newer games are not as peachy as you think. The reg virus has spread all over and it's one of the biggest mysteries in the gaming communities, a massive rabbit hole once you put your head in xd


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#43 2024-02-27 01:47:15

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Having lag compensation is beneficial to any first person shooter game, including classic Battlefield 1942 game, in my opinion. Aiming and leading your shots based on your latency to the server is an unrealistic feeling, and i believe it deters most players from fully enjoying the game. Lag compensation has its downsides, but if properly set up and tuned, the advantages clearly outweigh the cons.

This discussion reminds me when hit indication marker was enabled in version 1.2 or version 1.3 of Battlefield 1942, there would always be someone complaining about any change (improvement) to the game.


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#44 2024-02-28 21:56:50

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Mr. Angeleyes, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


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#45 2024-02-29 17:56:37

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

People hate what they don't understand


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#46 2024-02-29 20:24:31

Black Mamba
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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

simon wrote:

when you get those few ridiculous kills on better players now thanks to all kinds of modding. sigh

Everyone is affected by this patch, including the better players. I don’t know why he would get more kills vs better players in that case.


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