#1 2024-01-14 18:22:14

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RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power


sory, but thats kind of too much right now. Didnt want to go to appeal ban, I can take it and dont really have to play this game unless theres people in charge with this kind of behavior. Its not personal, if it was anyone else, I would say the same thing.

Post the whole chat as you love to, i dont mind that. So what happened on Berlin.

Allies dominating the match having 2 flags, better team and many times nearly capped 3rd C5 flag which would end the round. After seeing unbalanced teams I switched from Allied to Axis to help weaker team. Raketen starts saying that I should not switch, I should NOT help weaker teams? Hide? Hide for what, wtf, sorry?

Isnt this what server needs more often, balance teams? I balance teams most of the times.
Unbalanced teams = no fun = people leaving. You know it as a veteran of this game as most of us do. What have I done wrong exactly that you ban me for that? Lack of respect for players who keep this game alive is prolly something you miss at the moment. I wasnt even rude, I kindly asked you what I did and there really was not any rule break.

Im banned for disrupting gameplay. Good job mate.


Last edited by KILLER88 (2024-01-14 18:24:39)


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#2 2024-01-14 19:04:11

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

I wasn't there, but Killer does usually switch, to help out the weaker team.


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#3 2024-01-14 20:04:45

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Sry raketen but what is happening with you?
Other day you banned Robert because he revealed last guys position wtf.


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#4 2024-01-14 20:48:40

Paul Baumer
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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Switching team to the weaker one is generally good and more than appreciated but there's more to that. Killer you are certainly a gifted player and you should know that sometimes it's better to let the game flow when the balance is not too compromised because at that point it would perhaps have been logical for allies to have won the round and your changing team apparently had strong effect on the situation because it happened in such critical point that your team is greying flag and you decide to join the other team in that exact moment but by doing that you are compromising your current team efforts which also isnt that cool(and that actually hits the teambalance more than a few random players disconnecting) considering you were in the middle of action. Also if it was not you but some random player we might as well suspect that player could use his knowledge of where his teammates were against them after switching. So we appreciate you switch teams to even up but please use more discretion to do it in more appropriate moments without influencing current balance even more and if you're not sure you can ask if other team needs help.


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#5 2024-01-14 20:49:04

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Happy new year again Raketenhorst!

How are family and friends doing?

Greetings hacbard


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#6 2024-01-14 21:23:35

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

!bdis for switching to the weaker team?
This looks pretty weird to me.
KILLER88 switched teams at around -07:30, tickets are 1078 : 894
Raketen let him finish the round, and the outcome was 1065 : 598

To put it diplomatically: Where's the f*cken justification for a ban?


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#7 2024-01-15 06:07:16

Russian MadMax
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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Tbh, I was also kicked or warned for a switch  to a weaker team , why do admins hate this? It's even written in the rules that encouraged a switch to a weaker team for balance


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#8 2024-01-15 14:38:53

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Good thing is, if this new patch really helps reduce ping difference in infantry, you can play in moongamers and dont have to put up with shit admins anymore

Last edited by Denny (2024-01-15 14:39:27)


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#9 2024-01-15 18:37:55

Paul Baumer
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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Denny wrote:

Good thing is, if this new patch really helps reduce ping difference in infantry, you can play in moongamers and dont have to put up with shit admins anymore

But you are always welcome to flame those shit admins on forum Denny even though if I were you I'd use that time more productively, like working on your own server project just like you were doing not so long ago, but hey turns out that's much harder than trolling people on forum isn't it?

P.S. We lifted Killer's ban in just a few hours and he was able to play that same evening, but those who want to continue making drama out of it be my guest.


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#10 2024-01-15 19:28:23

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Sorry Denny,
although my regs on MoonGamers have always been three times better than on SiMPLE, you won't find me there.
I just don't like their mods, their politics and management.
As for the "shit admins", i'm happy with most of the currently active administrators here.


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#11 2024-01-15 19:37:56

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Paul Baumer wrote:

those who want to continue making drama out of it be my guest.

I'm in: Seeing Killer88 on Moongamers - haha - that was a good one Denny.


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#12 2024-01-15 20:40:41

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Another complaint from a very fair Player who always ensures a balanced game....


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#13 2024-01-15 20:55:56

Russian MadMax
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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Hbn 2.0?


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#14 2024-01-16 16:59:34

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Paul Baumer wrote:
Denny wrote:

Good thing is, if this new patch really helps reduce ping difference in infantry, you can play in moongamers and dont have to put up with shit admins anymore

But you are always welcome to flame those shit admins on forum Denny even though if I were you I'd use that time more productively, like working on your own server project just like you were doing not so long ago, but hey turns out that's much harder than trolling people on forum isn't it?

P.S. We lifted Killer's ban in just a few hours and he was able to play that same evening, but those who want to continue making drama out of it be my guest.

Its hard but not that hard as it seems for you to run your admin team of monkeys, as you seem to be the biggest one here. (even you saying your admins are shit big_smile)
You got it all here to manage without any effort, just some but licking, i bet you dont even know how to open rfa file. My server is just there as backup in case you kill the only EU server, which it might happen if you continue managing like that.
Have a nice day

Last edited by Denny (2024-01-16 17:00:52)


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#15 2024-01-16 17:35:26

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Paul Baumer wrote:

P.S. We lifted Killer's ban in just a few hours and he was able to play that same evening, but those who want to continue making drama out of it be my guest.

Most of nameless bans on me were lifted by other admins within an hour, that doesn't excused his behaviour. A ban for "stacking" is too much, more taking into account how TKers have to do it like 20 times before getting banned.


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#16 2024-01-16 18:56:48

Paul Baumer
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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

If you started flaming try at least to be good at it.. I had fun reading tho, thank you Denny big_smile


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#17 2024-01-16 19:16:41

Paul Baumer
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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Darcano wrote:
Paul Baumer wrote:

P.S. We lifted Killer's ban in just a few hours and he was able to play that same evening, but those who want to continue making drama out of it be my guest.

Most of nameless bans on me were lifted by other admins within an hour, that doesn't excused his behaviour.

I dont remember many admins lifting nameless' unfair bans on you but I do remember I was one of them and it costed me admin rights suspension. Can't remember you protesting back then though.
A part from that you can't compare that situation with the current management, can you?

We very much welcome players switching teams to help the weaker side however it has to be done in appropriate moments and not too frequently in one round and quite obviously you shall not use your previous knowledge from your team(like players position) after the switch. If the player carries one team and attacks with his teammates but then switches and goes directly for his teammates killing them admins might have a suspicion he switched teams with intention to get kills on his former teammates knowing their position; we know Killer doesn't do that as he usually switches team to even it up but switching team too often might lead to confusing situations just like this one. Perhaps ban was too much; or maybe not because situation was not that simple but Killer is a legit player, he appealed his ban so we lifted it.


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#18 2024-01-16 20:11:18

Black Mamba
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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Denny wrote:
Paul Baumer wrote:
Denny wrote:

Good thing is, if this new patch really helps reduce ping difference in infantry, you can play in moongamers and dont have to put up with shit admins anymore

But you are always welcome to flame those shit admins on forum Denny even though if I were you I'd use that time more productively, like working on your own server project just like you were doing not so long ago, but hey turns out that's much harder than trolling people on forum isn't it?

P.S. We lifted Killer's ban in just a few hours and he was able to play that same evening, but those who want to continue making drama out of it be my guest.

Its hard but not that hard as it seems for you to run your admin team of monkeys, as you seem to be the biggest one here. (even you saying your admins are shit big_smile)
You got it all here to manage without any effort, just some but licking, i bet you dont even know how to open rfa file. My server is just there as backup in case you kill the only EU server, which it might happen if you continue managing like that.
Have a nice day

Bitter words from someone hosting an empty server, with bots running around. I wouldn't talk if I were you.

Who cares if he knows how to open a RFA file? Do you?

Paul and RaketenHorst are two great admins, much better than the ones we had before. Nobody is perfect though, hopefully this issue gets resolved privately.

Last edited by Black Mamba (2024-01-16 20:11:30)


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#19 2024-01-16 20:15:22

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power


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#20 2024-01-16 20:32:42

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Paul Baumer wrote:

I dont remember many admins lifting nameless' unfair bans on you but I do remember I was one of them and it costed me admin rights suspension. Can't remember you protesting back then though.
A part from that you can't compare that situation with the current management, can you?

Who revoked your admin rights was nameless not me. Even told admins to no unban me (can't remember if it was you) to not get problems.
The whole fit was to get him out of the headadmin possition, dunno why you brought this up, but you are the (one of) headadmin now.

If I'm posting here is not for anything personal, but to show that I'm against admin abuse. When nameless did it was wrong and now is wrong too, belittling is not the way to solve problems.


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#21 2024-01-16 21:52:06

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Paul Baumer wrote:

I dont remember many admins lifting nameless' unfair bans on you but I do remember I was one of them and it costed me admin rights suspension. Can't remember you protesting back then though.
A part from that you can't compare that situation with the current management, can you?

I for one protested for your admin rights suspension Paul just like I did it when you revoked Hillys rights.
Comparing the current situation, you got your rights back plus a promotion of head admin. But not Hilly.


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#22 2024-01-17 02:26:22

Republic of the Congo
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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

I got a question, is simple run by 2 head admins with equal power each? I read a post in the news and announcements section that one is a head admin and the other a vice head admin. This makes me think one of them might be superior or lower in rank.


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#23 2024-01-17 22:09:39

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Hey Kevin
Paul is the haed admin and RaketenHorst vice head admin, we are the rest of the admin crew.  I am a fair and honest person they know that, Tuia told me he did not read the email sent by Hilly yet so how could it be fair for him ?

What was good for Paul should be good for Hilly, I am not trying to troll them. Paul said that Nameless did not have the authority to revoke his rights and that only Tuia could. What is good for puppy is good for kitty.

I dont know why Paul brought this in here and why Rake did not answered himself ?


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#24 2024-01-18 01:54:12

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

But do either of them has more say in taking decisions or is it a fifty-fifty split? Technically going by titles, it would seem to me a head admin is above a vice head admin no? Im trying to figure this out.


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#25 2024-01-18 16:33:53

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

It must be so nice to be head admins. All the love and affection you get for all the time you put into it.

And Dakota: How long do you wanna add fuel to "hillys fire"? If having admin rights means the world to him and his old and precious game, why don't he come here and explain himself and his sherif actions. Sorry, this is not a question because actually I don't care and I don't want to join the battle - but I hope you understand my point.


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#26 2024-01-21 06:32:52

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Its been done before Mourits. I remember nameless used to get shit for mishandling his power. I think even Paul was pushing for him to get removed so the precedent is there.

But that aside I'd genuinely like to know the answer to my question above.


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#27 2024-01-21 20:52:39

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Image BBCode test


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#28 2024-01-22 15:49:55

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Kevin wrote:

Its been done before Mourits. I remember nameless used to get shit for mishandling his power. I think even Paul was pushing for him to get removed so the precedent is there.

But that aside I'd genuinely like to know the answer to my question above.

Comparing Raketen or Paul to nameless is borderline hilarious. Nameless was highflying his plane 6 hours a day, toying and teasing with whoever crossing his agenda. Where Paul and Raketen barely playes the game compared to. I'm not saying that nameless probably didn't do good stuff with his many dedicated hours, just that he seemed very personalized and probably too score horny for a head admin.

No admin is an angel, everyone kick/ban an idiot "by mistake" from time to time, so I see no reason to ramble on about stuff like this for eternity. Unless you think you can name 1 on this forum who you think is completely pure and is up for the "head admin task" as to dedicate the time and never do mistakes in the heat of the moment. Then I will shake hands and stop smile

Ps: I cannot answer your question, but my best bet is that what it comes to well spelled and long poilitical correct forum-answers Paul is in charge, and when it comes to in game server-feeling and discord, Raketen is in charge 8-) so 50/50.


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#29 2024-01-22 18:22:42

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

Admins have lost their rights over far less abuse than what raketenhorst here lately have done.
This is a classic example of "rules for thee but not for me"


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#30 2024-01-22 19:36:57

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Re: RaketenHorst - abuse of admin power

jorgen wrote:

Admins have lost their rights over far less abuse than what raketenhorst here lately have done.
This is a classic example of "rules for thee but not for me"

Okay, can you name a few of these admins who have lost their rights just because of a few "bad" kicks/bans? On top of that I believe it's much simpler to replace a simple kick/ban/warn admin than a head admin. And further more on top of that, who should replace these head admins? I can't think of anyone willing or with the proper skills. By that I'm not saying it's okay to abuse or do wrong, but...

I think it's a classic example of: It is easier to complain than to fix.

Last edited by LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits (2024-01-22 19:40:19)


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