#1 2024-01-01 19:05:00

Reputation: +17
Registered: 2019-08-09
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Today I played the Map "Essen". Someone stole my Flak-Tank. I wrote to Raketenhorst !many times! that someone stole my Tank. He completely ignored me...
What Kind of Semi-Headadmin is this who ignores People and kicks and bans them as he pleases ?
As Semi-Headadmin he should finally get to  grips with the RULES keep and behave neutrally towards other players ....

Now I asked him on he Simple Forum why he ignored me and why he hates me so much. He deleted the request and now he blocked me....

Its a shame how he treats some players here...


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#2 2024-01-01 19:12:32

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Re: Raketenhorst

Hello SiMPLE

Before I say anything about this topic, I would like to inform you in advance about this person.
This person named Stuka used to be an admin. His status was taken away because he didn't want to adhere to the desired rules.
He gave out his prohibitions disproportionately without meaning or understanding.
And no, I didn't take away his admin rights.
So if he behaved like a normal person then he wouldn't have to worry about having to or wanting to portray me as an idiot.

So let's get to the topic:
I was playing/flying and had missed his hint.
Unfortunately, this can happen in the heat of battle.
I've looked it up and yes, he's right.
He politely asked for help !many times! by nicely pointing out that his teammate had probably taken his tank.
Why he now feels misunderstood, think that i hate him or thinks that others are preferred remains his secret.
He doesn't have to convince anyone of his illness here.

For me the topic is now over and I ask the person named Stuka to stop unnecessarily stealing my time and to stop with the lies. *thanks in advance

I wish him continued fun and success on SiMPLE.

See you in 1942


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#3 2024-01-01 20:11:17

Reputation: +17
Registered: 2019-08-09
Posts: 17
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Re: Raketenhorst

Many were happy with me as Admin.
I always followed the rules (first warn, then kick (you should too, by the way)). And if i made a mistake, I apologized.

Now Ill clarify why you revoked my admin rights. ...I dont want to play in a Clan anymore and you dont like that...

I wrote to you several times that he stole the tank. You couldnt miss that.

After you wrote that you have a Problem with me, that is proof that you are deliberately ignoring me...

I would like to point out again that a Semi-Headadmin should take care of other Players Problems and not ignore them....


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#4 2024-01-01 21:09:30

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Re: Raketenhorst

Happy new year Raketenhorst!

Greetings hacbard (Ex-Member)

Last edited by hacbard (2024-01-01 21:09:44)


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#5 2024-01-01 21:44:08

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Re: Raketenhorst

Herst ihr zwa reds amoi auf Deitsch mitanaund! bei an biar kuman olle leid zaum!

Oiso hobts eich lieb ihr eierbärn!


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#6 2024-01-01 22:37:18

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Re: Raketenhorst


Es kommt immer darauf an, aus welcher Warte man eine Situation betrachtet:

In Bayern kaufen ein Türke und ein Deutscher Arzt gleich nebeneinander ein Reihenhaus.

Kaum eingezogen, geht der Türke zum Arzt und meint, dass sein Haus mehr wert sei, als seins.

Der Arzt sagt etwas verstört, dass es doch genau dasselbe Haus sei.

"Das sei schon so", entgegnet der Türke, "aber ich wohne neben einem Detschen Arzt und Sie neben einem Türken".


Last edited by Arkos (2024-01-01 22:39:59)


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#7 2024-01-02 00:05:04

Paul Baumer
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Re: Raketenhorst

Stuka, admins are players too and when focused on the game sometimes you miss part of chat or some in-game situations so you shouldn't really take it personal because it happens to everyone.


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#8 2024-01-02 11:13:37

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Re: Raketenhorst

1) We admins can't see everything in chat.

2) Here is an instruction how to report in the most effective way so we can see:

-Get attention of the person
-Be respectful and write in a few words that it's understandable

How it should look:
-Please kick .4 for sfv planes
..And he decides what to do without the toxic reactions in chat.

* Please be respectful. We don't owe you anything.

Last edited by Serebro (2024-01-02 11:14:47)


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#9 2024-02-06 22:58:46

Reputation: +26
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Re: Raketenhorst

raketen is an ok admin and an ok player, he must missed that one, i had a lot of fun with him!


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#10 2024-02-07 23:50:43

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Re: Raketenhorst

Oldveteran wrote:

raketen is an ok admin and an ok player, he must missed that one, i had a lot of fun with him!

You drunk?


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#11 2024-02-11 18:27:36

Reputation: +26
Registered: 2021-05-29
Posts: 41
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Re: Raketenhorst

jij wel blijkbaar, een legitieme speler waar ik regelmatig mee speel wordt afgezeken, en ik verdedig hem



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