#1 2023-11-20 01:04:44

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Registered: 2023-11-20
Posts: 1
Windows 10 Chrome 119.0

Please help Mod Maps


I hope I can get some support for this. I can't seem to find the answer anywhere. I just downloaded Desert Combat Mod. However, when I open to play a map it only has to DC  maps and the rest of the maps are the base game maps. I checked the DC file and all the DC maps are in the correct folder. Is there something wrong or do I need to do something to access the DC maps?

If this is the wrong place for the thread I apologize


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#2 2023-11-20 20:41:16

Reputation: +2783
Registered: 2014-06-06
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Re: Please help Mod Maps


Perhaps you have to sort it by Mod in the Game Menu.



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#3 2023-11-20 21:49:48

Reputation: +5
Registered: 2017-09-22
Posts: 20
Android Chrome 119.0

Re: Please help Mod Maps

Desert combat has ony two dc maps that support singleplayer. You can find you the dont see maps in muiltiplayer > create game.
There is a server that has bot in some dc conquest maps.
http://bf1942.eu/Server/FromQueryPort/1 … 9.37:23001

Perhaps mods like DC Extended do have bots in dc maps. I tried that mod for some minuts and the mod smees not to be stable, and i think its difference a lot from dc. I dont know any mod that only adds bots to dc or dc maps.


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