#1 2023-10-20 20:14:35

Rock DJ
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Instabanned for one TK

Hi, I was on just now and I accidentally TKed someone which I immediately apologised for, even though the person I TKed was, for some unknown reason, trying to get me kicked and accusing me of disruption just because I was stood next to him. My finger did, no word of a lie, genuinely slip, for some reason I thought I had the medikit out but I had the Thomson instead without realising.

Admittedly I was kicked before for radio spam which I was doing out of boredom but I stopped as soon as that happened. I don't know if my ban is permanent or if it is temporary, but please can it be lifted as soon as possible? Mistakes are made and it'd be a shame to no longer play on one of the very few remaining BF1942 servers because of a genuine mistake, and a lapse of concentration on my part.


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#2 2023-10-20 23:13:09

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Re: Instabanned for one TK

Hi Rock DJ

Starting with a ban due to disruptive gameplay, you tried to get back into the game without permission using the following names including a changing registration numbers:

• Miggy (first ban: 20:47 CET)
• paper machete (took part in the game again for a short time: 20:53 CET)
• MelvinGilbert (tries to circumvent the ban: 20:57 CET)
• MelvinGilbert (tries to circumvent the ban: 21:02 CET)
• Walt. (tries to circumvent the ban: 21:39 CET)
• Walt. (tries to circumvent the ban: 21:51 CET)

Unfortunately, you probably accidentally neglected to mention that.
Of course, that doesn't change the fact and the attempt is also pointless.

I would like to thank the admin who was very attentive.
This is a good sign for SiMPLE.

Best regards


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#3 2023-10-20 23:39:54

Rock DJ
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Re: Instabanned for one TK

OK but how long am I banned for?


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#4 2023-10-21 07:45:31

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Re: Instabanned for one TK

No, it was me who pointed em out at all, this is the a**hole who's been following me around, griefing me all game, still playing dumb, it was me who remarked to both Uly and Sereb to reban the troll for evading, (mind you that was not taken seriously or even resulting in abusive kicks while this went on because nothing was done for weeks) even before this info gleaned he's just a different ban appeal topic section months and months back consecutively, he's easy to spot in what he does and his ping, its me who should be thanked and to be honest assured id hope that his torment efforts while completely ignored for over a month in recent terms will not be able to resume, because it was only ever about me, thats why he shows up, I got em banned before, and who knows who before that, but im more recent so its at me he directed his trolling

Last edited by Zatoichi (2023-10-21 07:46:45)


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#5 2023-10-21 12:31:46

Rock DJ
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Re: Instabanned for one TK

RaketenHorst wrote:

Hi Rock DJ

Starting with a ban due to disruptive gameplay, you tried to get back into the game without permission using the following names including a changing registration numbers:

• Miggy (first ban: 20:47 CET)
• paper machete (took part in the game again for a short time: 20:53 CET)
• MelvinGilbert (tries to circumvent the ban: 20:57 CET)
• MelvinGilbert (tries to circumvent the ban: 21:02 CET)
• Walt. (tries to circumvent the ban: 21:39 CET)
• Walt. (tries to circumvent the ban: 21:51 CET)

Unfortunately, you probably accidentally neglected to mention that.
Of course, that doesn't change the fact and the attempt is also pointless.

I would like to thank the admin who was very attentive.
This is a good sign for SiMPLE.

Best regards

Also a couple of things to add.

1. If you or anyone else feels I was playing disruptively it was not my intention. Like I say, I immediately apologised after the TK. I doubt many people can be convinced of that sadly, but do check the logs. If I am a griefer, then I must absolutely suck at it if I'm going to apologise!

2. So I tried to get back in? I'm not sure if that is either here or there.

Zatoichi wrote:

No, it was me who pointed em out at all, this is the a**hole who's been following me around, griefing me all game, still playing dumb, it was me who remarked to both Uly and Sereb to reban the troll for evading, (mind you that was not taken seriously or even resulting in abusive kicks while this went on because nothing was done for weeks) even before this info gleaned he's just a different ban appeal topic section months and months back consecutively, he's easy to spot in what he does and his ping, its me who should be thanked and to be honest assured id hope that his torment efforts while completely ignored for over a month in recent terms will not be able to resume, because it was only ever about me, thats why he shows up, I got em banned before, and who knows who before that, but im more recent so its at me he directed his trolling

Are you the guy who suddenly and randomly accused me of trolling? Seems like you're very good friends with the admins...


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#6 2023-10-21 12:47:49

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Re: Instabanned for one TK

Yes,he is the one who randomly accused you.He has created so many demons for himself by his own idiotic actions he feels paranoid all the time now.

Zattetochi or Majestic MerlinMoron is allowed to false accuse,commandeer vehicles,teamwound and teamkill and insult everybody like there is no tomorrow.
But dont worry  ,admins told me he has several soft spots on his head making him les accountable for his actions.
He's 'special',have some compassion will you?
Check out his banlist and reputation score and be amazed for how long this troll has been tolerated by the admins on this server.

And he does this in every game he gets into.


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#7 2023-10-21 13:57:05

Rock DJ
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Re: Instabanned for one TK

Right. So he's a known troublemaker.

So why then are the admins bending to his will? It makes little sense.

Meanwhile I get instantly banned for a genuine mistake which I immediately apologised for. If I can't persuade the admins to immediately lift my ban (which is unlikely to happen in these situations because I get that admins don't want to look like pushovers) then can I at least persuade them to reduce it? And can I also recommend to them to assess a situation before taking action, because it seems kicks and bans happen immediately based upon the word of a player without even being given time to look at the evidence. If they're willing to keep a notorious troll unbanned then it's only fair that I or anyone else at least gets a second chance.

Last edited by Rock DJ (2023-10-21 13:59:07)


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#8 2023-10-21 20:57:43

Rock DJ
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Re: Instabanned for one TK

So can I get an update on how long I am banned for, or how long before my ban is lifted?


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#9 2023-10-21 22:28:02

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Re: Instabanned for one TK

lol you guys shoulda perma ban zoid for working with trolls / evaders, I mean rake, could you please say something to the effect of calling out this for the bullshit that it is? Why in the f is zoid so adamant about painting a positive picture for this kid, truthfully wouldnt surprise me if were one and the same, just very elaborate ruse.


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#10 2023-10-21 22:37:04

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Re: Instabanned for one TK

You are bad at lying btw, it wasnt just a tk, you were taking vech, and self bombing them to 0 hp all game, stalking and harassing me with voice comms spam, standing in my way visually on purpose, nudging me when shooting, standing in such a way that enemies locate and shoot you first because that is what you are trying to do, be seen and hoping to get me killed too, you also were map ghosting for certain ppl which theyve yet to detect properly, but they will, and then oh oh angry german kid,(or wherever the f you are from, cant be far from that) and belgian zoidy, then you will be truly fooked, worst of all you still try this stupid childishness of pretending like you dont know anything about it and hoping to fool some of the more gullible admins or dont have experience with this, or with you, but I do, I always know its you, and I always know you are lying, and thankfully this time, the admins saw it this time, you are permabanned for trolling, tking, evading and lying, and it will remain until time itself ends, if you really want to appeal anything, tell me your location or meet me in a neutral place in Toronto, Canada, and ill fight you in person, now of course that has no bearing on the ban, but maybe I can bait you into hoping to make yourself feel better, and ill kick your ass in RL, if I win you have to confess to everything, if I lose, you just leave it at that, and stay banned.


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#11 2023-10-21 23:27:47

Rock DJ
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Re: Instabanned for one TK

Wow, wow, wow. This is, uh, quite some post. So I will address it bit by bit.

it wasnt just a tk, you were taking vech, and self bombing them to 0 hp all game

I am genuinely clueless as to what you are talking about. Taking vehicles and "self bombing" them?

stalking and harassing me with voice comms spam

Like I say I did annoy a few people with radio spam admittedly, but it is a bit of a stretch to say I was doing it to harass you personally. Egotistical much? Also "stalking"? Huh?

standing in my way visually on purpose

Wow, really? I stood in front of you? Honestly? Are you seriously trying to use that as an argument? But yeah of course I did it on purpose. No kidding!

nudging me when shooting

If I have ever done that it is entirely accidental, and to be fair I will gladly own up and apologise for my honest and unintentional mistake.

standing in such a way that enemies locate and shoot you first because that is what you are trying to do, be seen and hoping to get me killed too

And it gets even more ridiculous. Seriously, what on earth is wrong with you? How can you convince yourself that when another player gets killed, they do it with the intention of getting you killed?

you also were map ghosting for certain ppl which theyve yet to detect properly

I have never map ghosted you, nor anyone else. This coupled with the previous deluded accusation makes me wonder if you're just saying them as a cope for getting killed and not being particularly good at the game. It's okay, when I was eight years old I too would blame others for my shortcomings.

and then oh oh angry german kid,(or wherever the f you are from, cant be far from that) and belgian zoidy, then you will be truly fooked

I am not German, and the angry kid is you. I'm starting to get the feeling you're confusing me with someone else, which is the only way anything you are saying would make any sense at all.

worst of all you still try this stupid childishness of pretending like you dont know anything about it and hoping to fool some of the more gullible admins or dont have experience with this, or with you, but I do

Yep, definitely confusing me with someone else.

I always know its you, and I always know you are lying, and thankfully this time, the admins saw it this time, you are permabanned for trolling, tking, evading and lying, and it will remain until time itself ends

How do you know I'm permanently banned if you're not an admin? Does this mean you actually are friends with some of the admins?

if you really want to appeal anything, tell me your location or meet me in a neutral place in Toronto, Canada, and ill fight you in person, now of course that has no bearing on the ban, but maybe I can bait you into hoping to make yourself feel better, and ill kick your ass in RL, if I win you have to confess to everything, if I lose, you just leave it at that, and stay banned.

No disrespect intended, but the fact that you are quite clearly aggravated this much over a 20+ year old game, to the point where you're issuing threats of violence to them, and couple that with the amount of delusions of grandeur that you have just spouted, and I wonder if you are entirely all there, and don't have a couple of screws loose.

However, I hope the admins who seemingly protect you see this post, and ask if the kind of person who brings threats of violence to their community is really worth all the hassle of protecting. Go on admins, think on that one.

Last edited by Rock DJ (2023-10-21 23:36:55)


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#12 2023-10-22 02:23:20

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Re: Instabanned for one TK

The principle which you are currently subverting while hiding behind whataboutism, is far more fundamentally important, you go out of your way to grief gameplay and lie that you are, I cant believe you actually wrote all this, actually spent time and effort to try and maintain a feeble ruse that has already been laid bare, you are full of shit and a liar, I will fight you to settle this, chickenshit, try me, just be a man about this already and say how things really are, dont be afraid, stop hiding from the truth, because im the kind of person that would beat it out of you if thats what it took, what you should be asking yourself is,
is what you are doing, really worth any meritable goal, an end? No, but at least I stand for something.

Last edited by Zatoichi (2023-10-22 02:24:03)


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#13 2023-10-22 03:39:49

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Re: Instabanned for one TK

Morlin gets to insult 24/7 ,posts nothing but incoherent ramblings,has close to or over a hundred bans with a rep score over -100 in this forum......


If this forum needed any more evidence you guys are completely biased I dont know what will and I advise all players who are irked with this situation to just disconnect the moment Merlinda joins the server.


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#14 2023-10-22 05:19:38

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Re: Instabanned for one TK

Maybe you should try telling people to think for themselves,
see and decide for themselves,
after all,
if I am so truly unpalatable as you maintain, then it will definitely prove so,
but at least give them the benefit of personal experience.


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#15 2023-10-22 12:48:54

Rock DJ
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Re: Instabanned for one TK

Zatoichi wrote:

The principle which you are currently subverting while hiding behind whataboutism, is far more fundamentally important, you go out of your way to grief gameplay and lie that you are, I cant believe you actually wrote all this, actually spent time and effort to try and maintain a feeble ruse that has already been laid bare, you are full of shit and a liar, I will fight you to settle this, chickenshit, try me, just be a man about this already and say how things really are, dont be afraid, stop hiding from the truth, because im the kind of person that would beat it out of you if thats what it took, what you should be asking yourself is,
is what you are doing, really worth any meritable goal, an end? No, but at least I stand for something.

Like I said in the previous post, I have a feeling you are getting me mixed up with someone else. Looking at your posting history it appears you have beef with a few other players and level the same accusations at them as you have been at me.

I do not "go out of my way to grief gameplay", I just try to enjoy what is an old favourite game with much less servers than it had in its heyday. You are the one who seems to enjoy stirring up drama and getting players banned so it's not me who needs to be asked if what I'm doing is worth any meritable goal.

Again with the threats and the hard man act. Dude, it's just someone standing near you in a 20+ year old game. Time spent fighting me could instead be spent taking your medication smile


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#16 2023-10-22 14:45:44

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Re: Instabanned for one TK

Imagine having to deal with this.


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#17 2023-10-22 21:27:12

Rock DJ
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Re: Instabanned for one TK

So can I get an answer from the admins?

Will I be permanently banned, am I only temporarily banned, or will my ban be reduced/lifted?


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#18 2023-10-22 23:34:05

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Re: Instabanned for one TK

They already did, stop trying to play innocent.


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#19 2023-10-23 21:07:38

Rock DJ
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Re: Instabanned for one TK

Zatoichi wrote:

They already did, stop trying to play innocent.

They didn't though, I just want confirmation.


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#20 2023-10-23 22:07:23

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Re: Instabanned for one TK

Zatoichi wrote:

tell me your location or meet me in a neutral place in Toronto, Canada, and ill fight you in person,

I am sur you will pay for a plane ticket to meet him at his location since you are the one shallenging him for a fight in person. big_smile

I guess he would wait for you alone whit his dixk in his hands waiting and wasting time for a no show of your part, his location or Toronto Merlin.  Shitposter status is comming for you soon.

PS: Paul, Rake Limited posts for him please !


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#21 2023-10-24 00:14:49

Empress of Doom
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Re: Instabanned for one TK

Rock DJ wrote:
Zatoichi wrote:

They already did, stop trying to play innocent.

They didn't though, I just want confirmation.

Evading a ban results in an extra long or a permanent ban.


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#22 2023-10-31 20:43:56

Rock DJ
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Re: Instabanned for one TK

Over a week later and I still have yet to be told how long my ban is for, or whether there will be any chance of it being lifted. Come on admins, at least let me know!

Last edited by Rock DJ (2023-10-31 20:44:07)


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#23 2023-10-31 20:44:51

Rock DJ
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Re: Instabanned for one TK

Sunshine wrote:
Rock DJ wrote:
Zatoichi wrote:

They already did, stop trying to play innocent.

They didn't though, I just want confirmation.

Evading a ban results in an extra long or a permanent ban.

How would you be able to prove that the person you suspect was me, is in fact me, if this person was under a different keyhash and/or IP address?


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#24 2023-11-19 22:06:38

Rock DJ
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Re: Instabanned for one TK

It's been a month now, can I get my ban lifted? I still have yet to be told how long my ban is even for...


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