#1 2023-10-13 11:32:43

Lightning Strike
United States
Reputation: +13
Location: Utah
Registered: 2020-02-19
Posts: 53
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Banned again...mines on the bridge at salerno

Really...a month ban for putting mines on the bridge at Salerno didnt shoot into the camp...Unu whoever that may be put on the ban...I can take my punishment like a man if I deserved this time not


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#2 2023-10-13 12:02:06

Reputation: +941
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Re: Banned again...mines on the bridge at salerno

Lightning Strike wrote:

Really...a month ban for putting mines on the bridge at Salerno didnt shoot into the camp...Unu whoever that may be put on the ban...I can take my punishment like a man if I deserved this time not

Hello Lightning Strike

First of all:

This post is based and answers facts.

This gentleman has already received endless kicks, bans and unfortunately several justified 4-week bans.

Now to the current case:

I would like to thank the gentleman named Lightning Strike for allowing SiMPLE to clearly see how credible this person is according to his own testimony.
- just putting mines on bridge?!
- didnt shoot into the camp?!
In the picture you can see the last second of the video where:
1. I was deadly hit and
2. the tank that was behind me drove over the/his mines in main base.

Here is the chat history of the scene just shown:

uNu = RaketenHorst
2023-10-13 11:27:37 :     # [Global] uNu: why mine our main?
2023-10-13 11:28:01 :     # [Global] uNu: really?
2023-10-13 11:28:04 :     # [Allies] Atamas: there r some idiots
2023-10-13 11:28:17 :     # [Global] Lightning Strike: why whats the problem with mines

Final remarks:

Its smarter to stick to the truth and also follow the rules in order to avoid further and longer bans.
Until then, I wish the "man" (one of his own words) all the best.

See you in 1942


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#3 2023-10-13 21:16:09

Lightning Strike
United States
Reputation: +13
Location: Utah
Registered: 2020-02-19
Posts: 53
Windows 10 Chrome 117.0

Re: Banned again...mines on the bridge at salerno

Well I guess I was caught! (Sarcastically) ....I never lied about anything I did put the mines on the bridge and yes I did shoot you on the bridge but I didn't shoot into the camp so were did my creditability go?  Please if you are going to spend the time to post all the video why try to make me look bad?  I have never had much of a problem with you just with Ana (who by the way did a nice thing for me the other day).  Would love an appeal and a promise of no more mines but if not I guess I will do my time...but please don't try to make me look like a liar or a cheat.  Just because people don't like my play doesn't make me the other...one last thing as well that you would put "man" in quotes is saying that I am something other then that for someone who knows nothing about me you are making some assumptions about me with that dig
Lightning Strike

Last edited by Lightning Strike (2023-10-13 21:46:04)


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