#1681 2023-06-25 11:51:39

John Gult
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Re: World War III

tuia wrote:

I agree it has some disgusting posts, because of uneducated persons like Insane and Alvarez-Latino, who seem to get satisfaction of harrasing and humiliating russians online.

It is truth.


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#1682 2023-06-25 15:27:21

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Re: World War III

tuia wrote:

To joint, Insane and all the ukrainian players, I hope you realize you are being used as cannon fodder by your jewish government. They don't care about human lives, they never did. The more blood and violence there is, the better to them. Ukraine has lost the battle and should surrender, but it won't until there are no soldiers left and thousands of lives have been lost, unfortunately.

This shitpost didn't age well, did it?
Just as any other post about "Ukraine has lost to the great russian 2nd army in the world". smile


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#1683 2023-06-25 16:46:27

Russian MadMax
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Re: World War III

Paul Baumer wrote:

In my opinion reopening this thread was a bad choice. We cannot allow ourselves to divide into groups of people who spread hate about each other again. Certain topics are not appropriate and not beneficial to this community.
This place is about playing bf1942, not about sharing your conspiracy theories or whatever arguing about war in Ukraine which will lead us to flame each other and hate each other.
In the name of SiMPLE community Tuia, please find a more appropriate place to spread your theories. And everyone else could do a little more and obstain from flaming, trolling and hating each other. Thank you

Main admin again said the base

Last edited by Russian MadMax (2023-06-25 16:47:15)


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#1684 2023-06-25 16:51:13

Russian MadMax
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Re: World War III

tuia wrote:
PooP wrote:

"SIMPLE is dying quickly now"... suddenly owner opens the most relevant and disgusting topic in many years, with a torch about jews which everybody got an opinion on - and we all follow like sheep's (including me).

Can you please be more clear? Are you suggesting that I've opened the topic, because I am worried "SIMPLE is dying quickly now"? I've opened it because today was a relevant day, a failed coup d'état was attempted in Russia. I agree it has some disgusting posts, because of uneducated persons like Insane and Alvarez-Latino, who seem to get satisfaction of harrasing and humiliating russians online.

Keyword - in internet


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#1685 2023-06-25 19:16:36

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Re: World War III

Reopening this BS and trash talking jews ?  Now they will bring that in game ect...

How low can you go Tuia ?


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#1686 2023-06-26 00:46:14

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Re: World War III

Paul Baumer wrote:

In my opinion reopening this thread was a bad choice. We cannot allow ourselves to divide into groups of people who spread hate about each other again. Certain topics are not appropriate and not beneficial to this community.
This place is about playing bf1942, not about sharing your conspiracy theories or whatever arguing about war in Ukraine which will lead us to flame each other and hate each other.
In the name of SiMPLE community Tuia, please find a more appropriate place to spread your theories. And everyone else could do a little more and obstain from flaming, trolling and hating each other. Thank you

you have to learn and get used to democracy and freedom of  speach.... even if it doesn't exist. just swallow it


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#1687 2023-06-30 14:48:31

John Gult
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Re: World War III

Image BBCode test

Image BBCode test

I wonder if Ukraine will dare to undermine the ZNPP in order to blame Russia for this?
(as they did with the Kakhovskaya HPP)

They already have a lot of news about this, they also invited Greta Thunberg.

Moreover, the counteroffensive did not live up to expectations, and the Ukrainians and the West urgently need a new show!


Интересно - решится ли Украина подорвать ЗАЭС, чтобы обвинить в этом Россию?
(как они сделали это с Каховской ГЭС)

Уж очень много у них новостей про это, ещё и Грету Тунберг пригласили.

Тем более что контрнаступ не оправдал ожиданий, и украинцам и Западу срочно необходимо новое шоу!


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#1688 2023-07-02 23:37:31

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Re: World War III

Good news everyone: CIA agent Prigojin is up to deputinization of Moskov.


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#1689 2023-07-04 08:14:19

John Gult
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Re: World War III

Spanish humor about the counteroffensive and Greta Thunberg (cruel but true):


Испанский юмор про контрнаступ и Грету Тунберг (жестоко, но точно):

Image BBCode test


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#1690 2023-07-04 21:24:02

Russian MadMax
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Re: World War III

joint wrote:

Good news everyone: CIA agent Prigojin is up to deputinization of Moskov.

Prigojin is a singer, when did he manage to become a tsrushnik? and when did he manage to organize a riot at all, with such big words as "deputiniz" this is his new form of touring?


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#1691 2023-07-04 21:25:31

Russian MadMax
Mad cuz bad
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Re: World War III

John Gult wrote:

https://i.postimg.cc/3NBnt5Z6/83-EA4-DE … BED9-D.png

https://i.postimg.cc/02zwW1Zw/9-FF6-C8- … 346-C7.png

I wonder if Ukraine will dare to undermine the ZNPP in order to blame Russia for this?
(as they did with the Kakhovskaya HPP)

They already have a lot of news about this, they also invited Greta Thunberg.

Moreover, the counteroffensive did not live up to expectations, and the Ukrainians and the West urgently need a new show!


Интересно - решится ли Украина подорвать ЗАЭС, чтобы обвинить в этом Россию?
(как они сделали это с Каховской ГЭС)

Уж очень много у них новостей про это, ещё и Грету Тунберг пригласили.

Тем более что контрнаступ не оправдал ожиданий, и украинцам и Западу срочно необходимо новое шоу!

эта Тунберг - полная дичь , она в 2018 году вообще говорила , что с учетом такой плохой экологии , человечество вымрет через 5 лет , похоже мы умерли , а все происходящее сон?


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#1692 2023-07-06 11:21:19

John Gult
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Registered: 2016-08-09
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Re: World War III

A very reasonable article by Elena Basile, former Italian ambassador to Sweden and Belgium 2013-2021, that the rulers of Ukraine are destroying their people for the sake of the interests of the West, IL Fatto Quotidiano (Italy):
https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/in-edi … i/7218271/
It's good that not only in Russia they understand this!

Here are short quotes from that article:
"If Ukraine had statesmen who care about the fate of their state, it would not be today as everyone sees it: a bankrupt country with destroyed cities and infrastructure, a country that the West artificially supports afloat and that sent 250 thousands of young people (I have rounded down) and is going to continue to send them to the slaughter, pandering to the desires of NATO.Washington and, unfortunately, all of Europe are using Kiev to implement a dangerous and insane strategy to defeat Russia and weaken the Putin regime. is the restoration of Western hegemony in relation to China and in the international arena, which calls into question the multipolar world."

"The show of Ukrainian nationalism was sad, but useful. For Kiev, victory, like in a football match, is the only goal it pursues, along with the dismemberment of "imperial" Russia, whose energy and mineral resources should be shared by the West, since this is good and right. I don't like the Ukrainian elite. I love the Ukrainian people. The US and the ruling classes of Europe are sacrificing children, young men, women and other citizens, pretending to satisfy the desire for freedom of the Ukrainian government. What ridiculous hypocrisy! Kiev is alive thanks to West, and you want us to believe that it is Ukraine that makes the decisions, not Washington?"

“I must say that once again I could not help but be indignant when I heard football metaphors from Dmytro Kuleba (the upcoming victory of Kiev is similar to the victory of Liverpool over Milan in the Champions League final), as if a military conflict is a game, and it is not entails the suffering of the people and the extermination of a whole generation of Ukrainians.The minister proceeds from fideistic theses based on faith, not knowledge, as if we are not in 2023, but still in the Middle Ages, when religious wars were fought.He is pleased with Western propaganda. Recent history cancelled. Russia's "unprovoked and unjustified" actions allegedly pose a threat of invasion by a new imperialist czar who would like to rule all of Europe, "up to Lisbon," as one reputable and sympathetic journalist repeated. Therefore, it is right that Ukrainians should die and suffer for his freedom and the freedom of Europe.Strange.If the minister really believed what he was saying, he would have found enough means to convince the members of the Alliance to enter the conflict, using NATO soldiers. If he cared about his people and his country, he could defend a reasonable position: the Ukrainian army is not ready to die for the freedom of Europe if the members of the EU and NATO do not confront the common danger together with Kiev.

"Unfortunately, he (Kuleba) is well aware that there is no threat to Europe and that there would be no conflict if his government defended a plan of action for the benefit of its people, which could be easily negotiated with Russia and the United States. Ukraine could be saved if:
- She insisted on rapprochement with Europe through free Western investment, open trade and serious reform of a very weak democratic system dominated by oligarchs and radical nationalist forces. The country needs reform in governance, education and healthcare.
- Agreed on neutrality secured by reliable international guarantees.
- Fulfilled the Minsk agreements and granted linguistic autonomy and equal status (you can still find speeches by Ukrainian presidents threatening to deprive Donbas residents of schools and pensions) of the regions that later became independent.
- Avoided the military penetration of the Anglo-Saxons into its territory, which could not but have consequences. Moscow saw this as a threat and always spoke directly about those needs that it considers essential for its security.

It is clearly stated who is to blame for the conflict and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

I will not comment, who is smart - he will understand. (I don't consider Insane and Joint as such)
I would very much like the majority of Ukrainians and Europeans to realize this.


Очень разумная статья Elena Basile, бывший посол Италии в Швеции и Бельгии 2013-2021, о том, что правители Украины уничтожают свой народ в угоду интересов Запада, IL Fatto Quotidiano (Italy):
Хорошо, что не только в России это понимают!

Вот краткие цитаты из этой статьи:
"Если бы у Украины были государственные деятели, которым небезразлична судьба своего государства, она не была бы сегодня такой, какой ее все видят: страной-банкротом с разрушенными городами и инфраструктурой, страной, которую искусственно поддерживает на плаву Запад и которая отправила на смерть 250 тысяч молодых людей (я округлила в меньшую сторону) и собирается продолжить посылать их на бойню, потворствуя желаниям НАТО. Вашингтон и, к сожалению, вся Европа используют Киев для реализации опасной и безумной стратегии, чтобы добиться поражения России и ослабления режима Путина. Конечной целью является восстановление гегемонии Запада по отношению к Китаю и на международной арене, что ставит под сомнение многополярный мир."

"Шоу украинского национализма было печальным, но полезным. Для Киева победа, как в футбольном матче, – это единственная цель, которую он преследует, наряду с расчленением "имперской" России, энергетические и минеральные ресурсы которой должны быть разделены Западом, поскольку это хорошо и правильно. Я не люблю украинскую элиту. Я люблю украинский народ. США и правящие классы Европы приносят в жертву детей, молодых парней, женщин и других граждан, делая вид, что они удовлетворяют стремление к свободе украинского правительства. Какое нелепое лицемерие! Киев жив благодаря Западу, и вы хотите, чтобы мы поверили, что это Украина принимает решения, а не Вашингтон?"

"Должна сказать, что я не могла в очередной раз не возмутиться, услышав от Дмитрия Кулебы футбольные метафоры (предстоящая победа Киева подобна победе "Ливерпуля" над "Миланом" в финале Лиги чемпионов), как будто военный конфликт – это игра, и он не влечет за собой страдания народа и истребление целого поколения украинцев. Министр исходит из фидеистических тезисов, основанных на вере, а не на знаниях, как будто мы не в 2023 году, а все еще в Средневековье, когда велись религиозные войны. Он доволен западной пропагандой. Новейшая история отменена. "Неспровоцированные и неоправданные" действия России якобы представляют собой угрозу вторжения нового империалистического царя, который хотел бы править всей Европой, "вплоть до Лиссабона", как повторил один авторитетный и симпатичный журналист. Поэтому правильно, что украинцы должны умирать и страдать за свою свободу и свободу Европы. Странно. Если бы министр действительно верил в то, что говорит, он нашел бы достаточно средств, чтобы убедить членов Альянса вступить в конфликт, задействовав солдат НАТО. Если бы он заботился о своем народе и своей стране, он мог бы отстаивать разумную позицию: украинская армия не готова умереть за свободу Европы, если члены ЕС и НАТО не будут противостоять общей опасности вместе с Киевом."

"К сожалению, он (Кулеба) прекрасно понимает, что никакой угрозы для Европы не существует и что конфликта не было бы, если бы его правительство отстаивало план действий на благо своего народа, о котором можно было бы легко договориться с Россией и США. Украину можно было спасти, если бы:
- Она настояла на сближении с Европой через свободные западные инвестиции, открытость торговли и серьезное реформирование очень слабого демократического строя, в котором господствуют олигархи и радикальные националистические силы. Страна нуждается в реформе управления, образования и здравоохранения.
- Договорилась о нейтралитете, обеспеченном надежными международными гарантиями.
- Выполнила Минские соглашения и предоставила языковую автономию и равный статус (до сих пор можно найти речи украинских президентов, угрожавших лишить школ и пенсий жителей Донбасса) регионам, которые позже стали независимыми.
- Избежала военного проникновения англосаксов на свою территорию, что не могло не иметь последствий. Москва видела в этом угрозу и всегда прямо говорила о тех потребностях, которые она считает существенными для своей безопасности."

Чётко сказано, кто виновен в конфликте и в гибели сотен тысяч человек.

Комментировать не буду, кто умный – тот поймёт. (Insane и Joint я таковыми не считаю)
Очень бы хотелось, чтобы большинство украинцев и европейцев это осознало.


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#1693 2023-07-06 22:36:53

Gulag guard
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Re: World War III

John Gult wrote:

Spanish humor about the counteroffensive and Greta Thunberg (cruel but true):


Испанский юмор про контрнаступ и Грету Тунберг (жестоко, но точно):

https://i.postimg.cc/HWFZ00DK/0977-E965 … CC5519.jpg

We are making fun only about Greta, as for the counterofffensive we are providing ammo and war vehicles to send Putin dogs to Saint Peter as soon as posible.

How is it to live in a giant place were somebody with his private army can take control over your towns and cities in a matter of days without resistance? DAYS i´ve asked.


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#1694 2023-07-06 23:40:30

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Re: World War III

Again John Gault's patriotism goes as far as his keyboard, spouting hate. If you truly want to defend your country, why not volunteer to go the frontline?


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#1695 2023-07-07 01:01:23

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Re: World War III

Maj-ID10T wrote:

Again John Gault's patriotism goes as far as his keyboard, spouting hate. If you truly want to defend your country, why not volunteer to go the frontline?

Likely sooner than he realizes,
I love the irony when filthy state lie dispensing vatniks get mobilized then get BONK'D by Ukr heroes.


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#1696 2023-07-07 01:03:08

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Re: World War III

Btw tuia if you really look it up, majority of the people in those pictures aren't practicing Jews at all.


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#1697 2023-07-07 08:49:44

John Gult
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Re: World War III

Zwarrior wrote:

We are making fun only about Greta, as for the counterofffensive we are providing ammo and war vehicles to send Putin dogs to Saint Peter as soon as posible.

The provision of ammunition and military vehicles by the West leads to the following:
1. disposal of old trash for a lot of money (some Western dealers make very good money on this, and Ukrainian ones too)
2. the launch of the Western military industry to the detriment of social costs (Western businessmen earn money on this, and ordinary people get poorer)
3. the death of a large number of Ukrainians (if Western weapons were not transferred to Ukraine, there would have been peace for a long time and there would have been no deaths)

Thus, the transfer of ammunition and military vehicles by the West to Ukraine leads to the enrichment of Western and Ukrainian businessmen, to the deterioration of the standard of living of Western citizens, and to the mass death of Ukrainians.

Are you proud of it, and are you happy about it?

Therefore, Ukrainians do not need to ask for weapons (weapons will lead to even more deaths, and the complete destruction of Ukraine), but they need to think how to establish peace.


Предоставление Западом боеприпасов и военных машин приводит к следующему:
1. утилизация старого хлама за большие деньги (некоторые западные дельцы очень хорошо зарабатывают на этом, да и украинские тоже)
2. запуск западной военной промышленности в ущерб социальным затратам (западные дельцы на этом зарабатывают, а обычные люди беднеют)
3. гибель большого количества украинцев (если бы западное оружие не передавали Украине, давно был бы мир и не было бы смертей)

Таким образом, передача Западом на Украину боеприпасов и военных машин приводит к обогащению западных и украинских дельцов, к ухудшению уровня жизни западных граждан, и к массовой гибели украинцев.

Ты именно этим гордишься, и этому радуешься?

Поэтому украинцам не оружие надо просить (оружие приведёт к ещё большим смертям, и полному уничтожению Украины), а надо думать - как установить мир.

Zwarrior wrote:

How is it to live in a giant place were somebody with his private army can take control over your towns and cities in a matter of days without resistance? DAYS i´ve asked.

Ukrainians should be glad that this private army failed to take power into its own hands. If this happened, Ukraine would be wiped off the face of the planet just as harshly as the West dealt with Yugoslavia or Iraq. And Putin pities Ukraine and Ukrainians, acting quite softly.


Украинцы должны радоваться, что эта частная армия не смогла взять власть в свои руки. Если бы это случилось, Украину бы стерли с лица планеты так же жестко, как Запад поступил с Югославией или Ираком. А Путин жалеет Украину и украинцев, действуя достаточно мягко.

Last edited by John Gult (2023-07-07 09:09:10)


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#1698 2023-07-08 05:58:30

Reputation: +395
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Re: World War III

John Gult wrote:

Spanish humor about the counteroffensive and Greta Thunberg (cruel but true):


Испанский юмор про контрнаступ и Грету Тунберг (жестоко, но точно):

https://i.postimg.cc/HWFZ00DK/0977-E965 … CC5519.jpg

Greta after a week in Russia


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#1699 2023-07-08 07:44:33

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Re: World War III

Zwarrior wrote:

We are making fun only about Greta, as for the counterofffensive we are providing ammo and war vehicles to send Putin dogs to Saint Peter as soon as posible.

Do not restrain yourself, now political correctness does not work with Russians, so you can be honest - you provide Ukrainians with ammunition and equipment in order to kill as many Russians as possible. Well, the fact that even more Ukrainians are dying at the same time is just a nice bonus for the West.


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#1700 2023-07-08 08:46:51

John Gult
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Registered: 2016-08-09
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Re: World War III

+Dima+ wrote:
Zwarrior wrote:

We are making fun only about Greta, as for the counterofffensive we are providing ammo and war vehicles to send Putin dogs to Saint Peter as soon as posible.

Do not restrain yourself, now political correctness does not work with Russians, so you can be honest - you provide Ukrainians with ammunition and equipment in order to kill as many Russians as possible. Well, the fact that even more Ukrainians are dying at the same time is just a nice bonus for the West.

Image BBCode test

Ukrainian propaganda says that the losses of the Russians are 5.3 times greater than those of the Ukrainians, and they believe in this, and continue to go to the slaughter. Just like in Selma Lagerlöf's fairy tale "Nils Holgersson's amazing journey with wild geese around Sweden", where hordes of rats followed Niels' magic pipe and drowned.


Украинская пропаганда рассказывает, что потери россиян в 5,3 раза больше, чем у украинцев, и украинцы в это верят, и продолжают идти на убой. Прямо как в сказке Сельмы Лагерлёф «Удивительное путешествие Нильса Хольгерссона с дикими гусями по Швеции», где полчища крыс пошли за волшебной дудочкой Нильса, и утонули.


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#1701 2023-07-09 11:47:47

disciple of Jeff
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Re: World War III




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#1702 2023-07-10 09:25:47

John Gult
Reputation: -11
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Registered: 2016-08-09
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Re: World War III

Image BBCode test

Maybe this is the reason for the decisions that led to the massacre in Ukraine?


Может именно в этом причина решений, которые привели к бойне на Украине?


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#1703 2023-07-10 18:15:14

Gulag guard
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Re: World War III

John Gult wrote:

https://i.postimg.cc/85k3vcKG/8617-D3-E … -F4-FF.jpg

Maybe this is the reason for the decisions that led to the massacre in Ukraine?


Может именно в этом причина решений, которые привели к бойне на Украине?

Have something in mind, he is defending his country against those who crossed a border killing a lot of people (civillians) and ofcourse he might take wrong decitions because he was a comedian. He is doing the best he can for his people, he and the Ukrainian army  has demostrated that Russia is no more the second greatest army on Earth, very nice for a comedian i should say.


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#1704 2023-07-10 18:59:52

Reputation: +558
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Re: World War III

Here's a nice little pro russian channel  for those who want to take a look at the other side of the coin


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#1705 2023-07-13 03:00:25

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Re: World War III

simon wrote:

Here's a nice little pro russian channel  for those who want to take a look at the other side of the coin

Is it NameleSS ...?


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#1706 2023-07-13 05:27:01

John Gult
Reputation: -11
Location: Russia, Crimea
Registered: 2016-08-09
Posts: 249
iOS Safari 15.6

Re: World War III

Zwarrior wrote:
John Gult wrote:

https://i.postimg.cc/85k3vcKG/8617-D3-E … -F4-FF.jpg

Maybe this is the reason for the decisions that led to the massacre in Ukraine?


Может именно в этом причина решений, которые привели к бойне на Украине?

Have something in mind, he is defending his country against those who crossed a border killing a lot of people (civillians) and ofcourse he might take wrong decitions because he was a comedian. He is doing the best he can for his people, he and the Ukrainian army  has demostrated that Russia is no more the second greatest army on Earth, very nice for a comedian i should say.

Image BBCode test

"It's time to reconsider our views on the mental abilities of the President of Ukraine" - German edition of Handelsblatt.

Everyone is already openly laughing and humiliating Zelensky, everyone is tired of the beggar!


«Самое время пересмотреть наши взгляды об умственных способностях президента Украины» - немецкое издание Handelsblatt.

Уже все открыто смеются и унижают Зеленского, попрошайка всем надоел!


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#1707 2023-07-16 20:03:23

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Re: World War III

John Gult wrote:
Zwarrior wrote:
John Gult wrote:

https://i.postimg.cc/85k3vcKG/8617-D3-E … -F4-FF.jpg

Maybe this is the reason for the decisions that led to the massacre in Ukraine?


Может именно в этом причина решений, которые привели к бойне на Украине?

Have something in mind, he is defending his country against those who crossed a border killing a lot of people (civillians) and ofcourse he might take wrong decitions because he was a comedian. He is doing the best he can for his people, he and the Ukrainian army  has demostrated that Russia is no more the second greatest army on Earth, very nice for a comedian i should say.

https://i.postimg.cc/pL1HycJR/F53-A2-A6 … 134-F8.jpg

"It's time to reconsider our views on the mental abilities of the President of Ukraine" - German edition of Handelsblatt.

Everyone is already openly laughing and humiliating Zelensky, everyone is tired of the beggar!


«Самое время пересмотреть наши взгляды об умственных способностях президента Украины» - немецкое издание Handelsblatt.

Уже все открыто смеются и унижают Зеленского, попрошайка всем надоел!




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#1708 2023-07-17 17:54:37

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Re: World War III


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#1709 2023-07-18 07:23:15

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Re: World War III

Dakota wrote:

Reopening this BS and trash talking jews ?  Now they will bring that in game ect...

How low can you go Tuia ?



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#1710 2023-07-18 10:53:10

Reputation: +1842
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Re: World War III

bud wrote:

now it will never end.


posted 2022-05-21 07:15:06

Last edited by bud (2023-07-18 10:54:38)


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