#1 2023-06-15 19:40:35

Russian MadMax
Mad cuz bad
Reputation: +96
Registered: 2022-03-09
Posts: 768
iOS Safari 16.1

Day bf

Today now since 20:00 msk time start bf server play Russian server waitin ppls!!! Now have 17 ppls
Join guys

Last edited by Russian MadMax (2023-06-15 19:57:38)


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#2 2023-06-16 02:30:02

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Re: Day bf

russian server are very popular good luck!


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#3 2023-06-16 12:26:02

Russian MadMax
Mad cuz bad
Reputation: +96
Registered: 2022-03-09
Posts: 768
Windows 10 Chrome 109.0

Re: Day bf

Thanks, yesterday there were 20 people came ziba , tuesday, krazy8, hacbard , hacbard liked the reg on this server and he was very happy and said that there reg was better than simples

Last edited by Russian MadMax (2023-06-16 12:32:47)


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#4 2023-06-16 18:07:15

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Android Chrome 114.0

Re: Day bf

aphrodie wrote:

Thanks, yesterday there were 20 people came ziba , tuesday, krazy8, hacbard , hacbard liked the reg on this server and he was very happy and said that there reg was better than simples

So.. if you are already advertising on SiMPLE for another server without being asked, then you should probably not write how shitty SiMPLE is.

Apart from that .. in 10vs10 the server behavior is different than in 20vs20, 30vs30, 40vs40,...


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#5 2023-06-16 18:44:50

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Location: Colonia
Registered: 2022-12-13
Posts: 27
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Re: Day bf

I would appreciate if u let me out of this aphrodie. People could missunderstand this. I said that the regs feel good on the server and they were constant for me for all the 4 maps i played. Something i rarely have on simple for what ever reasons there are. But i said not a single bad word about the simple server. I like simple a lot!


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#6 2023-06-16 23:53:01

Reputation: +11
Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 182
Windows 10 Opera 99.0

Re: Day bf

Oh.. I missed these and the second topic before hmm

aphrodie, you act sort of unfriendly to SiMPLE. Stop it please smile
I playing here time to time since NBN off, and I like that server.

Servers and is mine, and I don't trying replace SiMPLE or reborn NBN/Netorn. We just play with our discord group there ocasionnaly.  If someone want join to game -- welcome, but no need to call people right from here, as well as made weird announcements I think.

P.S. Heh, I even remember Tuia on NBN, ah.. so long time ago.


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#7 2023-06-17 00:02:02

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Re: Day bf

Telrin wrote:

P.S. Heh, I even remember Tuia on NBN, ah.. so long time ago.

You do?! I don't think i ever used this nickname, while playing BF1942, except for a few times. I used to play with my real name, back then.

aphrodie, you can write and advertise whatever you want, there is no harm done.


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#8 2023-06-17 00:27:28

Reputation: +11
Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 182
Android Chrome 107.0

Re: Day bf

tuia wrote:

You do?! I don't think i ever used this nickname, while playing BF1942, except for a few times.

Hm.. Well, maybe it's just fake memories about old days. Anyway, glad we all still able to play here


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#9 2023-06-17 03:37:53

Russian MadMax
Mad cuz bad
Reputation: +96
Registered: 2022-03-09
Posts: 768
iOS Safari 16.1

Re: Day bf

RaketenHorst wrote:
aphrodie wrote:

Thanks, yesterday there were 20 people came ziba , tuesday, krazy8, hacbard , hacbard liked the reg on this server and he was very happy and said that there reg was better than simples

So.. if you are already advertising on SiMPLE for another server without being asked, then you should probably not write how shitty SiMPLE is.

Apart from that .. in 10vs10 the server behavior is different than in 20vs20, 30vs30, 40vs40,...

Yes, they are really different and I noticed it on this server. Is it forbidden to declare new servers? Monopolization?…Privatization?…Or are you yourself unfriendly to people who invest in this God-forsaken game and create new servers to attract attention to this game? I would not call the regs ideal on that server, I will monitor this, but you better listen to the indignant players about the regs on the simple, I'm sure you and your colleagues are professionals, and you can fix it, we have nothing to do with the role of clients, and you are professional workers to whom we turn.


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#10 2023-06-17 03:39:29

Russian MadMax
Mad cuz bad
Reputation: +96
Registered: 2022-03-09
Posts: 768
iOS Safari 16.1

Re: Day bf

hacbard84 wrote:

I would appreciate if u let me out of this aphrodie. People could missunderstand this. I said that the regs feel good on the server and they were constant for me for all the 4 maps i played. Something i rarely have on simple for what ever reasons there are. But i said not a single bad word about the simple server. I like simple a lot!

I hope it's okay, and it won't affect your reputation, I'm sure SMART people respond adequately to ADEQUATE and FACTUAL criticism)
"Regi is not much better than there" is there anything humiliating about simple? This is just a relative judgment.

Last edited by Russian MadMax (2023-06-17 04:03:13)


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#11 2023-06-17 03:40:30

Russian MadMax
Mad cuz bad
Reputation: +96
Registered: 2022-03-09
Posts: 768
iOS Safari 16.1

Re: Day bf

tuia wrote:
Telrin wrote:

P.S. Heh, I even remember Tuia on NBN, ah.. so long time ago.

You do?! I don't think i ever used this nickname, while playing BF1942, except for a few times. I used to play with my real name, back then.

aphrodie, you can write and advertise whatever you want, there is no harm done.

Thank you, you are a leader by right!
You are an impeccable employer and calmly react to innovations, even in your server, I have been here for a long time, and I observe how you calmly and coolly react to everything that happens and win everywhere (leaders are usually accurate, unemotional and restrained) some react too emotionally and aggressively (and I do not condemn or displease about this in any way, people are different and characters are different) in the end, this is just a electronic format of communication and there are no personal underscores.

Last edited by Russian MadMax (2023-06-17 03:51:27)


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#12 2023-06-17 03:55:49

Russian MadMax
Mad cuz bad
Reputation: +96
Registered: 2022-03-09
Posts: 768
iOS Safari 16.1

Re: Day bf

Telrin wrote:

Oh.. I missed these and the second topic before hmm

aphrodie, you act sort of unfriendly to SiMPLE. Stop it please smile
I playing here time to time since NBN off, and I like that server.

Servers and is mine, and I don't trying replace SiMPLE or reborn NBN/Netorn. We just play with our discord group there ocasionnaly.  If someone want join to game -- welcome, but no need to call people right from here, as well as made weird announcements I think.

P.S. Heh, I even remember Tuia on NBN, ah.. so long time ago.

If I hated simple, I probably wouldn't play here with love, I come here to my friends to relax and have fun (and regi is trying to interfere with me in this, hehe, what can do? Live further)) The regs are indirect, I would never hate simple because of them.
And the game itself is to some extent indirect…

Last edited by Russian MadMax (2023-06-17 03:59:23)


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