#1 2023-06-12 01:35:35

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Maj. Merlin #1

He has free reign to say whatever he wants? We can't respond? How does it work?



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#2 2023-06-12 08:59:05

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

To be fair, he already have been punished for some of those you posted.
Of course it isnt tolerable, appropriate respond would be to keep reporting, not to take matters into your own hands pls.


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#3 2023-06-12 13:14:32

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

To be fair,he has often NOT been punished for offences posted against him,even with video or screenshots.
And yes,seen the amount of insults this kid spews,you tolerate it, but will only punish others if they take matters into their own hands.
Reporting?  Check my posts and the action taken on it. Check many others too,same result: Maj.Fckface is still here.
None of the admins has taken the correct decision again,stop acting like liberal lapdogs and posting excuses for this dweeb.

The admin team should bake him a cake on his 100th ban   which will be soon I guess.


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#4 2023-06-12 14:13:18

L0rd Waggachugga
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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

I was playing yesterday, for the first time in a few months. Was immediately met with accusations about cheating from my good friend Merlin.

Just kill him, in the lamest way while he's in the b17.


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#5 2023-06-12 16:01:37

Russian MadMax
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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

let him shit with anyone, whenever and wherever, I personally don’t care about attacks on me, I don’t react, or I can, but not a word about religion, there is still a basic rule: “in a game without politics, religion ...”


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#6 2023-06-12 16:27:03

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

L0rd Waggachugga wrote:

Was immediately met with accusations about cheating from my good friend Merlin..

Same, joined for first time after a day and was accused of cheating/targeting with the Lop's guys, astonished. There's a rule about hack/cheat accusations in chat, or i'm wrong?


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#7 2023-06-12 16:36:50

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

Ok dudes, I got the message. Will be more attentive towards him and in case he oversteps and I dont miss this chat message he will get some.


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#8 2023-06-12 17:00:30

Black Mamba
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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

Maybe some permanent reflexion time would be a better idea here.


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#9 2023-06-12 23:28:17

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

Arp273 wrote:

To be fair, he already have been punished for some of those you posted.
Of course it isnt tolerable, appropriate respond would be to keep reporting, not to take matters into your own hands pls.

I usually don't take screenshots because I know it's futile, those few probably exist because "Alfred" told me to do atm.
The problem is not the constant insults and hackusations (tho I think saying that he would find my house and destroy it it's crossing a line) but the unfairness of the biased trait he gets here, EVERYTIME I kill him he says something others players would be atleast warned for. But if you respond then you have to read "just ignore him", "don't start" from admins.
I just want a fair playground, if someone was allowed to baserape I would ask for the same, punish him or remove the rule altogether.

Most admins are just tired of him, I understand that, is the reason why I don't ask anything on the server.  That's why the thread is numbered, we will see "next time".


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#10 2023-06-13 00:09:07

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

Arp273 wrote:

To be fair, he already have been punished for some of those you posted.
Of course it isnt tolerable, appropriate respond would be to keep reporting, not to take matters into your own hands pls.

I don't know how hard it is for the whole team of administrators to grab the text log (of the day you prefer) and filter by his nickname to see the crap he says every day of the year.

None of us are asking for a permanent ban, because we don't want anyone to be banned, just set a limit and keep to the rules, otherwise your whole team will lose credibility.

I can't believe how you can't handle such a very simple case.

Last edited by S.E.L.F (2023-06-13 00:09:39)


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#11 2023-06-13 00:22:27

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

Darcano, all you wrote is understandable.
Rules are sames for all, report here, on discord or ingame and we will act if we around/see chat

Again pls, dont broke rules yourself, it is bad buisness for you, or for SELF. For exemple fakenicking merlin or tk me on purpose when i wear random nick, then come here talk about credibility..


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#12 2023-06-13 01:04:11

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

I've joined fakenicking yesterday (for a chill and less chatty game), yet, he knows by ping who is who, YET he dare to say "use ur real nick" lmao wtf?, who the hell is him to intercept players in such bullshit manner?
After that he flooded the chat with conspiracy theories about Arg players gathering on discord with Lop to sabotage his gameplay, for real?

We're tired of not having a serious feedback about him, for me if u read all the reports against him it portraits a troll, imo.

And again, i've used forum, discord and PM directly to head admins... and the guy still misbehave.

Is up to you guys.


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#13 2023-06-13 01:08:47

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

Arp273 wrote:

Darcano, all you wrote is understandable.
Rules are sames for all, report here, on discord or ingame and we will act if we around/see chat

Again pls, dont broke rules yourself, it is bad buisness for you, or for SELF. For exemple fakenicking merlin or tk me on purpose when i wear random nick, then come here talk about credibility..

My "shoes" are too worn out to piss on someone, I rarely change my nickname...It seems that everyone knows that but you.

So, you have to be very sure about the things you are saying, make sure you have not made a mistake before judging me because you are opening an accusation in a topic that was opened for another player.

Do not make this show just to defend Merlin.


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#14 2023-06-13 02:15:14

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

I know that SELF, I was fakenicking.
You was the one trying to make me tk by moving in front of the AA I was using, then it was your buddy Evilahm who tked knife me, I just checked and i mixed you both indeed :3 Few last seconds of coral map some times ago, no merlin involved, ring a bell?
Those are fact of the past, i dont mind.

Beleve it or not, Merlin is kicked/banned for such as posted above and i keep saying it isnt tolerable, but this works both way guys, rules are for all.

Last edited by Arp273 (2023-06-13 02:19:25)


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#15 2023-06-13 16:03:55

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

Arp273 wrote:

Those are fact of the past, i dont mind.

Yes, you mind, for some reason you are magnifying a past mischief that "we already cleared it in the server itself" and I thanked you for what you did. So... that you bring that up now, even made me think of making a joke about nationalities, but I will leave it at that.

The rest of what you said (about fakenicking merlin) is not true under any circumstances.

Arp273 wrote:

Beleve it or not, Merlin is kicked/banned for such as posted above and i keep saying it isnt tolerable, but this works both way guys, rules are for all.

I think it is good that you inform when a punishment is given to a player, so that those who denounce are aware that they were heard.


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#16 2023-06-13 16:44:18

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

S.E.L.F wrote:

The rest of what you said (about fakenicking merlin) is not true under any circumstances.

The fakenick part was not intentended to you Self, surely I could have made my sentense clearer.
I understand this past event dont seem releavant to you, I was only reminding it because I find it hard to ignore the same night Darcano created this thread, he, evialahm and another dude were all wearing the nicks "Merlin fukers" in server.
Then I see here innocents lessons about credibility, it is absurd really. I mean...

S.E.L.F wrote:

I think it is good that you inform when a punishment is given to a player, so that those who denounce are aware that they were heard.

That is true if you dont know your reports have consequences, it can only renforce injustice feelings.
Rest assured we have no desire to protect Merlin in any way, nor anyone else for that matter.


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#17 2023-06-13 21:05:48

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

The last 3 maps smile


Again, is up to you guys.


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#18 2023-06-13 22:19:38

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

Arp273 wrote:

The fakenick part was not intentended to you Self, surely I could have made my sentense clearer.

Just because we may be fellow Spanish speakers does not mean that we are responsible for each other's actions.

Arp273 wrote:

I understand this past event dont seem releavant to you, I was only reminding it because I find it hard to ignore the same night Darcano created this thread, he, evialahm and another dude were all wearing the nicks "Merlin fukers" in server.
Then I see here innocents lessons about credibility, it is absurd really. I mean...

If you could identify them in the past you had the capacity to sanction them. Now if you mention a case that went unpunished and has been proven by you, why that was ignored?. In the same way that we tell you to put a brake on Merlin, it is not to remove him from the game for 3 months, but to help him to control himself.

Arp273 wrote:

That is true if you dont know your reports have consequences, it can only renforce injustice feelings.
Rest assured we have no desire to protect Merlin in any way, nor anyone else for that matter.

No one is saying that there are no consequences, but it gives the feeling from this place that you never come to a conclusion, and that feeds the sense of injustice.

I admire that you as administrators listen and allow the opinion of what we say here, in Europe, since in our own continent (America) the people of Moongamers do not respect our opinion, do not admit criticisms, close the topics as if they were monarchs.
We would like to see the administrators identify themselves within the server as Rose does. If she wasn't on our schedules it would be chaos.


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#19 2023-06-13 22:41:23

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#20 2023-06-13 22:57:50

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

Arp273 wrote:

Then I see here innocents lessons about credibility, it is absurd really. I mean...

He said "fucer" to me so I saw fittin using that nickname. This is what I'm talking about. If no action is taken I atleast want to "defend" myself.

Arp273 wrote:

Again pls, dont broke rules yourself, it is bad buisness for you, or for SELF. For exemple fakenicking merlin or tk me on purpose when i wear random nick, then come here talk about credibility..

Being from the same country does not make us the same person. Unless you were tking I never tked you.

Last edited by Darcano (2023-06-13 23:07:24)


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#21 2023-06-13 23:05:19

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

Arp273, don't mess with the argentinians. They will gang up on you.


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#22 2023-06-13 23:27:27

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

tuia wrote:

Maj. MerliN at times is really pushing his luck in the server, but these chat messages do not warrant a ban. A warning and maybe a kick for that.

Im sticking at this:

I have tons of screenshots of recents weeks/months, but im not gonna flood Darcano's thread or mine with them, its more easy typing "Maj. Merlin" to see the logs and there you go. He talks freely w/o warns or kicks, can freely accuse you of hacks, cheats or disrespect your entire culture and ancestors because you stepped in the B17 first.


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#23 2023-06-13 23:43:16

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

I have no dog in this fight, but all these guys complaining about Merlin need to re polish thier halos. I was playing same time as SELF and saw 3 of the Argentine gang using Nicks of Merlin's name. These guys remind me of the bullies in school who taunted challenged kids to get them riled up, then when the teachers came  (  A.K. Rose or Hilly)   they suddenly  shut up, become saints and said he started it. I have seen people throw nade's at Merlin's landing gear to damage the plane, seen intentional crashing into, just to provoke a tirade....... so why don't you all stop this BS and just play the game..   I will now probably have the squad after me, but I don't give a sh..t, this game is not my life like some others :-)

Last edited by Maj-ID10T (2023-06-13 23:46:32)


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#24 2023-06-13 23:43:25

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

tuia wrote:

Maj. MerliN at times is really pushing his luck in the server, but these chat messages do not warrant a ban. A warning and maybe a kick for that.

You do not need the screenshots. Takes any text log from the server to see the crap he says.  You will probably find more than 100 insults in a week.

tuia wrote:

Arp273, don't mess with the argentinians. They will gang up on you.

Sure, a conspiratorial gang are behind this whole thing. We sell tons of "ping" in case someone wants to buy.


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#25 2023-06-14 00:22:28

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

In my opinion, you are making a storm in a teacup. I've played sometimes with Maj.MerliN, he can be annoying and spam the chat with his long-winded texts, but i've never witnessed him disrupt any time.


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#26 2023-06-14 00:27:39

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

Maj-ID10T wrote:

I was playing same time as SELF and saw 3 of the Argentine gang using Nicks of Merlin's name

Names / Nicks?

Maj-ID10T wrote:

I have seen people throw nade's at Merlin's landing gear to damage the plane, seen intentional crashing into, just to provoke a tirade.......

"people" lol, not so objective at all. Dont point fingers at us in vain, if you have proofs of us disrupting him, bring some pls; we dont tk him, at least me (if i do, its no on purpose, shit happens and i apologize).

Maj-ID10T wrote:

this game is not my life like some others :-)

Yea, we saw...

Last edited by Alfred (2023-06-14 00:28:45)


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#27 2023-06-14 01:01:20

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

tuia wrote:

In my opinion, you are making a storm in a teacup. I've played sometimes with Maj.MerliN, he can be annoying and spam the chat with his long-winded texts, but i've never witnessed him disrupt any time.

And you are sailing on a sea of evidence telling me that you never witnessed anything, while having the server in the palm of your hand along with all the tools, backgrounds, histories of a person who does not stop repeating his mistakes. 

https://team-simple.org/forum/search.ph … user_id=55

The information is used to step on opinions.


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#28 2023-06-14 18:30:51

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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

+25000 reputation for SELF.
Admins denying all the evidence is a smack in the face for players that do behave like they should in company online.

Get to baking his celebratory bancake Tuia......and keep turning the blindeye,I am sure you will get a pleading PM from these plonkers as they do when they get banned ......again.
I play for fun,not to tend to ego's like Mer(de)lins.

Greetings from another server where admins are fair to all or at least try to be so.


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#29 2023-06-15 10:15:49

Paul Baumer
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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

We handle all reports and in majority of cases we take action, being it keepin an eye on the player, having a private talk with him or sanctioning the player with a time off via ban. We do not always notify or report back about sanctions for each case but it doesn't mean we ignore reports, close our eyes on disruptions or cover someone. I believe fact that we take care or 99% of reports  is so obvious that there is no need to even tell that to players who report that we took action, also because result of our work is pretty damn visible on server and we'd expect players to learn to trust our decisions and judgements. Merlin knows what to expect when he crosses the line and same about any other player so I don't see why all these complains about our blindness and lack of fairness. Those who expect us to ban Merlin with long bans for each insult he says but at the same time flame him on forum and provoke him in game should not be complaining about us not being fair. Our fairness applies to everyone and same about our rules.


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#30 2023-06-15 10:18:41

Paul Baumer
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Re: Maj. Merlin #1

tuia wrote:

Arp273, don't mess with the argentinians. They will gang up on you.

I wouldn't advise anyone to mess with our best admins for no reason.


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