#1 2023-05-27 14:56:57

Paul Baumer
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SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

https://team-simple.org/forum/viewtopic … 31#p187131
Please comment with your feedback below if you like to participate and describe your experience during blind test and whether it was different compared to your regular gameplay on SiMPLE. That will help us to find out optimal settings and solutions for the server, cheers!

Which day did you feel a better hit registration?

  1. Saturday
  2. Sunday
  3. No difference whatsoever
Total votes: 21

Poll is closed


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#61 2023-06-13 23:03:23

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

Only one person got it right. The correct answer was Sunday.


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#62 2023-06-13 23:20:54

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

tuia wrote:
simon wrote:
tuia wrote:

You will be surprised with the results. smile


Talking about delusional:

simon wrote:

I have this clip that proves the mod, in one team you get critical damage even when nobody is around to shoot you. In the other team it is very easy to play at the same time. Just look:


Welcome to Battlefield 1942, simon. Press "K" key to chat. That is just Battlefield 1942 buggy physics, you get damage from going down the stairs.

Why do I have to babysit you, estonian brothers? You come up with all these weird theories. you are already grown men, i don't have to answer all your why questions. Just a friendly reminder, do not forget to reload the gun if the server is not regging.

Tuia, your answer proves that either you are hardcore trolling, or you seriously lack experience in this game.
Stair damage you might get in bf42 is same as fall damage, nothing to do with bugs. My video is neither of those.
That's why you keep adding these dumb mods because you can't tell the difference yourself.

Last edited by simon (2023-06-13 23:23:45)


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#63 2023-06-13 23:33:29

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

Do you seriously think that damage was because of a patch added to the server? Maybe, but just maybe, it is because of Battlefield 1942 buggy physics. I can assure you no patch was added that messes up with damage or hit registrtation, besides the fire deviation and the Hz increment patches, which are both disabled, now. Running an unpatched server you will experience the same issues, sooner or later.


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#64 2023-06-13 23:45:06

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

Buggy physics yes, but in a certain way. Every older player knows how and what is buggy.
What's been happening on simple lately is new. I know the "issues" and I know when something else is causing them.
If you run down those stairs the same way every time, you're not going to get damage 2 times out of 1000. The result is always the same


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#65 2023-06-14 00:15:19

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

Just exactly what's been happening on SiMPLE lately? The team theory you came up is ludicrous. Do you really fathom a team any player chooses to play has any advantage in hits? What is the next theory?


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#66 2023-06-14 00:36:32

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

Nothing. It is all preposterous. Ask bud, I'm sure that pro player will give you better feedback on your miracle mods


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#67 2023-06-14 00:40:18

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

The buggy experience has been amplified. More bugs, but on the other side hit registration on places where it shouldn't register. Too many unintentional kills that don't even feel like you deserved it. Something's messed up. I've already tried explaining it under other topics, feels like my packets are sped up and then slowed down, extremely inconsistent.
These 2 videos i made are not normal, you could never get such videos a few years back, both no reg and reg clips are unnatural -


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#68 2023-06-14 01:10:44

Russian MadMax
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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

After 1, sometimes even 2 reconnects, the regs fall into place, though not for long, for me, but if a person runs sideways, he is in any case immortal with my regs, like you in jumping.


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#69 2023-06-14 01:32:39

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

ABAS wrote:

server is weird, its either hits like 4 5 headshots after each other


or i cant hit even a standing target at all, if someone hits me its waay harder to hit him back even comparing to before


This is exactly how it is, crazy good or crazy bad. If the server quality was shit it would just be bad and for everyone, but it feels like it's rotating and you have to wait for your turn to reg lol


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#70 2023-06-15 09:22:25

Paul Baumer
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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

How can there even be a "correct" answer if we took a blind test without knowing what exactly is being tested and on which of the two days it would be put on? I'd say that the result from feedback seems pretty objective and without premeditated conclusions, just like you wanted Tuia. You perhaps expected players to choose Sunday as the day with better reg so the result may not satisfy you but sadly for significant number of players it regged better on Saturday and many noticed no difference at all. Does it mean the change you've made and tested does not affect hitregs?

Now, we all know that reg in this game can be influenced by many different factors(to quote a few, your hardware, game resolution, OS - on win xp and win 7 it regs better than on win 10 for example,your internet connection, number of players on server, even some of your game settings and so on). It doesn't even reg the same on different players - I cannot hit hacbard for example and its not only about ping cause I have troubles hitting even some players wth 160+ ping while they one shot me easily. Reg may be different on different days and can differ from map to map; it may jump from godlike hitregs to time when you shoot 10 bullets in enemy's face but won't have a single hit. It's most unstable, inconsistent and weird part about this game probably so keeping track of the hitregs and compare them is very hard.
May we know now what exactly was being tested and your conclusion Tuia?


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#71 2023-06-15 09:40:18

Paul Baumer
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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

tuia wrote:

Just exactly what's been happening on SiMPLE lately? The team theory you came up is ludicrous. Do you really fathom a team any player chooses to play has any advantage in hits? What is the next theory?

I think if you play 2-3 hours for a few days you will notice it too. I remember showing you a video of omaha where I had godlike regs and enemy could barely hit not only me but also my teammates. In fact that omaha round was over in around 10 minutes even though axis stolen allied sherman allied infs just run over axis and took all flags cause we had good hitregs. Map before and map after I couldnt hit anything for most time and somehow I had hard time hitting almost every player in the opposite team.

And I am afraid -50 HP is a real thing as I witnessed it at least twice and I wasn't falling from the stairs.. Got message "Paul Baumer is no more" when I was healing in bunker at guadal, was under 40 HP and boom I'm dead without any enemy close.. Thought someone used !kill on me at first... Then happened again, on Sunday on Phili map, once again no enemy close and no shots fired but -50 hp. I think it mind be side effect of some server settings, like kickback damage when you hit a teammate except you don't. It's pretty weird.

I know you wouldn't do to servers any permanent modding that you know for sure is not beneficial Tuia but if you play for a few days you will see there are some weird things going on and I'm sorry to say it you made us play some mind games lately so it's not surprising players might think there is some modding involved. Whether it's some server settings backfiring(like it might be with -50 HP) or just server quality and unstable routing like it may be the case with insane reg inconsistency - it still makes players worried and maybe we could do something about that.


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#72 2023-06-15 11:59:00

Where´s Clarice?
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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!


You are in Lisbon, Im in Lisbon. I invite you to my house to have lunch or dinner, when you can, and try to play here. Then you will see what everyone is saying and what Ive been experiencing here for many years. And its not even regs...you can record and then we can share everything with this community and share the conclusions. Parece bem?



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#73 2023-06-15 12:42:43

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

Wall Baumer!!!


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#74 2023-06-15 16:02:56

Russian MadMax
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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

Lecter wrote:


You are in Lisbon, Im in Lisbon. I invite you to my house to have lunch or dinner, when you can, and try to play here. Then you will see what everyone is saying and what Ive been experiencing here for many years. And its not even regs...you can record and then we can share everything with this community and share the conclusions. Parece bem?


I remember you before, you were fine, I have the same bullshit as you, I will record a video, against some people with whom I have termlife noreg yesterday it was sommarel a few days ago hencca butcher, and so on ... this is an incomplete list.

Last edited by Russian MadMax (2023-06-15 16:05:01)


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#75 2023-06-15 20:53:42

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

So is the server going to be run on the settings from Saturday? if that was the better experience for players who voted.


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#76 2023-06-15 21:49:47

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

Lecter wrote:


You are in Lisbon, Im in Lisbon. I invite you to my house to have lunch or dinner, when you can, and try to play here. Then you will see what everyone is saying and what Ive been experiencing here for many years. And its not even regs...you can record and then we can share everything with this community and share the conclusions. Parece bem?


You can press ALT+WIN+R and wndows will record your gameplay. Here you go, I saved you from an awkward dinner big_smile big_smile


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#77 2023-06-15 22:40:15

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

Serebro wrote:
Lecter wrote:


You are in Lisbon, Im in Lisbon. I invite you to my house to have lunch or dinner, when you can, and try to play here. Then you will see what everyone is saying and what Ive been experiencing here for many years. And its not even regs...you can record and then we can share everything with this community and share the conclusions. Parece bem?


You can press ALT+WIN+R and wndows will record your gameplay. Here you go, I saved you from an awkward dinner big_smile big_smile

ahaha Serebro but it´s not that, its being seated here and experience it and take notes. Recording its not enough smile


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#78 2023-06-16 00:27:04

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

I believe you. Imagine all this time you had a simple setting of router or smth wrong big_smile
P.S. My case - had bugs on 2,4 ghz wifi. When connected to 5ghz wifi all stable and no ping fluctuations. Was surprize


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#79 2023-06-16 10:36:37

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

Serebro wrote:

I believe you. Imagine all this time you had a simple setting of router or smth wrong big_smile
P.S. My case - had bugs on 2,4 ghz wifi. When connected to 5ghz wifi all stable and no ping fluctuations. Was surprize

Wow, good idea for me bro!
I should change it too,than.


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#80 2023-06-16 12:47:46

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

Well, this is kind of insane. There is completely no point in trying to ''fix'' the regs server side when someone is using unstable wifi for example. You have no idea how far this rabbit hole of regs goes; like which power outlet your computer is using in your home and if there are any LED lights in the same circulation. Still a looooong road to go but at least there is some sort of awakening going on.


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#81 2023-06-16 12:58:25

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!


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#82 2023-06-16 14:16:07

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

As a conclusion, what we all basically are trying to say - bring back stock hitreg and if you have ideas on improving it, then mark a day and we all will provide direct feedback without the bullshit and spam with guessing.

Server is called "Simple", but the method used is CONFUSING, to say the least.


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#83 2023-06-16 17:59:45

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

its something pretty well-known by most who study signal and signal processing, but i dont think that such details be effective on battlefield hit reg since we send packets and packets have checksum and error checks.

https://forum.huawei.com/enterprise/en/ … 808?page=1

Last edited by ABAS (2023-06-16 19:42:01)


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#84 2023-06-17 00:41:01

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

Deeko wrote:

The buggy experience has been amplified. More bugs, but on the other side hit registration on places where it shouldn't register. Too many unintentional kills that don't even feel like you deserved it. Something's messed up. I've already tried explaining it under other topics, feels like my packets are sped up and then slowed down, extremely inconsistent.
These 2 videos i made are not normal, you could never get such videos a few years back, both no reg and reg clips are unnatural -

You are clearly lagging in the first video and you should timestamp your videos, date and time you played, so it can be checked why you had those problems. Like that, it is just fairy tales.


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#85 2023-06-17 00:54:09

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

To answer all your questions, Saturday the server was running no patches, and Sunday the server had the Hz increment patch to a slightly higher value than 20 packets per second. Most of you guessed it right.


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#86 2023-06-17 01:00:32

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

Lecter wrote:


You are in Lisbon, Im in Lisbon. I invite you to my house to have lunch or dinner, when you can, and try to play here. Then you will see what everyone is saying and what Ive been experiencing here for many years. And its not even regs...you can record and then we can share everything with this community and share the conclusions. Parece bem?


No candlelight dinner for me. Sorry Lecter, i am not gay.


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#87 2023-06-17 04:42:27

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

simon wrote:

Nothing. It is all preposterous. Ask bud, I'm sure that pro player will give you better feedback on your miracle mods

Lol im so NOT a pro player, i used to mod things - the Bob siren mod functioning with "Content check on" took like two-three years of thinking, thinkering and testing to figure out (also my most proud of mod). There was people ready to pay for getting that f***ing  siren removed back on the modding forum löl.
Working with tuia with modding back then was really fun cus we had such good flow and things moved on like fast and easy. Aaanyway what he is doing now i think is called sanity check (or smoke check), check the link if curious about that kind of stuff. Also i think its a good idea btw.
https://testsigma.com/blog/smoke-testin … explained/


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#88 2023-06-17 10:04:10

Paul Baumer
SiMPLE | Guardian Angel
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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

tuia wrote:

To answer all your questions, Saturday the server was running no patches, and Sunday the server had the Hz increment patch to a slightly higher value than 20 packets per second. Most of you guessed it right.

And you told us you are not testing HZ increment patch on server again because it became obvious it does no good to server. I told you that from our experience difference with it enabled and disabled is like day and night and that reg is clearly better and game is smoother without it; that's what also lots of community members were reporting but you didn't took our word for granted - so here's your proof.
Even slight increment of packet rate gave worse experience and worse reg  than normal and several players who took some time to play and compare it noticed it. Including your head admins - without knowing what exactly is done to server.
Now please tell us what else has been "so not modded" on server - because I've never seen these insane reg jumps from good to bad to good in this game and no it's not normal to play like this. While we are playing mind games on SiMPLE guessing what the hell is wrong on these servers instead of playing bf1942 how it was supposed to be, our regular players are moving to moongamers and unknown russian servers. I thought that was not your goal Tuia.. or is it?


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#89 2023-06-17 12:03:37

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

tuia wrote:
Lecter wrote:


You are in Lisbon, Im in Lisbon. I invite you to my house to have lunch or dinner, when you can, and try to play here. Then you will see what everyone is saying and what Ive been experiencing here for many years. And its not even regs...you can record and then we can share everything with this community and share the conclusions. Parece bem?


No candlelight dinner for me. Sorry Lecter, i am not gay.

What a relief to hear that!! Better tone down those gay vibes then because it´s very deceiving! I took the risk of inviting you thinking you were, was going to buy flowers just in case to make you feel welcomed, happy I saved the money! Was going to put my ass literaly in jeopardy for this community but glad to know you are ok mentally...for now.

Last edited by Lecter (2023-06-17 12:04:45)


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#90 2023-06-17 13:24:55

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Re: SiMPLE blind test: your feedback!

tuia wrote:

You are clearly lagging in the first video and you should timestamp your videos, date and time you played, so it can be checked why you had those problems. Like that, it is just fairy tales.

And what about the 2nd video? Are those 1-3 bullet kills from across the map also lag related?
I remember you trying to convince me the same way in 2018, when i told you about the fire deviation mod, that i should test my connection instead. My connection is fine, all the other servers are fine. Simple regulars are not joining Moongamers because there's a war going on in Ukraine.


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