#1 2013-02-23 19:51:36

Black Mamba
Reputation: +1510
Registered: 2012-12-01
Posts: 4,411

How about a mutual alliance?

Hello guys,

As you know I am building a website about the Battlefield 1942 Secret Weapons of WWII Demo.
The site will be complete with A to Z information about the game.

On top of that, it will have a live server query page similar to BFTracks.net's, where you can view which servers are online.

The website will have a server unique to it as well. I have kindly asked tuia if he would be interested in hosting a server for me, from SiMPLE, as I cannot do it myself due to an insufficient upstream bandwidth. The server will be hosted in the Battlefield 1942 Secret Weapons of WWII Demo.

If there are some financial contributions to be made for the server, I would also bring some aid.

The reason why I asked tuia is because of the now huge notoriety of the SiMPLE servers, which have an enormous clientele which competes fiercely with MoonGamers. I am willing to give this a test run of about a month. When the server goes live, there will be a special introductory night where all can join and experiment the map.

I think many on those forums don't have the SW expansion pack and would be thrilled of trying the Hellendoorn map. Plus it's free, since it's a demo. We will see how many players the server can attract when it is live. If there is a lack of interest then there is no need to keep it live. But I think this should work pretty well, given that SiMPLE has a faithful player base.

At the moment I am writing this message, tuia should be fixing the Linux files for the SW Demo, which runs on v1.45 of the Battlefield 1942 engine.

I am willing to link your website on mine and advertise for it as well if the head admins of SiMPLE are willing to make a mutual alliance with me. This mutual alliance would include beneficial help from my community or yours to either communities for server hosting, special events such as tournaments, cups, and mod testing as well.

Tell me what you think!


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#2 2013-02-23 20:14:10

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Re: How about a mutual alliance?



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#3 2013-02-23 20:22:12

Black Mamba
Reputation: +1510
Registered: 2012-12-01
Posts: 4,411

Re: How about a mutual alliance?

Anything constructive?


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#4 2013-02-23 20:25:36

Reputation: +55
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Re: How about a mutual alliance?

If i am allowed to be constructive, and its good that tuia helps you, but what exactly do you try to make? One day you want euro server, now you talk about sw demo server? I am confused, also mutual alliance would be wrong word for what you are asking i think.


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#5 2013-02-23 20:37:39

Black Mamba
Reputation: +1510
Registered: 2012-12-01
Posts: 4,411

Re: How about a mutual alliance?

Well I think it is pointless to make a new server in full BF1942 if that's what you're asking. The big name servers are already there and a new server cannot shift their clientele to my server.

Instead, I want to start a new server in a smaller game. It is more realistic I think, and more people should bite.


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#6 2013-02-23 21:28:25

Reputation: +1061
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Re: How about a mutual alliance?

I play sw very long and believe me nobody want to try some other sw and rtr server.  493768ae-ecb4-4fa2-a727-18274f7a0c85_zpsd85206bc.jpg There is already 2 unused server and one demo. Most of players play on sw because its always almost full, all sw and rtr map rotation and good ping
My opinion

Last edited by Vojislav (2013-02-23 21:28:58)


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#7 2013-02-23 21:36:01

Reputation: +2
Registered: 2012-11-20
Posts: 81

Re: How about a mutual alliance?

Seriously I don't understand how anyone can play a demo for 10+ years.


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