#61 2023-02-04 03:07:38

Black Mamba
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

henccak wrote:

All talk about  high or low sens.   Find ur medium sens that is the best with super slow mousepad. Pad is important with fast pad mouse sens wheels higher even u have same sens than slow pad

I tend to agree, medium mouse sens tends to yield the best results for me.


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#62 2023-02-04 23:51:17

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

tragic wrote:

Between Denny and Master - Deeko has modified settings, an ideal operating system, registration enhancement, hitbox manipulation, strafe manipulation, coding genius (beyond that of Mitch, Tuia, Henk, etc), Y-axis sensitivity manipulation, aimbot, motion-blur cancellation technology, and deviation hacks...all of which are unavailable to anyone but the Estonian(s). All these advantages combined are still masterfully hidden and concealed when given the first-person perspective of these deviants.

Don't forget the use of tactics and superior hardware to further enhance these unicorn behaviors that can only be summarized as "cheap" and unskillful for a 20+ year-old video game.

Honestly, much of this really wouldn't be in question if he merely used his real alias instead of a smurf name. Obviously, he must be up to no good if he is concealing his identity regularly.

But yet, the combined intellect, analysis, and variable competencies from the entire BF community with an accumulative experience of over 2 or 3 centuries can only conclude that these behaviors are UNEXPLAINABLE and SUSPICIOUS.

To really cement this lunacy, the accusers are ALWAYS unable to provide a personal perspective of these unwinnable gun fights and supposedly inhuman encounters.

The more likely explanation is that the complainers are conceited, unimaginative, illogical, and only interested in the self-preservation of their ego.

But ignore me, this is only my second post, I'm an entire ocean away and these cheaters wouldn't be able to compete in a competitive 8vs8+ environment anyhow...

yep, such a brilliant players would be millionaires in Cs-go for example, but them are still giving away precious talent in old Battlefield 1942....


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#63 2023-02-05 00:02:48

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

e.S wrote:
tragic wrote:

Between Denny and Master - Deeko has modified settings, an ideal operating system, registration enhancement, hitbox manipulation, strafe manipulation, coding genius (beyond that of Mitch, Tuia, Henk, etc), Y-axis sensitivity manipulation, aimbot, motion-blur cancellation technology, and deviation hacks...all of which are unavailable to anyone but the Estonian(s). All these advantages combined are still masterfully hidden and concealed when given the first-person perspective of these deviants.

Don't forget the use of tactics and superior hardware to further enhance these unicorn behaviors that can only be summarized as "cheap" and unskillful for a 20+ year-old video game.

Honestly, much of this really wouldn't be in question if he merely used his real alias instead of a smurf name. Obviously, he must be up to no good if he is concealing his identity regularly.

But yet, the combined intellect, analysis, and variable competencies from the entire BF community with an accumulative experience of over 2 or 3 centuries can only conclude that these behaviors are UNEXPLAINABLE and SUSPICIOUS.

To really cement this lunacy, the accusers are ALWAYS unable to provide a personal perspective of these unwinnable gun fights and supposedly inhuman encounters.

The more likely explanation is that the complainers are conceited, unimaginative, illogical, and only interested in the self-preservation of their ego.

But ignore me, this is only my second post, I'm an entire ocean away and these cheaters wouldn't be able to compete in a competitive 8vs8+ environment anyhow...

yep, such a brilliant players would be millionaires in Cs-go for example, but them are still giving away precious talent in old Battlefield 1942....

Any random ~20 year old can hop into bf42 and run over everyone, game needs no talent


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#64 2023-02-05 00:53:44

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3


Ya, sure smile

You think, all those new Nubs are older?


Last edited by Arkos (2023-02-05 00:54:17)


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#65 2023-02-05 01:07:41

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Arkos wrote:


You think, all those new Nubs are older?


yep, they are.

there are levels to this. FPS pros would own every single one of us and prolly also 8 amateur tiers below that.


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#66 2023-02-09 02:43:46

United States
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

e.S wrote:
tragic wrote:

Between Denny and Master - Deeko has modified settings, an ideal operating system, registration enhancement, hitbox manipulation, strafe manipulation, coding genius (beyond that of Mitch, Tuia, Henk, etc), Y-axis sensitivity manipulation, aimbot, motion-blur cancellation technology, and deviation hacks...all of which are unavailable to anyone but the Estonian(s). All these advantages combined are still masterfully hidden and concealed when given the first-person perspective of these deviants.

Don't forget the use of tactics and superior hardware to further enhance these unicorn behaviors that can only be summarized as "cheap" and unskillful for a 20+ year-old video game.

Honestly, much of this really wouldn't be in question if he merely used his real alias instead of a smurf name. Obviously, he must be up to no good if he is concealing his identity regularly.

But yet, the combined intellect, analysis, and variable competencies from the entire BF community with an accumulative experience of over 2 or 3 centuries can only conclude that these behaviors are UNEXPLAINABLE and SUSPICIOUS.

To really cement this lunacy, the accusers are ALWAYS unable to provide a personal perspective of these unwinnable gun fights and supposedly inhuman encounters.

The more likely explanation is that the complainers are conceited, unimaginative, illogical, and only interested in the self-preservation of their ego.

But ignore me, this is only my second post, I'm an entire ocean away and these cheaters wouldn't be able to compete in a competitive 8vs8+ environment anyhow...

yep, such a brilliant players would be millionaires in Cs-go for example, but them are still giving away precious talent in old Battlefield 1942....

You can almost taste the vanity and faux apathy.  I'm sure the sarcasm helps you cope though.


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#67 2023-02-09 19:43:57

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

e.S wrote:

yep, such a brilliant players would be millionaires in Cs-go for example, but them are still giving away precious talent in old Battlefield 1942....

You scare me a little eS. I don't know if your that stupid or blinded by... hatred.

I play Apex Legends, a huge modern, popular and updated FPS 3-man battle royale game. I have I think 3-4 accounts in that game, so I'm able to play with my friends who are ranked in other skill groups than me. My main is switching between diamond and platinum. When I play on my sleeping smurf bronze account, I can basically turn off my brain and just hold W while I get 14 kills, 3k damage and a 1st place. When I play in diamond I have to fight with everything I know + luck just to stay within top 10 with my squad. And diamond is not even the highest skill group - there's master and "apex predator" skill groups above. I will never ever try to play in those groups, but players there would run me over as a fucking bulldozer. Thats why only 0.45% of the playerbase are in these skill groups; master and pred, while gold and platinum got 41%+32%. I don't know if your one of these players, eS, who hit the "report button" everytime a skilled player or smurf destroys you, but I have a great feeling you are. I don't think deeko could become a part of the 0.45%, but if I had to place my money on some from this small and inept community he could be a good choice I guess. BF42 is however one of the most weird and buggy games, and you should know that by now, so it can be somewhat hard to judge. Some have great hitregs and that's just how it is. I bet you have tried it yourself. I have tried it a few times - to have these smooth insta perfect hits, but I can't explain why. And I can't explain why some players just have stable good hitregs, it's just how it is. And if you combine that with a good head + aim it's so damn easy to conquer the current version of this game.

eS try to play the map(s)  Parcours Challenge vs. Jazzy or Deeko, and come back to me, tell me how it went down. Bring Flasche with you.


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#68 2023-02-09 21:10:23

Black Mamba
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

As I said before, being ''good'' or ''pro'' in Battlefield 1942, a game riddled with bugs and a non-existent hit registration system, is like winning a medal at your local ping pong competition: nobody really gives a f**k. Your skill isn't skill, it's determined by the reg roulette and you being lucky enough, at a specific moment, to reg more than your opponent.

Also why is conquer in every thread mad at everyone? You guys sound like a bunch of washed out has-beens, pissed off at the rest of us for never making it big.

I'd also be pissed if my line up consisted of:

- 1 ex hacker
- 1 guy that likes to crash servers and associate with known hackers
- Another guy so obsessed with his ego, he probably dreams of grafting his own c**k into his a**hole. Except that he isn't known for actually being good at the game, but for being a prone spammer AND making a mod to prove to the rest of the community he isn't a bugger. Lades and gents, I give you, Butcher! And as a little bonus, here he is in his prime:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkgZJ1p … l=pomykacz


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#69 2023-02-09 22:45:26

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Good comeback, Mamba. No wonder it took you weeks to come up with that nor it being Killer88 and Flasche giving it +rep xD.


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#70 2023-02-09 23:19:16

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

why u care about my +rep? 

[ eS try to play the map(s)  Parcours Challenge vs. Jazzy or Deeko, and come back to me, tell me how it went down. Bring Flasche with you.]

I know that I'm too rusty and I don't have the time or motivation to invest that much time anymore. Who knows maybe I was never really good? Maybe i could never win against deeko at 1vs1...

many do not know that i had a serious accident in 2015 and my right arm was paralyzed. bf1942 showed me in 2016 after my nerves got together again what you can do with a lot of online play. if it comes across as if i have a big ego then i'm sorry... maybe it's also due to the many titles in 8vs8 with pas42 and bmc and earlier with der.q in the esl and clanbase

but times are different now and maybe i'm living too much in the past.


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#71 2023-02-09 23:44:31

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

There's not much to learn in bf42 infantry, just run around, aim and shoot. I don't know why you would need to invest any time into it. Mamba is right that a lot of it comes down to reg, and not just in infantry. But me and simon have been over these topics a million times and it seems like noone can relate to what we're saying


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#72 2023-02-09 23:49:46

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

I don't know about your arm, or your ego or your pas42. In my eyes your GUN|BF.Flasche, one of Moerderblumes and Frans disciples. But I don't care about that in this topic. This topic was about; hackusations and evidences - and it could be cool for once if it could stay on track so all shit could be presented and buried once and for all!

If you wan't to talk trophies or history maybe you should talk with Frenemy some random day early in the morning :-)


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#73 2023-02-10 01:55:32

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Anyone who has played any FPS's for years can spot a hacker! When someone racks up 142 kills in a game against the  best player 56, you know. When a guy is one shot/one kill  per second ,you know. When a .45 outshoots your sniper rifle at 300 yards, you know. I have seen it on simple's site... and I know. I just wonder why people go to so much trouble for bragging rights on a friggin game... cause in real life you are still, painfully just little old you!! SMH!! When it starts, I do not have the time or bother to record and justify... I just go to another site until the hacker gets bored and  eventually leaves..... then I go back to having fun with my friends,

Last edited by Maj-ID10T (2023-02-10 02:02:35)


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#74 2023-02-10 02:30:15

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Well I'd certainly like to meet 56, the best player. Who is that?
These yards and high numbers don't mean anything and this kind of attitude is destructive only to yourself


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#75 2023-02-10 08:02:31

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Sorry Simon, I meant in that round the best player had only 56 kills (SELF) at that game... say what you want buddy, but it is what it is....


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#76 2023-02-10 09:16:57

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3


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#77 2023-02-10 19:42:46

L0rd Waggachugga
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

All this talk about cheating, pro clanners.

I myself like to play Berlin on fridays/saturdays and take a shot of jager each time i get a kill with my knife. Thats what bf42 is all about now a days.


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