#1 2022-12-10 19:46:25

Reputation: +152
Location: Frog City Lake
Registered: 2020-05-09
Posts: 276
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Magnusson / ur mama

Hi, I report those two players for their behaviour on battle of the bulge, few minutes ago.

They have been disturbing the wespe while I was using it :
2x he drove it in the river ;
3x attempting teamkill (twice successfully, and one sacrifying the APC with 4 or 5 people into)
Fakenicking with "BFSoldier" nicks, bad acting and then fast disconnecting.

Magnusson already did that on bocage few days ago, Volturi didn't give him more than a warn.
Today Jorgen have tried to act but with their fast disconnect he couldn't do much more.

I was not recording, unfo.

Thanks for your measures.

Last edited by Meow (2022-12-10 19:48:32)


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#2 2022-12-10 19:48:52

Reputation: +278
Registered: 2018-01-16
Posts: 467
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Re: Magnusson / ur mama

The one that drove it to the water was "ur mama"?


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#3 2022-12-10 19:49:58

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Location: Frog City Lake
Registered: 2020-05-09
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Re: Magnusson / ur mama

I think the one who drove to water was Magnusson, he attempted once but I could stop at last moment when he bailed. Second time he did it successfully.


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#4 2022-12-10 20:53:51

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Re: Magnusson / ur mama

Meow wrote:

Hi, I report those two players for their behaviour on battle of the bulge, few minutes ago.

They have been disturbing the wespe while I was using it :
2x he drove it in the river ;
3x attempting teamkill (twice successfully, and one sacrifying the APC with 4 or 5 people into)
Fakenicking with "BFSoldier" nicks, bad acting and then fast disconnecting.

Magnusson already did that on bocage few days ago, Volturi didn't give him more than a warn.
Today Jorgen have tried to act but with their fast disconnect he couldn't do much more.

I was not recording, unfo.

Thanks for your measures.

I warned magnus in turkish language to be more effective right after you reported him.
If i remember right he stopped using the vespe in that bocage round and played solo tank instead.


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#5 2022-12-10 21:46:28

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Location: Frog City Lake
Registered: 2020-05-09
Posts: 276
Windows 10 Chrome 108.0

Re: Magnusson / ur mama

If I remember well on bocage he continued using the priest and I gave up to play inf.

It's 2nd time in few days this guy comes up pretending priest has 2 seats, and waste it on purpose.

Last edited by Meow (2022-12-10 21:50:56)


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#6 2022-12-11 12:48:25

Reputation: +258
Location: Padova
Registered: 2016-10-22
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Re: Magnusson / ur mama

Meow wrote:

If I remember well on bocage he continued using the priest and I gave up to play inf.

It's 2nd time in few days this guy comes up pretending priest has 2 seats, and waste it on purpose.

I'll talk to him again. Let me know if something disruptive happens.


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#7 2022-12-11 22:33:35

Reputation: +65
Registered: 2021-11-01
Posts: 70
Windows 10 Chrome 108.0

Re: Magnusson / ur mama

"ur mama" was also playing with a Tiger on Bocage yesterday. Driving into a Flak to make stunts with it and eventually destroying it.

Last edited by Crapule (2022-12-11 22:34:07)


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