#1 2022-11-09 20:29:20

Reputation: +1034
Location: Moldova
Registered: 2014-03-28
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Fonts / Menu size

Hi all.

I want to make the in-game font a bit smaller. But seems like it's not that simple (pun intended).

I have checked the forum and the only info I found was ziba's mod with menu001.rfa
I have installed it and it doesn't work for me.

Does anybody have a solution? Should the menu.rfa / font.rfa be opened in a special tool and modified manualy? It it a lot of work?

Here's what I have now:

Last edited by Serebro (2022-11-09 20:30:06)


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#2 2022-11-10 12:02:48

Reputation: +252
Registered: 2018-07-07
Posts: 322
Windows 10 Chrome 107.0

Re: Fonts / Menu size

I doubt you can decrease font size


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#3 2022-11-10 14:08:42

Reputation: +484
Location: EaglesNest_Safe
Registered: 2012-10-14
Posts: 1,283
Windows 10 Chrome 107.0

Re: Fonts / Menu size

Sonic wrote:

I have checked the forum and the only info I found was ziba's mod with menu001.rfa
I have installed it and it doesn't work for me.

It changes map vote message only, makes it smaller and moves to a different place. If you placed it in correct folder, it should work

Sonic wrote:

Does anybody have a solution? Should the menu.rfa / font.rfa be opened in a special tool and modified manualy? It it a lot of work?

There is a solution only for a bigger font of nametags and console since they use the same. It's possible to make font smaller with both menu.rfa and font.rfa editing but it's too time consuming, not worth it.
You can either use

game.chatOutline 0

command in GeneralOptions.con in your profile folder (set read-only for that con file after editing) which removes outline
or just lower resolution.
I have smaller fonts with 1600 x 900 on 1920 x 1080 display. Difference in image quality isn't that big, but maybe for me only.

Sonic wrote:

Standard size for 1080p


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