#1231 2022-10-16 21:50:15

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Re: World War III

Maasika wrote:

I see no scaling. In what numbers the name changes in Russia?

I didn't understand

Maasika wrote:

BTW how come Chechen war was a war not another special ops.? Or is it a war in your history books?

if you are such a connoisseur of the Chechen wars, then you probably know that there were 2 of them and they were called differently.
1. Establishing constitutional order
2. counter-terrorist operation

I just don't understand what you mean by that?
Look for the meaning of such a concept as "martial law" and what are the consequences of its introduction in the country.This will give you the answer to your question.

And I have a question for you:
okay, we're propaganda-washed pathetic fools,
but why, then, Ukraine has not yet declared the ongoing events a war?

Last edited by persia (2022-10-16 21:50:41)


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#1232 2022-10-17 09:39:50

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Re: World War III

In today’s international order, it’s no longer necessary to declare war for a war to exist. The 1949 Geneva Convention was designed to apply even without official declarations of war.

https://theconversation.com/amp/putins- … ist-177880


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#1233 2022-10-17 17:01:30

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Re: World War III

Elon Musk tweets about the Crimea belonging to Russia and about the stop of starlink work in Ukraine.
A few days later, the news appears that he has been sued again and is under federal investigation.
After a couple more days, Musk changes his shoes and announces the continuation starlink work. (from his pocket)

politics as it is


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#1234 2022-10-18 02:01:54

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Re: World War III

Here's only one of many war crimes committed by nazi federation. At 79:10 ruzzians making a safari on civilian vehicles.

Ruzzians, you can spread any bullshit and whataboutism. But everyone of you as a community, a nation or a country, call it as you like, you will answer for everything your country does.


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#1235 2022-10-18 07:27:20

John Gult
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Re: World War III

Insane wrote:

Ruzzians, you can spread any bullshit and whataboutism. But everyone of you as a community, a nation or a country, call it as you like, you will answer for everything your country does.

Yugoslavs, Serbs, Libyans, Syrians, Iraqis, etc.  thought the same about the Americans.  So what?
What is the difference between them and Ukrainians?

Really - in race and in purity of blood?


Югославы, Сербы, Ливийцы, Сирийцы, Иракцы и т.д. так же думали об амерканцах. И что?
В чем разница между ними и украинцами?

Неужели - в расе и в чистоте крови?

Last edited by John Gult (2022-10-18 07:34:11)


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#1236 2022-10-18 11:14:17

Kurwa japierdole
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Re: World War III

John Gult wrote:

Yugoslavs, Serbs, Libyans, Syrians, Iraqis, etc.  thought the same about the Americans.  So what?
What is the difference between them and Ukrainians?

it's time to stop pointing fingers at anyone, and learn to take responsibility for your own actions
Are you not 12 years old?
Otherwise you can continue blame Frenchs for Napoleon, and Germans for Hitler.


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#1237 2022-10-18 16:34:37

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Re: World War III

Insane wrote:

Ruzzians, you can spread any bullshit and whataboutism. But everyone of you as a community, a nation or a country, call it as you like, you will answer for everything your country does.

Vovan and Lexus (two Russian bloggers) called the Former Commissioner for Human Rights in Ukraine and introduced themselves as the ex-US ambassador to Russia. During the conversation, she admitted that she had been spreading fakes about the crimes of the Russian army.

after thousands of postings and fakes, no one believes you anymore. Even in the west.
By the way, what's up  about Bucha?

And if you consider yourself an honest and decent person, then please post a video here about the shelling of the AFU artillery at bus stops, peaceful houses in Donetsk and other settlements.


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#1238 2022-10-19 18:15:00

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Re: World War III

persia, you ask for posting some proof instead the obvious videos of russians shooting civilian vehicles you call fakes. At a same time stating something about some two bloggers calling some ex-US ambassador... where is it, the phone call and the real people, not some fake recording as your tass makes up as always?
Who do you call "everyone"? European politicians from far right parties, including from the FPÖ, VB, FN, Jobbik, and Northern League? Congratulations, a nazi federation supported by nazis. Don't baa something about China, they only use you.
Did someone level Donetsk as you motherfuckers did with Mariupol? Everyone, now it's really everyone, knows about ruzzians being lying bastards. Well done idiots, you have turned all your neighbors against you starting from 1990`s when you created that fake Transnistria, then Chechnia in 1998-2000, 2003 - Ukrainian Tuzla island in Azov Sea when you simply started piling up ground to make a dam from Taman peninsula towards our island, Georgia in 2008, then 2014 invasion + annexation of Crimea. And don't start this whataboutism bs about US did that US did this.
Of course scums like you will always be around, even if you are caught red-handed. Also what amazes me is some ruzzian autists living in european countries and calling putin. you ruzzkis are incredible people, incredibly retadred and incredible scums.
So I'm not gonna waste any more time talking to brainwashed ruzzian imbeciles. I will tell only you and all your ruzzki friends, idi nahui mrazota, your and your country's time is coming to an end.

Last edited by Insane (2022-10-19 18:28:29)


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#1239 2022-10-20 13:11:14

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Re: World War III

History events making a loop

Last edited by Insane (2022-10-20 13:13:19)


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#1240 2022-10-20 15:36:17

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Re: World War III

Insane wrote:

I'm too lazy to sort everything out for each episode, but either children who do not know history or Ukrainians can believe this video. Well, maybe Poles. For example, the author shows the attack of the USSR on Poland in 1939, while modestly silent about the fact that the Soviet army annexed only its own former territories, which Poland appropriated as a result of the attack on the USSR in 1920. Interestingly, these territories, by decision of the Supreme Council of the Entente after 1919, went to Soviet Russia, as the territories of the former Russian Empire. But Poland ignored this and occupied them, taking advantage of Russia's weakness due to the civil war. Well, the rest of the "facts" of this video are exactly the same. This video proves only one thing - the main European values are lies and hypocrisy.


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#1241 2022-10-20 16:31:46

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Re: World War III

ruzzkis will always lie, but don't forget who's actual nazi. Subs included.


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#1242 2022-10-20 17:01:24

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Re: World War III

While russian shovinists think of another bias to post.
What a surprize, back in 2014 ruzzians occupied Ukrainian Donbass with help of skinheads and other sorts of ruzzian nazis.
Unfortunately no subs here, but shortly - the Donetsk city administration was occupied by skinheads. On a photo with a ruzzian flag there's a guy, a skinhead who is discussed later and his Facebook page showed with ehm.. specific content. Plus there's an interview of one of the nazis who discribes which right radical nazi groups took part in the occupation of Donetsk. Those are - cossacks, "russian national unity", "russian obraz (icon, image, vision)", "russian imperial movement".
Most funny is that he says it was a clash of two nationalisms, of a russian natinalism, an imperial identity on one side and a ukrainian provincial nationalism on another. Wait... so there are nazis in every country? No way? What about denazification?
As always russians lie, decieve and manipulate.


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#1243 2022-10-20 18:16:19

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Re: World War III

Let me add another video so the ruzzki nazis will butthurt again smile
The well known ruzzian diversant Igor "Strelkov" Girkin telling how it all started in Ukrainian Donbass.

Last edited by Insane (2022-10-20 18:17:53)


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#1244 2022-10-21 07:25:41

John Gult
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Re: World War III

How people in Ukraine have been brainwashed for 30 years...

They forgot how to read, they forgot how to analyze, they forgot history, they don’t know how to see cause-and-effect relationships.  The world is known through YouTube, it has replaced the primary sources.

They seem to only be capable of consuming video content, running around with torches like human ancestors, and spouting torrents of abuse and insults:

Insane wrote:

you ruzzkis are incredible people, incredibly retadred and incredible scums.
So I'm not gonna waste any more time talking to brainwashed ruzzian imbeciles. I will tell only you and all your ruzzki friends, idi nahui mrazota, your and your country's time is coming to an end.

I want to believe that they will come to their senses and return to adequacy.


Как за 30 лет людям на Украине промыли мозги…

Читать разучились, анализировать разучились, историю забыли, видеть причинно-следственные связи не умеют. Мир познают через YouTube, он заменил им первоисточники.

Они, похоже, способны только потреблять видеоконтент, бегать с факелами как предки человека, и изрыгать потоки брани и оскорблений:

Insane wrote:

you ruzzkis are incredible people, incredibly retadred and incredible scums.
So I'm not gonna waste any more time talking to brainwashed ruzzian imbeciles. I will tell only you and all your ruzzki friends, idi nahui mrazota, your and your country's time is coming to an end.

Хочется верить, что они придут в себя и вернутся в адекватность.


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#1245 2022-10-21 12:18:54

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Re: World War III

Let's make the ruzzki nazi autist butthurt again and not forget who are the real xenophobes smile
Turn the subs on.


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#1246 2022-10-21 12:24:33

John Gult
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Re: World War III

And while Ukrainians are raging, running around with torches, consuming the propaganda lies of their media and studying history on YouTube, Poland is hinting that it is time for Ukraine to prepare for reformatting (“Nizależny Dziennik polityczny”, Poland):

https://dziennik-polityczny.com/2022/10 … teresowna/

A state built on the glorification of Nazi criminals and their ideas (Bandera, Shukhevych, etc.) is doomed to destruction.


А пока украинцы беснуются, бегают с факелами, потребляют пропагандистскую ложь своих СМИ и изучают историю по YouTube, Польша намекает, что Украине пора готовиться к переформатированию (“Nizależny Dziennik polityczny”, Poland):


Государство, построенное на героизации нацистских преступников и их идеях (Бандеры, Шухевича, и т.д.) обречено на разрушение.


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#1247 2022-10-21 13:13:31

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Re: World War III

Hahaha, what a surprise, a ruzzki clown posting fake web sites with ruzzki propaganda ?
Here is the amount of fake wannabe-polish web sites


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#1248 2022-10-21 13:34:38

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Re: World War III

Also let's not forget to destroy the myths created by the ruzzki propaganda.
So as you can see, ruzzkis are liars and manipulators. They did it for so many years so that it has become their identity.


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#1249 2022-10-21 13:47:54

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Re: World War III


Ya, some days ago she posted a video from München, i guess, to fake that people fire with wood, are desperate, freezing, have only for some hours the day warm water and heater etc. , while it was 18° outside smile


Last edited by Arkos (2022-10-21 13:48:10)


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#1250 2022-10-21 14:06:59

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Re: World War III

It is in the video, but to make it easier for "tired to look into every topic" people.
Here's the schedule based on official reports by the UN human rights organization and the OSCE.
Lies are getting destroyed sooner or later and sanctions are not implemented just for fun. It's exact cause and effect relation.
Everyone who supports this russian aggression and their sympathisers should remember they are all guilty of this war happening. So whining about "we did not want this war", "we did not support it" are just fake as your silent upvotes of those who spread ruzzian propaganda here.


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#1251 2022-10-21 14:08:08

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Re: World War III

Insane wrote:

persia, you ask for posting some proof instead the obvious videos of russians shooting civilian vehicles you call fakes. At a same time stating something about some two bloggers calling some ex-US ambassador... where is it, the phone call and the real people, not some fake recording as your tass makes up as always?

so here she is, in Russian, saying that she was dispersing fakes. With what to whom she says this, in this case it does not matter.

while in your video there may be your soldiers disguised in Russian uniforms. There were a lot of such "statements".
There are whole telegram channels to expose your fakes. For example, this one is good.  https://t.me/warfakes
I do not advise you to watch it, it will break your psyche, and you will have to admit that you were a little fawn who trustingly ate feces, thinking that it was chocolate.
If you don't believe us, look at the Belarusians:

Did someone level Donetsk as you motherfuckers did with Mariupol? Everyone, now it's really everyone, knows about ruzzians being lying bastards.

Unlike you, I'm not used to being hysterical like a girl, so let's sort everything out in cold blood.
Maruipol is destroyed. Why? Maybe because your cowardly army was hiding behind civilians, knowing full well that we would not shoot at them? Why was your army based in schools/kindergartens/multi-storey houses? Why did they place ammunition in the basements of these houses?
You have a tight logic, so I'll tell you: Mariupol was destroyed only because of the actions of your army, which works under the control of the United States, which in turn absolutely don't give a fuck about you, your city and everyone else.
Let's move on. Mariupol has been destroyed, so according to your logic, it is now possible to bomb other cities inhabited by people? It doesn't fit with common sense.
Why do they drop incendiary shells, petal mines on Donetsk, stepping on which they tear off your foot, or tear off your brush if you take it in your hands. All this is in ordinary residential areas where there are no Russian soldiers.
And considering that Ukraine considers these areas its own, can you tell me why this is being done?

Georgia in 2008

The UN recognized Georgia as an aggressor.
You should at least learn 2x2, silly.

then 2014 invasion + annexation of Crimea

as for Crimea, (unsurprisingly) again you don't know the base. I advise you to read the chronology of the life of the Crimea from 1954 to 2014
There will be many wonderful discoveries for you here.

And don't start this whataboutism bs about US did that US did this.

If you are a stupid bird that flies in the wind, then of course you can not understand the fundamentals. In that case, they really have nothing to do with it, yes.

you ruzzkis are incredible people, incredibly retadred and incredible scums.

That's what I want to! You live quietly, communicate in Russian, friends with Russian guys, play with them in the same clan. And then BOOOOOM
just 1 sec
and now they're all finished scum and bastards. you can immediately see a smart person

So I'm not gonna waste any more time talking to brainwashed ruzzian imbeciles

Of course you're not going to. You know perfectly well that I will beat you for a couple of messages.
I have logic and facts, you have emotional tears and hysteria.
What you're posting here are emotional stupid vysers for naive people like you and those who like you.
You lack the knowledge base necessary for correct conclusions.
The series, consisting of 1000 episodes, you started watching right from the 600th, so you don't understand a fucking thing.

Last edited by persia (2022-10-21 14:11:22)


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#1252 2022-10-21 14:19:07

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Re: World War III

Insane wrote:

Lies are getting destroyed sooner or later and sanctions are not implemented just for fun. It's exact cause and effect relation.



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#1253 2022-10-21 14:20:33

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Re: World War III

persia wrote:
Insane wrote:

persia, you ask for posting some proof instead the obvious videos of russians shooting civilian vehicles you call fakes. At a same time stating something about some two bloggers calling some ex-US ambassador... where is it, the phone call and the real people, not some fake recording as your tass makes up as always?

so here she is, in Russian, saying that she was dispersing fakes. With what to whom she says this, in this case it does not matter.


So I watched this so called prank video, and OMG you don't see it? She says there are cases and she sent them all to the prosecutors but they did nothing, they did not want to start the investigation. So she wanted  to talk to the parliament but politicians did not want to do anything, she talkied to them in Parliament but they were so busy, talking on the mobile phones and ignoring her.
That is why she said they need this pair campaign, to push politicians to do at least something.
She says there are videos she received from those kids who were raped, there is a girl that was delivered to Manchester, she already has a mouth cancer.
OMG are you so soulless? ruzzians you are such animals, making this shit posting...
Do you want me to make subs for this video?
Russians you are incredible soul-less people, you kill and rape and then blame someone else.
But your punishment is near, don't worry.
You even laugh of mass rapings....

Last edited by Insane (2022-10-21 14:21:12)


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#1254 2022-10-21 14:22:25

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Re: World War III

persia wrote:
Insane wrote:

Lies are getting destroyed sooner or later and sanctions are not implemented just for fun. It's exact cause and effect relation.


I am making subs, don't worry. So that everyone will see how full of shit you are.


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#1255 2022-10-21 16:37:08

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Re: World War III

Here is the video with the subs. She is simply complaining that nobody gave a fck about rape cases in Ukraine until she went  to the Italian Parliament. And the alleged fakes... Only your ruzzkis fktard so called bloggers talked about making fakes. She only said "ok.." and then started complaining that a commissioner is fully subordinate to the President's office. Where is the confession?
You are full of shit persia, a typical ruzzian liar as you all are.


Even the comment section says your video with so called proofs of fake reports is full of shit.

Now tell me Svetlana, how do you live supporting such heartless bullshit, upvoting all these posts with so much russian hate, arrogance and chauvinism? How does your conscious feel about it huh, you little low-key war supporter?

Last edited by Insane (2022-10-21 16:38:37)


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#1256 2022-10-21 17:45:38

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Re: World War III

persia wrote:


then 2014 invasion + annexation of Crimea

as for Crimea, (unsurprisingly) again you don't know the base. I advise you to read the chronology of the life of the Crimea from 1954 to 2014
There will be many wonderful discoveries for you here.

Chronology of Crimea? Maybe then let's give Crimea back to the Crimean Tatars, or Turks, or better to Greeks?
This is what I am always talking about you russkis are using this bullshit rhetorical, whataboutism.
Same about your claims that US is guilty of you attacking Ukraine. Who gave you a right to attack a foregn independent country for it making an alliance with anyone else, be it US or NATO? Who the fk you think you are? When will you get rid of your bias, arrogance and chauvinism?
You think your shitty ruzzian telegram channels or 3 weeks old youtube channels with videos with zero context and no evidence but a made up topic are worthy something?


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#1257 2022-10-21 17:46:35

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Re: World War III

Insane wrote:

Here is the video with the subs. She is simply complaining that nobody gave a fck about rape cases in Ukraine until she went  to the Italian Parliament. And the alleged fakes... Only your ruzzkis fktard so called bloggers talked about making fakes. She only said "ok.." and then started complaining that a commissioner is fully subordinate to the President's office. Where is the confession?
You are full of shit persia, a typical ruzzian liar as you all are.

Are you really that stupid or are you just pretending?
You don't even know how to Google, lol. Make subtitles for the full issue.

Especially on such cool offers as:
"we are not obliged to verify the authenticity of news and videos, our task is to disperse it in the media"
"I do not like what the current commissioner is doing, because he does not want to post news about the "prison" at the Zaporozhye NPP, because there are no facts confirming this"
"I handed over a case about 40 raped children to the prosecutor's office, but they didn't pay attention to it" (even the prosecutor's office realized that it was a hoax big_smile )
"one of the girls raped in a terrible form already has oral cancer" (lolwwat? How is it related...)
Well, it's already a shame to talk about "butch". This large-scale fake, replicated by your cipso around the world, has already been debunked 1000 times.
About raped men and whole raped villages....I honestly can't even imagine a single-celled creature in the guise of a person who will believe in this shit. Nameless in this branch has already analyzed this nonsense in detail.
But as we can see from you and the "+" on your messages, such people exist.
You probably also believe that Russian soldiers are given a viagra to they rape people.


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#1258 2022-10-21 17:48:34

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Re: World War III

answer a simple question, don't be silent

Did someone level Donetsk as you motherfuckers did with Mariupol? Everyone, now it's really everyone, knows about ruzzians being lying bastards.

Unlike you, I'm not used to being hysterical like a girl, so let's sort everything out in cold blood.
Maruipol is destroyed. Why? Maybe because your cowardly army was hiding behind civilians, knowing full well that we would not shoot at them? Why was your army based in schools/kindergartens/multi-storey houses? Why did they place ammunition in the basements of these houses?
You have a tight logic, so I'll tell you: Mariupol was destroyed only because of the actions of your army, which works under the control of the United States, which in turn absolutely don't give a fuck about you, your city and everyone else.
Let's move on. Mariupol has been destroyed, so according to your logic, it is now possible to bomb other cities inhabited by people? It doesn't fit with common sense.
Why do they drop incendiary shells, petal mines on Donetsk, stepping on which they tear off your foot, or tear off your brush if you take it in your hands. All this is in ordinary residential areas where there are no Russian soldiers.
And considering that Ukraine considers these areas its own, can you tell me why this is being done?


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#1259 2022-10-21 18:00:23

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Re: World War III

Insane wrote:

Who gave you a right to attack a foregn independent country for it making an alliance with anyone else, be it US or NATO? Who the fk you think you are?

Nobody gives a fuck what you think, man.
There is no place for pity and emotions in geopolitics.
There are centers of power.
Each center has its own zones of influence, Ukraine was a zone of influence of Russia. Until the US decided to stick its hands in there.
I think for you it will already be an overdose of information for today.

If you don't believe me, read Western political scientists, military, analysts.
https://cf2r.org/documentation/la-situa … n-ukraine/
There are a lot of intelligent people among them who cover basic things.
But then you need to think, it's easier to crow about the rape of cities.
You don't even realize how far you are from the truth


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#1260 2022-10-21 18:08:07

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Re: World War III

persia wrote:
Insane wrote:

Here is the video with the subs. She is simply complaining that nobody gave a fck about rape cases in Ukraine until she went  to the Italian Parliament. And the alleged fakes... Only your ruzzkis fktard so called bloggers talked about making fakes. She only said "ok.." and then started complaining that a commissioner is fully subordinate to the President's office. Where is the confession?
You are full of shit persia, a typical ruzzian liar as you all are.

Are you really that stupid or are you just pretending?
You don't even know how to Google, lol. Make subtitles for the full issue.

Especially on such cool offers as:
"we are not obliged to verify the authenticity of news and videos, our task is to disperse it in the media"
"I do not like what the current commissioner is doing, because he does not want to post news about the "prison" at the Zaporozhye NPP, because there are no facts confirming this"

1 - yes she says we are not prosecutors, that is why she sent the cases to the General Prosecutor's Office.
2 - It's not exactly what she said, you fixed her words. I have translated that moment in the subs. It's not a full video, anybody can easily see where the parts of the video were stitched (in so called "full version" also). And in the next stitched part she starts complaining that a comissioner doesn't report about a prison in Zaporizhyan nuclear plant, because he\she was not ordered to do so by the government. That's all she says. If there was anything said in between, we wouldn't know, because your propagandists edited it.

persia wrote:

"I handed over a case about 40 raped children to the prosecutor's office, but they didn't pay attention to it" (even the prosecutor's office realized that it was a hoax big_smile )

that is your personal conclusion

persia wrote:

"one of the girls raped in a terrible form already has oral cancer" (lolwwat? How is it related...)

40 girls raped by russian army, one in heavy conditions, you try to make it look like a fake and then you ask me how is it related?
You soulless bastard... I'm not surprised anymore you russians have zero compassion.

persia wrote:

Well, it's already a shame to talk about "butch". This large-scale fake, replicated by your cipso around the world, has already been debunked 1000 times.
About raped men and whole raped villages....I honestly can't even imagine a single-celled creature in the guise of a person who will believe in this shit. Nameless in this branch has already analyzed this nonsense in detail.
But as we can see from you and the "+" on your messages, such people exist.
You probably also believe that Russian soldiers are given a viagra to they rape people.

What you can imagine or can not doesn't matter. All your so called "proof" is based on fakes.
Try harder.


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