#1 2022-10-08 17:42:49

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The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

A reprehensible attitude of a known player, former administrator, who knows from top to bottom the rules but because of his arrogance  decided to make me team kill twice, both me and another player who was also in tank.

The poor administrator Arwen did not understand anything because these are not things that happen every day, but everyone saw how this guy went crazy.

With this topic I don't want him to stop playing BF but at least he should apologize for what he did, that's enough for me because I always thought he was a good person but let's see what he has to tell us after this.



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#2 2022-10-09 15:40:23

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

this video proves that shelf doesn't know english and that after the tk he got nicely up the hill with his tank and even killed an enemy tank
the tk apparently helped him get out of that beach camping comfort zone, it is not right but sometimes needed..


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#3 2022-10-09 17:51:54

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

sometime punishement is the best way ...


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#4 2022-10-09 19:58:19

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Alvarez-Latino wrote:

sometime punishement is the best way ...

Yeah, lets hope he gets banned.


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#5 2022-10-09 21:58:03

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

simon wrote:

this video proves that shelf doesn't know english and that after the tk he got nicely up the hill with his tank and even killed an enemy tank
the tk apparently helped him get out of that beach camping comfort zone, it is not right but sometimes needed..

I'm sure for you killing a teammate is almost just like taking down a battlefield server.


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#6 2022-10-09 22:05:16

Paul Baumer
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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

I wouldn't want this to turn this into a public shaming or something but Muppet clearly was wrong here, and apparently he knew what he was doing. Probably using a tank that way was a bit too SELFish but that is not an excuse to teamkill intentionally either.


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#7 2022-10-09 22:20:27

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Paul Baumer wrote:

I wouldn't want this to turn this into a public shaming or something but Muppet clearly was wrong here, and apparently he knew what he was doing. Probably using a tank that way was a bit too SELFish but that is not an excuse to teamkill intentionally either.

It depends on how you look at it, going up alone with a tank without infantry support is a sure death that does not add up to anything, and the rest of the video is a clear example that going up to play rambo on top is useless when you do not have a good infantry that can gray the flag.

The way everyone plays is debatable and it cannot be regulated unless it conspires against the game itself.


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#8 2022-10-09 22:21:19

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

I completely understand muppet's frustration, but you can't expect teamwork from public players


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#9 2022-10-09 23:04:08

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Deeko wrote:

I completely understand muppet's frustration

You also didn't know that he killed another guy who just came out of the sherman spawn with a bazooka from behind, that's why Arwen kicked him, but of course, giving your opinion is free, especially if you weren't present at the time it all happened.

I can imagine what the future would be like to have you as an administrator when with the evidence that your eyes see, you still want to defend the unjustifiable.


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#10 2022-10-10 02:26:30

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

I was not in the server while this happened.
So i will be judging in a general way normally.
When a tanker, in such small maps just uses the tank for only farming the enemy but not pushing&helping the team, of course it feels frusturating for the teammates. As i see from the video, SELF pushes to mid after he got teamkilled. I understand muppet if the tank did not push for a while so the team was helpless or something (i have no idea about this), still teamkilling is not fine.
This is a map in such people are tend to go crazy easier, when i use my admin rights i consider the maps also unless an individual really plays disruptively.
We should warn muppet for this, but i have never seen him abusing his admin rights or gameplay like that before. So guys, chill!:)
Both of you are quite old players who know the rules pretty good.


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#11 2022-10-10 02:37:39

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Lmfao , so funny  on how you 're talking about  this retard lop muppet , the ufo astronaut, crybaby  who can't  finnish a dogfight without his puppy lop drift to help him  , the tiger m10 driver , yesterday this cocky idiot pimple admin , used of being an abusive d*ckhead and getting his way unpunished  all of the time  cause on Pimple noone admin the admins ,. This cocky retard  tried to lecture moongamers, telling them to give him their tiger , give them their plane , cause his score was better than theirs LMFAO  Anyway , still wondering who owns pimple and how come abusive narcistic retards become admins.  Kr ,moon rocks, no cocky admins there , only silly bots


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#12 2022-10-10 03:48:25

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Volturi wrote:

We should warn muppet for this, but i have never seen him abusing his admin rights or gameplay like that before.

This guy killed in the same map three teammates, me twice and the other one who was "nobody" he shot him with a bazooka from behind when he just left the spawn (without any justification).

After admitting that he did it, giving him a "warning" is as relevant as throwing a drop in the ocean and sets a precedent that carrying a name grants impartial benefits over the rest of the community.


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#13 2022-10-10 12:59:58

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Did you write to there family those who get teamkill with you ?


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#14 2022-10-10 14:38:03

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Alvarez-Latino wrote:

Did you write to there family those who get teamkill with you ?

I'm going to tell Cactus to write you one more "song" to keep your fingers off the keyboard.


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#15 2022-10-10 14:51:20

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

S.E.L.F wrote:
Volturi wrote:

We should warn muppet for this, but i have never seen him abusing his admin rights or gameplay like that before.

This guy killed in the same map three teammates, me twice and the other one who was "nobody" he shot him with a bazooka from behind when he just left the spawn (without any justification).

After admitting that he did it, giving him a "warning" is as relevant as throwing a drop in the ocean and sets a precedent that carrying a name grants impartial benefits over the rest of the community.

Here in this case i think head admins should take the necessary action. I meant a ''warning '' in a way that he should be punished acording to rules. I am sure this will be handled by RaketenHorst or Paul.


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#16 2022-10-10 15:11:10

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Uh the times I've been tempted to teamkill a guy who didn't use a vehicle after my preferences or because I just knew the vehicle would be (according to me) wasted due to the players level of skill. It's pretty annoying when you are getting owned in a tank on Bocage, Battleaxe, etc. or when players are afk using tanks in the mainbase on Battleaxe, Tobruk etc. - my own list is allmost endless :-)

But of course we can't act that way, and just teamkill according to one's own preferences and feelings. Everyone gotta follow the rules, otherwise we will go down the aX road and that didn't end too well! "Apology and move on, don't do it again".

On top of that everyone who played the Simple version of Omaha knows the life of a Sherman trying to climb is exactly 0-10 seconds, so I don't even understand the need to teamkill in this exact situation... lol.


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#17 2022-10-10 20:45:49

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Lmfao Mourits giving us an inside of his narcistic personality " due to the players level of skill" ............... and the uber abusive admin Alvarez, thinking he's untouchable , cause on pimple noone admins the admins  .......   making fun of gamers who just want to have fun  and feel like  being abused, mistreated  .....   way to go Alvarez, sleep softly in your safe pimple nest ....................... "sometime punishement is the best way ..."  he replies . How come this retard is still an admin ....................................?


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#18 2022-10-10 21:26:32

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Hey Angeleys

This is the second time I come across your hate towards Simple and the admins (Alvarez isn't an admin btw)

1. Do anyone force you to play at Simple? No, so why don't you play somewhere else and leave your dislike and hate there. Thank you
2. Are you related to Nick her?
3. If I say some players playing at Simple doesn't have a particular high level of skill make me a narcissist? Pretty sure they are all very well aware there are different types of players and skills at Simple.


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#19 2022-10-10 22:12:55

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

The video begins after Self had the tank for a looong time. Not once did he attempt to go up the hill. Look at the tickets, they start at like over a thousand and thats how long he had the tank. (think video starts at like 600). I asked him multiple times, for minutes, to move the tank, its not arty, and he didn't. Finally was tired of getting my butt shot off and tkd him hoping someone else would get into it and help. After tk he moved tank up the hill and notice no bazookas, mines, xpacs, nothing. Why was that?, probly because the other team was so surprised the tank was attempting to get up the hill. The next person who got the tank did what SELF was doing prior to tk, camping on the beach, so I tkd him after about 5 minutes of that. Was tk wrong, yes, I probly shouldn't have done it, but was fed up with our armor not even attempting to help us get up the hill. Nothing personal SELF.

AngelEyes - I joined moongamers and halfway through Bocage u started talking crap about Simple and myself. So I switched teams, and you continued to talk smack while getting ur butt shot off by bots.

Anyways, I apologize for any problems I caused and if a ban either temp or perm is required Im fine with that too.  PS - You can suck my d**k Darcona.
Later fellas.


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#20 2022-10-10 22:27:49

L0rd Waggachugga
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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Will we see "lop| S.E.L.F" soon?


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#21 2022-10-11 01:09:23

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Muppet responds positively. No words needed over that from the other side. And he has a point. A tank is not an artillery. And Omaha is not a map you can camp on the beach. You should always push if you're in the blue team. You wait, you lose. Fck the sherman. Waste it. If you don't want to die trying, switch to Axis!

I always say: If you are playing Omaha, play like Major Merlin!

Btw, how the hell i have the same status(shitposter) with this Angeleyes guy? I can't accept this Paul! Upgrade my status to something else or downgrade his status to something else. (May be Pure Sh*t?)


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#22 2022-10-11 02:17:55

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

I understand simon/Deeko saying what they say, but the other guys only show their lack of understanding of the map, as doubti said, the sherman is not useful at all if the inf is not atleast graying top.


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#23 2022-10-11 04:56:17

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Angeleyes wrote:

Lmfao , so funny  on how you 're talking about  this retard lop muppet , the ufo astronaut, crybaby  who can't  finnish a dogfight without his puppy lop drift to help him  , the tiger m10 driver , yesterday this cocky idiot pimple admin , used of being an abusive d*ckhead and getting his way unpunished  all of the time  cause on Pimple noone admin the admins ,. This cocky retard  tried to lecture moongamers, telling them to give him their tiger , give them their plane , cause his score was better than theirs LMFAO  Anyway , still wondering who owns pimple and how come abusive narcistic retards become admins.  Kr ,moon rocks, no cocky admins there , only silly bots

Hola amigo, I didnt know that I have a fan here. Be in peace Bro.

Last edited by drift (2022-10-11 04:56:39)


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#24 2022-10-11 13:59:37

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Darcano wrote:

I understand simon/Deeko saying what they say, but the other guys only show their lack of understanding of the map, as doubti said, the sherman is not useful at all if the inf is not atleast graying top.

the fact that it's hard to get up with a sherman doesn't mean it shouldn't be done or wouldn't help, if you hit the right timing on it you make way for your infs to come behind you, you act as a distraction and at least try to kill the enemy tank. shelling infs on the beach isn't really helping cause they can't take the beach flag anyways and it's full of your teammates constantly spawning. axis needs to defend, allied needs to attack.


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#25 2022-10-11 14:41:07

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Deeko wrote:
Darcano wrote:

I understand simon/Deeko saying what they say, but the other guys only show their lack of understanding of the map, as doubti said, the sherman is not useful at all if the inf is not atleast graying top.

the fact that it's hard to get up with a sherman doesn't mean it shouldn't be done or wouldn't help, if you hit the right timing on it you make way for your infs to come behind you, you act as a distraction and at least try to kill the enemy tank. shelling infs on the beach isn't really helping cause they can't take the beach flag anyways and it's full of your teammates constantly spawning. axis needs to defend, allied needs to attack.

Still not a reason to tk, many times before a lot of players were kicked/banned for that. Being a Lop| or whatever respected clan/player don't give you the right to act like that. No special treatment, behave or out.
I wasnt there but if i was i would kicked him without hesitate.

And its fun to see a large topic full of knowledge about rules, codes, strategy, when some random player reports for the same to another ends in one comment like "Thanks for report, he is banned for 1 day", done.


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#26 2022-10-11 14:59:32

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Never said he should've teamkilled for that. I just understood his frustration.


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#27 2022-10-11 15:01:00

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

S.E.L.F wrote:
Alvarez-Latino wrote:

Did you write to there family those who get teamkill with you ?

I'm going to tell Cactus to write you one more "song" to keep your fingers off the keyboard.

Already Cookin


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#28 2022-10-11 16:33:57

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Muppet wrote:

The next person who got the tank did what SELF was doing prior to tk, camping on the beach, so I tkd him after about 5 minutes of that. Was tk wrong, yes, I probly shouldn't have done it, but was fed up with our armor not even attempting to help us get up the hill. Nothing personal SELF.

It shows that your perspective on the game justifies any illegal action because you are still convinced that what you did was right. Which is why this encapsulated apology serves only to wipe the shit off my boots.

Let the righteous decide if your reputation will forgive your sins.

Vietnamesse wrote:

Btw, how the hell i have the same status(shitposter) with this Angeleyes guy?

That jacket you got fits perfectly.

Alfred wrote:

And its fun to see a large topic full of knowledge about rules, codes, strategy, when some random player reports for the same to another ends in one comment like "Thanks for report, he is banned for 1 day", done.

What seems so simple can become very complex at times.

I am optimistic that surname portability should not overcome the written rules.


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#29 2022-10-11 18:17:27

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Deeko wrote:

the fact that it's hard to get up with a sherman doesn't mean it shouldn't be done or wouldn't help, if you hit the right timing on it you make way for your infs to come behind you, you act as a distraction and at least try to kill the enemy tank. shelling infs on the beach isn't really helping cause they can't take the beach flag anyways and it's full of your teammates constantly spawning. axis needs to defend, allied needs to attack.

You answered yourself, you need the right timing or you are just wasting the tank like a mindless drone.


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#30 2022-10-11 18:41:08

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Re: The judge who was a criminal (lop muppet)

Darcano wrote:
Deeko wrote:

the fact that it's hard to get up with a sherman doesn't mean it shouldn't be done or wouldn't help, if you hit the right timing on it you make way for your infs to come behind you, you act as a distraction and at least try to kill the enemy tank. shelling infs on the beach isn't really helping cause they can't take the beach flag anyways and it's full of your teammates constantly spawning. axis needs to defend, allied needs to attack.

You answered yourself, you need the right timing or you are just wasting the tank like a mindless drone.

weird how that right timing came right after the tk. Tank spawntimes have been reduced anyways, so it's not like you have to wait half a map for a new try. Self just needs some cojones.


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