#1 2022-09-26 21:16:08

Russian MadMax
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again children with admin

Why are you giving the admin area to kids and crybabies? I turn to the tuia and Paul Baumer. 50 minutes ago there was some bastard with nick  on the map of Stalingrad because I just f***ed in the house of the allies, I was for the blues, this whore didn’t apologize and didn’t say anything at all, I told the admins to kick her, for delib because, what is this bastard she threw me for kdis, what the hell are these guys ?
let's wait for your insignificant excuses, go for it!
nick maniac

Last edited by Russian MadMax (2022-09-26 21:19:17)


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#2 2022-09-26 23:59:23

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Re: again children with admin

Hi Maniac. I didn't just kick you, I banned you.
Hope your langauge, reports and behaviour changes, but thats probably too optimistic so you should probably expect future and longer bans coming your way. Have a nice day.


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#3 2022-09-27 01:01:38

Russian MadMax
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Re: again children with admin

how cool you left the topic, but what do you say nedoadmin worthless about your тк? and about the fact that after maybe if it was random, you have to apologize in the chat? but from you motherf***er it was not? why didn't you answer me? I ask you again a direct question, answer

Last edited by Russian MadMax (2022-09-27 01:02:23)


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#4 2022-09-27 01:05:44

Russian MadMax
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Re: again children with admin

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

Hi Maniac. I didn't just kick you, I banned you.
Hope your langauge, reports and behaviour changes, but thats probably too optimistic so you should probably expect future and longer bans coming your way. Have a nice day.

and don’t wish me a good day, you lousy hypocrite, I always knew that half of the admins here are shitty crybabies and children offended by life, but the other part performs their tasks wonderfully and I can even name them, but you don’t even you treat just a underworld, a hole in the aquarium


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#5 2022-09-27 01:08:54

Russian MadMax
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Re: again children with admin

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

Hi Maniac. I didn't just kick you, I banned you.
Hope your langauge, reports and behaviour changes, but thats probably too optimistic so you should probably expect future and longer bans coming your way. Have a nice day.

by the way, I remember the case with arkos and arwen when they also accidentally poked a person and just killed themselves, but you can’t do that, because your cheap skin is still on sale, learn from experienced and seasoned wolves! flea gopher


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#6 2022-09-27 01:45:26

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Re: again children with admin

And this guy really wonders why he was banned? SMH


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#7 2022-09-27 03:11:43

Russian MadMax
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Re: again children with admin

and this is what a person with such a nickname is telling me?

clearly, do not forget to add an apostrophe at the end of the rules that the admins are not concerned with the rules, so that mere mortals understand, do not excel like Putin, but do it insolently


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#8 2022-09-27 10:41:03

Paul Baumer
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Re: again children with admin

Hi, from your posts it's already obvious why you were banned. Some in-game logs from your chat talk will help to understand it even more clearly.
You insult players, fakereport and unfairly accuse players(and even admins), and ultimately have a go on admins for no reason with heavy insults both in game and on forum. What did you expect after all this?

2022-09-26 20:20:13 :    # [Global] Maniac: mc gee what u a fckin nab
2022-09-26 20:20:19 :    # [Global] Maniac: fckin lucky nab butch
2022-09-26 20:20:34 :    # [Global] Maniac: loser noon
2022-09-26 20:20:37 :    # [Global] Maniac: noob
2022-09-26 20:26:31 :    # [Global] Maniac: фан ты дырявый пидор
2022-09-26 20:29:44 :    # [Global] Maniac: wjere fcukin reg shit
2022-09-26 20:29:50 :    # [Global] Maniac: uo noob luqurice
2022-09-26 20:29:53 :    # [Global] Maniac: lucky noob
2022-09-26 20:30:08 :    # [Global] Maniac: no reg u bitch
2022-09-26 20:31:39 :    # [Global] Maniac: admins
2022-09-26 20:31:48 :    # [Global] Maniac: kick 9 for tk delib
2022-09-26 20:32:50 :    # [Global] Maniac: shut up whore
2022-09-26 20:34:34 :    # [Global] Maniac: another offended crybaby admin
2022-09-26 20:34:43 :    # [Global] Maniac: tk me and kick me)


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#9 2022-09-28 12:00:29

Russian MadMax
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Re: again children with admin

in principle, I am aware of my bullshit, I had a terrible day and I didn’t get enough sleep, but I don’t make excuses, sorry for that, now I’ll ask you okay, where did I fake the complaint? in that match  doubti really tk me but he was under a different nickname (like solia9, I don’t remember exactly, I might be completely wrong) I said this in the chat, and it really was him under the number 9, but he kicked me kdis, what the hell is the Paul? I'm asking you as underboss.

Last edited by Russian MadMax (2022-09-28 12:02:12)


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#10 2022-09-28 16:45:15

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Re: again children with admin

I'm so tempted not to spend my time on cases like you, but I will do en exception.

Yes you are right, I accidently tk'ed you on Stalingrad when u were running up the stairs or was in the enemy house/ room (can't remember exactly), I did it by accident and only 1 time. Whether it was me or anyone it doesn't matter, I will never instantly kick/ban anyone because of a tk which was caused by accident and not on purpose. If you want it that way then I advice you to find another place to play BF1942.

I kicked you because you where spamming the chat with your shitty langauge and because I saw it as a falsereport, when you want somebody kicked because of something u clearly know was an accident.

Take this advice from me: Go to bed right away. A guy like you should probably sleep approx. 22 hours a day, then maybe just maybe u will be a decent guy to be around.

Last edited by LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits (2022-09-28 17:15:25)


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#11 2022-09-28 19:58:34

Russian MadMax
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Re: again children with admin

got you bro

Last edited by Russian MadMax (2022-09-28 19:59:20)


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