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Hi, first of all... no! im not banned ore kicked, i really just came to report an admin who is "not really" an admin lol. The admin name: "Ferd Grapperhaus". So here's the thing... i was entering on the main base plane in Kursk map, when some player start doing disruptive things like put jeeps in front of my team players planes, shoting and damaging the planes including mine! one of that "DIS" players was "Zincha". And thats when all the extremelly UNFAIR stuffs happen! couse... i start reporting exacly what i SEE!!!!!!!! to the SUPPOSED admin of the game lol, then... those "DIS" players start lying and denying to the admin, saying "no i didnt damaged and shot no one" bla bla and that, and also saying IM THE REAL "DIS" PLAYER AND FALSE REPORTER!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!! !!!! !!! !! ! ! . And guess what happens next??? :-D the own admin acuses me of making false reports and so he threatens to banish me! ME! MEEEEE!!!!!!!, and what happens to they? the "dis" players who lied? NOTHING! NONE! they simply keep doing more sh!ts on the team mates and team planes, and the admin acts like he was damn blind! (ore corrupt -,-) lol. So, my point... the conclusion... simply is, i dont care if that "admin" ore some fake sample of admin lol gets some ban ore warning, WHATEVER! fvck hym and people like hym! no! i just wana know if any of you possible readers can see what is wrong in all this?! say something ore do something lol change some rule ore something! Agree with! ore disagree with! say that "admin" really is a big piece of sh...t, ore say im wrong and tired lol, dont care! SAY SOMETHING! Thank you and good games to all folks! :-)
Last edited by Water Fox (2022-09-09 17:14:15)
i didnt read what you wrote just found Fred name in it,
Fred is our latest admin and he is kinda new to server, he can learn more about admin over time for sure but he is avaliable in server in both daytime and afternoon time which helps that time pretty good
I can attest that Ferd is a nice and fair admin. I wasn't in game at the time so I can not comment on what happened or didn't happen. However, don't let the game get you so bent. Sometimes as admins we issue kills, warnings , then kicks (if warranted) based on the verbiage that is used over chat. My recommendation is putting the trouble makers that were on your team in a forum post so that us admins can keep an eye out for their disruptive behavior. Since some of us are on most days and nights we get to know who the players are and their antics. It'll help us in the long run knowing this detail. I would put what name you played under and then the other players names, map and time of day.
In game while we are playing we do our best to be fair but we can't see and view each player so we take into consideration what people are typing in chat. If we get it wrong, which I know I have definitely been wrong a few times, it sucks but we are human and sometimes make mistakes. I hope this didn't ruin your day and will be back to gaming soon. Have a great weekend.
i just wana know if any of you possible readers can see what is wrong in all this?! say something ore do something lol change some rule ore something! Agree with! ore disagree with! say that "admin" really is a big piece of sh...t, ore say im wrong and tired lol, dont care! SAY SOMETHING! Thank you and good games to all folks! :-)
Looks like you felt humiliated and need someone to show you some respect. Well, jackpot! I'm gonna say something. Note that it's an honour for you, me saying something. And now saying something:
You need to GET LAID ASAP! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!! !!!! !!! !! ! !
Ps: Not with Fred ofc. Hym is an unfvckable fella.
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