#1 2022-09-09 17:12:46

Water Fox
Reputation: -2
Registered: 2022-08-27
Posts: 19
Windows 7 Chrome 105.0

some order in the house please?!

Hi, first of all... no! im not banned ore kicked, i really just came to report an admin who is "not really" an admin lol. The admin name: "Ferd Grapperhaus". So here's the thing... i was entering on the main base plane in Kursk map, when some player start doing disruptive things like put jeeps in front of my team players planes, shoting and damaging the planes including mine! one of that "DIS" players was "Zincha". And thats when all the extremelly UNFAIR stuffs happen! couse... i start reporting exacly what i SEE!!!!!!!! to the SUPPOSED admin of the game lol, then... those "DIS" players start lying and denying to the admin, saying "no i didnt damaged and shot no one" bla bla and that, and also saying IM THE REAL "DIS" PLAYER AND FALSE REPORTER!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!! !!!! !!! !! ! !  . And guess what happens next??? :-D the own admin acuses me of making false reports and so he threatens to banish me! ME! MEEEEE!!!!!!!, and what happens to they? the "dis" players who lied? NOTHING! NONE! they simply keep doing more sh!ts on the team mates and team planes, and the admin acts like he was damn blind! (ore corrupt -,-) lol. So, my point... the conclusion... simply is, i dont care if that "admin" ore some fake sample of admin lol gets some ban ore warning, WHATEVER! fvck hym and people like hym! no! i just wana know if any of you possible readers can see what is wrong in all this?! say something ore do something lol change some rule ore something! Agree with! ore disagree with! say that "admin" really is a big piece of sh...t, ore say im wrong and tired lol, dont care! SAY SOMETHING!  Thank you and good games to all folks! :-)

Last edited by Water Fox (2022-09-09 17:13:41)


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#2 2022-09-09 19:08:19

Reputation: +2786
Registered: 2014-06-06
Posts: 7,053
Windows 7 Chrome 105.0

Re: some order in the house please?!



Perhaps i start reading it after smile



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