#1 2022-09-05 15:19:35

Community manager from ¥FOXES¥ clan
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Location: game moderator ¥FOXES¥ Clan
Registered: 2022-09-04
Posts: 6
Windows 7 Firefox 104.0

yep yEEP yEP2 Hotsa teamkill you get bannd

att  vara rättvis ditt sätt vara spela  och xpacka
och teamkill ditt lag "yep  yEEP   yEP2  Hotsa." sånt är  inte okej
sånt  blir man ban av på foxes ,Fight Club  och andra 
spel servers  om du sånna saker

to be fair your way be play and xpack
and teamkill your team "yep yEEP yEP2 Hotsa." that's not okay
that's how you get banned from foxes, Fight Club and others
games are served if you such things

Last edited by djdatavirus627 (2022-09-05 15:20:05)


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#2 2022-09-07 19:02:24

Community manager from ¥FOXES¥ clan
Reputation: 0
Location: game moderator ¥FOXES¥ Clan
Registered: 2022-09-04
Posts: 6
Windows 7 Firefox 104.0

Re: yep yEEP yEP2 Hotsa teamkill you get bannd

djdatavirus627 wrote:

att  vara rättvis ditt sätt vara spela  och xpacka
och teamkill ditt lag "yep  yEEP   yEP2  Hatsa." sånt är  inte okej
sånt  blir man ban av på foxes ,Fight Club  och andra 
spel servers  om du sånna saker

to be fair your way be play and xpack
and teamkill your team "yep yEEP yEP2 Hotsa." that's not okay
that's how you get banned from foxes, Fight Club and others
games are served if you such things


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