#1 2022-05-22 07:52:23

British Antarctic Territory
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Location: Surprise
Registered: 2021-07-18
Posts: 20
Windows 7 Chrome 79.0

Admin ConCo banned me or bombing active aa and active wespe.

Please check logs.
I know he always do it, there was many reports against him.

Please somone to copy and past here game logs.

I bombed 2 times axis main 5 min ago at battleaxe.
Nick ingame" kill bilge dumpers "

1 was active wespe and you can check it second was active aa which close destroyed my plane.

Admin banned me for killing active wespe and active aa.

I dont care if his tank was standing next to wespe which was firing. He do this shit on purpose, and its like 10th time.

Please share logs here.

Both my 2 kills where people in wespe and in aa.


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#2 2022-05-22 10:46:26

Anna Nym
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Re: Admin ConCo banned me or bombing active aa and active wespe.

CHILLER&& wrote:

Please check logs.
I know he always do it, there was many reports against him.

Please somone to copy and past here game logs.


who always does what ? ... what do u expect to figure out with the game logs - i guess u mean the chat log -

CHILLER&& wrote:

Please check logs.

I bombed 2 times axis main 5 min

1 was active wespe and you can check it second was active aa which close destroyed my plane.

Admin banned me for killing active wespe and active aa.

I dont care if his tank was standing next to wespe which was firing. He do this shit on purpose, and its like 10th time.

Please share logs here.

Both my 2 kills where people in wespe and in aa.

No u are wrong. You bombed 2nd time AA and a leaving P4 and besides all you killed me just watching the szenario.
and note - you attack the opponent's Base while your team has no flag at all.


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#3 2022-05-23 04:22:32

British Antarctic Territory
Reputation: +5
Location: Surprise
Registered: 2021-07-18
Posts: 20
Windows 7 Chrome 79.0

Re: Admin ConCo banned me or bombing active aa and active wespe.

So for what I am baned? What rule did I break?  For bombing second time AA, yes? I killed you in your main yes? What you was doing there next to AA? Did you just spawn or was standing there on purpose " just watching the szenario". Your drunk story isn't real. You was in this pz4 before, logs can easy prove it, and you leaved it purpose, knowing it will explode and will kill you.

"and note - you attack the opponent's Base while your team has no flag at all."
So it is some new rule which you just create, and you execute it to old veterans without any warning, kick, or even 15 min ban?
Now we can not bombing enemy active aa when admin is standing next to it or when team hasn't any flag?

Please somone competnt for an answer, how long is ban, can somone delate it?


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