#61 2022-04-08 00:11:33

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Casca wrote:

Well he did teamstack and I didnt say anything in gamechat, I didnt kick him or do anything but you know if someone asks me, like he did, I wont lie and say that he didnt teamstack, because he did. (That is if you call switching teams to a team that has more players to teamstack.) Hilly on the otherhand warned him and wrote to him but that was all.

I wont answer more about this teamstacking issue.

If you are refering to the bocage round, then I can for sure say that Killer didnt teamstack in that round.


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#62 2022-04-08 01:27:23

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

And I was watching this round Zody and I’m telling you Killer did stack in the middle the round leaving his team with 2 less player, he joined Butchers team. So I wrote to Killer about it on Discord.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachment … EDA656.png
https://media.discordapp.net/attachment … 5793E4.png
Killer use to kick and ban 000 all the time for team stacking how soon we forget?


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#63 2022-04-08 07:53:42

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

I was also specrating that round with hilly. Map was berlin


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#64 2022-04-08 09:07:09

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

the lower the skill of player, the less he is able to understand the stupidity of this or that rule, which we observe in this thread


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#65 2022-04-08 14:21:59

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Hilly, Casca and Jorgen, I know you guys are not new to this game and therefor you should know that there is a huge difference in skill-stacking and player-number-stacking. I mean on a big populated server like Simple you can't just say the teams are balanced when you see equal player numbers. For example in this Bocage round Killer88 linked to Allied had no decent pilots and that really hurt them.


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#66 2022-04-08 15:46:16

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

For example in this Bocage round Killer88 linked to Allied had no decent pilots and that really hurt them.

smile this case is about Berlin TDM.


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#67 2022-04-08 15:59:27

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Another abuse from an inadequate admin



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#68 2022-04-08 16:15:35

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Public is not even competitive, it is just for fun. Nobody really cares if allies or axis win on a TDM map. Why so strict about "stacking"? Stacking is if someone from a weak team joins a stronger team. I think you should simply focus on teamkiller etc... lately I had a nice round on Aberdeen with 0 death and someone teamkilled me. I reported and admins didn't react. I know you don't get any money for being admin so I don't really expect too much. I just think don't overcomplicate things. There is no need. It is more important to have a fine little community where fun stand in first place. If someone stacks to get a better score I think he can get kicked. Otherwise it shouldn't be an issue since there are more than 60 ppl on the server. Use your common sense and it should be fine.


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#69 2022-04-08 16:19:57

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

BFSoldier3 wrote:

Another abuse from an inadequate admin


Your BF109 landed in base allied btw... lol

People should be allowed to reconnect - because if not, the people with low ID have an advantage, which is not fair, right? Since everybody is able to disconnect it is more fair.


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#70 2022-04-08 16:39:51

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

stacking...a non question at this point...cant believe this post has 3 pages already. Close this topic, so many rules and rules, one day we would need to ask for permission to get a kill...its simple not complicated server


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#71 2022-04-08 16:42:31

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Way too much micromanagement, relax all!


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#72 2022-04-08 18:01:23

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

And so after all this, I expect admin to enforce and follow the new rules .
Not trying to hurt anyones feelings here but, With the relentless crying and lying and 3 pages worth.
I agree with Lecter for once. That’s enough on this.

And just so you all know the rules will be  -altered with new amendments so please be patient.
If you look at the bottom (Suicide  rules) you will see where we defined it again.

Good luck to you all.
Let’s move swiftly on


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