#31 2022-04-07 11:01:31

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel


He did not dis- + reconnect.

Sometimes you get even with a higher ID one of the first at the next map.


And yes... all this is too much.

When i started reading the updated rules, i intuitively scrolled down after 7 words to find the "Accept AGB/GTC Button" smile

There's nothing more boring, if unbalanced, (strength), teams play for 45 minutes.



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#32 2022-04-07 11:57:48

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Maybe try to add a spawn delay of 15-20 seconds for problem vehicles at the start

objectTemplate.spawnDelayAtStart 15


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#33 2022-04-07 12:09:12

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

I just wonder when this dumb rule came up and who invented it? Never heard in admin section discussion about this absurd....

Last edited by e.S (2022-04-07 18:45:14)


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#34 2022-04-07 12:27:12

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

More rules please...


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#35 2022-04-07 15:09:44

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel


ziba128 wrote:

Maybe try to add a spawn delay of 15-20 seconds for problem vehicles at the start

objectTemplate.spawnDelayAtStart 15

Unfortunately, that is not available for multi-player Ziba.  Damn shame indeed.


e.S wrote:

I just wonder when this dumb rule came up and who invented it? Never heard in admin section discussion of this absurd....

It was recommended in the new admin forum, late March.  The initial reason is understandable,
but IMO, there is a better alternative to this.

Last edited by seVen (2022-04-07 15:25:48)


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#36 2022-04-07 16:23:25

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

1. The rule is there, like it or not...
2. The guy beats it and there are proof and people who saw him doing so...
3. Many people complained about him breaking the rule...
4. He gets warned, kicked and then banned for refusing to respect the rule...
5. He insults admins etc...
6. Why would he and 000 and others do this if it didnt work as an advatage?

Just stop breaking the rule and lets go on playing the game.


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#37 2022-04-07 16:39:34

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Casca wrote:

1. The rule is there, like it or not...
2. The guy beats it and there are proof and people who saw him doing so...
3. Many people complained about him breaking the rule...
4. He gets warned, kicked and then banned for refusing to respect the rule...
5. He insults admins etc...
6. Why would he and 000 and others do this if it didnt work as an advatage?

Just stop breaking the rule and lets go on playing the game.

another liar



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#38 2022-04-07 17:06:01

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

I havent seen proof of what test01 supposedly is doing yet. the screenshots of jorgen prove only that he has low ids


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#39 2022-04-07 17:09:20

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

The proof is in the statistically impossibillity of getting low id all day in every map with ping 60.

Воруя сметану, кошка закрывает глаза.


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#40 2022-04-07 17:11:22

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

KANER88 wrote:
e.S wrote:

I just wonder when this dumb rule came up and who invented it? Never heard in admin section discussion of this absurd....

These comments and a lot of them smile
At least nice to read Im not the only who thinks this rule + no switching teams allowed during the round is complete bs.

It was probably the same person who removes admins of his duties when he proves that it would be better not to apply this rule for better good of this community. Or prolly the same person who thinks its better to hide his mistakes by deleting other's posts pointing about them, closing topic where other admins saying its a bad rule etc. But yes, this community is really going well with new head admin, no doubt about it:)

So you think that it should be allowed to disconnect and then reconnect in order to get a better spawn so just some people get the best planes? You also like teamstacking? Maybe you like other exploits too?


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#41 2022-04-07 17:25:35

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

KANER88 wrote:

Casca, go read my post here : https://team-simple.org/forum/viewtopic … 02#p177802

Probably not so about reconnecting, but dont really see this as a reason to ban anybody. Either way, nvm. But letting a round being ruined by not allowing someone to switch to help other side whos badly baselocked for 10-15 minutes its ridiculous. If we want to have this small community reduced to even smaller amount of players until its mostly gone forerver, keep going then.

Yes I remember when you teamstacked there to get more points with your friend - I was in playing.


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#42 2022-04-07 17:28:13

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Yea thats not true casca. I was there and I dont recall killer switching to allied.


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#43 2022-04-07 17:28:51

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Yes. And i was spectating stream

@test01   https://backblaze.archiveddit.com/file/ … ty14w3.mp4

Last edited by jorgen (2022-04-07 17:39:38)


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#44 2022-04-07 18:39:24

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Zody wrote:

Yea thats not true casca. I was there and I dont recall killer switching to allied.

He sure did switch teams to the team who hade more players.


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#45 2022-04-07 18:42:08

Kurwa japierdole
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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

BUT I'm personally so tired of watching how a few players playing 24/7 on the server.

Don't watch.


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#46 2022-04-07 18:50:57

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Casca wrote:

1. The rule is there, like it or not...                                                                         there is no such rule.
2. The guy beats it and there are proof and people who saw him doing so...               so he doesn't....
3. Many people complained about him breaking the rule...                                        which rule?
4. He gets warned, kicked and then banned for refusing to respect the rule...             well, abuse obviously
5. He insults admins etc...                                                                                      sorry, never seen
6. Why would he and 000 and others do this if it didnt work as an advatage?             many have better regs after restarting

Just stop breaking the rule and lets go on playing the game.

Last edited by e.S (2022-04-07 18:52:27)


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#47 2022-04-07 19:04:10

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

e.S wrote:
Casca wrote:

1. The rule is there, like it or not...                                                                         there is no such rule.

Read under news:

”Disconnecting at the end of every map to reconnect to the next map every time to get lower (0) id just to be the 1st to spawn in- in order to get vehicles faster"(for example a B-17, M10 Will no longer Be tolerated.”


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#48 2022-04-07 19:20:52

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Casca wrote:
Zody wrote:

Yea thats not true casca. I was there and I dont recall killer switching to allied.

He sure did switch teams to the team who hade more players.

You cant even prove that. stop making stuff up. he joined and was axis. from the get go. I was there.


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#49 2022-04-07 19:54:53

L0rd Waggachugga
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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Can we get back on topic?

I hear Jorgen abuses fish with this:

Image BBCode test


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#50 2022-04-07 20:24:41

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

I will show you mine if you show me yours. Mine is bigger and more fancy


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#51 2022-04-07 20:25:24

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Casca wrote:
e.S wrote:
Casca wrote:

1. The rule is there, like it or not...                                                                         there is no such rule.

Read under news:

”Disconnecting at the end of every map to reconnect to the next map every time to get lower (0) id just to be the 1st to spawn in- in order to get vehicles faster"(for example a B-17, M10 Will no longer Be tolerated.”

With all respect I disagree with you, Casca. Even if you have number 0 you are not garanteed B17 or M10. So, if someone disconnects when the round is over and rejoin again on the next map - it's players choice.


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#52 2022-04-07 20:48:30

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Zody wrote:
Casca wrote:
Zody wrote:

Yea thats not true casca. I was there and I dont recall killer switching to allied.

He sure did switch teams to the team who hade more players.

You cant even prove that. stop making stuff up. he joined and was axis. from the get go. I was there.

Zody, stop or you are gonna be taken your admin rights off.. big_smile


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#53 2022-04-07 20:49:02

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

KANER88 wrote:
Zody wrote:
Casca wrote:

He sure did switch teams to the team who hade more players.

You cant even prove that. stop making stuff up. he joined and was axis. from the get go. I was there.

Zody, stop or you are gonna be taken your admin rights off.. big_smile

I'm no admin on this server for months now big_smile


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#54 2022-04-07 20:50:56

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Damn, how did I miss that.. probably was too busy with "teamstacking", so..


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#55 2022-04-07 21:00:56

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

well you linked to that post Killer and asked me to read and i can just say that we where three admins in the same discord channel who saw this and talked about it when you stacked so dont lie about it.


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#56 2022-04-07 21:03:18

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Casca wrote:

well you linked to that post Killer and asked me to read and i can just say that we where three admins in the same discord channel who saw this and talked about it when you stacked so dont lie about it.

in what way did he stack? I was there and am confused about what you are saying


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#57 2022-04-07 21:15:46

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Zody wrote:
Casca wrote:

well you linked to that post Killer and asked me to read and i can just say that we where three admins in the same discord channel who saw this and talked about it when you stacked so dont lie about it.

in what way did he stack? I was there and am confused about what you are saying

His friend played in the other team - they played on diffrent sides - he switched side to his friends side. So the team wich he left was down two players, I was in that team.


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#58 2022-04-07 21:25:33

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Casca you are delusional, what are you even on? You call every good players a cheater and no way they are just good players including me.

2) Butcher is not my friend, its more of rivals and we play on different side 90% of the time and I enjoy playing agains him as theres barely any good inf challenger yet now.

3) Every switch of sides is STACK for you, you cant even describe what stack is. I recall this from you many times.

4) So Berlin TDM, Butcher only inf axis cca 75-15 score in 1st  15-20mins. 2nd highest "skilled" player having negative KDR 18 kills 20 deaths, rest of team doing same or even worse.
ALLIES having 4-5 good infs with good KDR around 50 kills and 18 deaths. I switched AXIS and this is stack? You gotta be drugged or i dont know what else to say.  Haski was recording this round he can easily prove that. JUst a made up bs story. Dont even try to continue


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#59 2022-04-07 22:26:46

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

This stacker88... hehe

Casca, i don't know about that round, but i never witnessed 88 stacking, switching to the strong team. In fact, he always does the opposite, helps to the weaker team. May be it was 000 pretending to be 88? I expect that kind of action from him : D

As for the other issue, you and jorgen are totally right. I like the crow but if he or another player does any trick to get vehicles faster, again and again... They should be punished. That's the real abusing.


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#60 2022-04-07 23:38:54

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Well he did teamstack and I didnt say anything in gamechat, I didnt kick him or do anything but you know if someone asks me, like he did, I wont lie and say that he didnt teamstack, because he did. (That is if you call switching teams to a team that has more players to teamstack.) Hilly on the otherhand warned him and wrote to him but that was all.

I wont answer more about this teamstacking issue.


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