#1 2022-04-06 21:26:24

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jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

6.4.2022 - bocage

kicked for nothing at the start of the round, did not reconnect

Ferd, Merlin and Alvarez are giving false reports about it

Last edited by BFSoldier3 (2022-04-06 21:34:56)


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#2 2022-04-06 21:50:31

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Should i give long ban for making false report?
You had id. 2....


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#3 2022-04-06 23:04:31

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

We all saw what u did test


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#4 2022-04-06 23:16:43

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

6.4.2022 - el alamen

jorgen ban me for nothing  again ...

Jorgen is abusing the admin again and makes false reports


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#5 2022-04-06 23:18:30

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

You are not allowed to disconnect and connect again to get a lower number at the start of the map. You do that over and over again...


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#6 2022-04-06 23:21:30

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

jorgen wrote:

Should i give long ban for making false report?
You had id. 2....

Casca wrote:

We all saw what u did test

I think you should be deprived of the admin panel for a long time for abuse and false reports


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#7 2022-04-06 23:34:13

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

There are some screenshoots when you did it earlier today but then you did it more times even after we told you not to. First you got a kick and now 15 min ban...just stop using this now forbidden exploit and the admin abuse wil stop.


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#8 2022-04-07 00:05:27

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

jorgen wrote:

There are some screenshoots when you did it earlier today but then you did it more times even after we told you not to. First you got a kick and now 15 min ban...just stop using this now forbidden exploit and the admin abuse wil stop.

I don't think you understand what you're talking about or what you're doing. If you are talking about screenshots with the message shutdown at the end of the round, then it occurs periodically for different players when the map changes, even those who do not rejoin.

Now watch the video.

End and start of the round. Recording today.




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#9 2022-04-07 00:08:20

Gulag guard
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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Test01 please stop reconnecting in order to be player#1 or 2 to get the vehicles faster...... ¿do you understand?


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#10 2022-04-07 00:09:52

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Zwarrior wrote:

Test01 please stop reconnecting in order to be player#1 or 2 to get the vehicles faster...... ¿do you understand?

Zwarrior please watch the video and stop lying


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#11 2022-04-07 00:12:57

Gulag guard
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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

ok so you dont want to understand .......well then your ban will last longer until you are able to.


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#12 2022-04-07 00:22:47

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Casca wrote:

You are not allowed to disconnect and connect again to get a lower number at the start of the map. You do that over and over again...

But how are you going to kick and ban him for that? Take care of the renowned players in this community, he is a guy who is only dedicated to play and you will never find him breaking the rules.


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#13 2022-04-07 00:32:48

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

This videos dont prove anything. Sorry. Its a black screen with the intro music.

Here is proof. Statiscally with ping 60 you should not have this low id this many times without using the exploit.


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#14 2022-04-07 00:34:13

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

S.E.L.F wrote:
Casca wrote:

You are not allowed to disconnect and connect again to get a lower number at the start of the map. You do that over and over again...

But how are you going to kick and ban him for that? Take care of the renowned players in this community, he is a guy who is only dedicated to play and you will never find him breaking the rules.

There is new rules about using this exploit


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#15 2022-04-07 00:56:32

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

jorgen wrote:
S.E.L.F wrote:
Casca wrote:

You are not allowed to disconnect and connect again to get a lower number at the start of the map. You do that over and over again...

But how are you going to kick and ban him for that? Take care of the renowned players in this community, he is a guy who is only dedicated to play and you will never find him breaking the rules.

There is new rules about using this exploit

It is a very extreme rule, you will have to put on the police jacket with every player who does this and in the pile will fall guilty and innocent, sometimes you do not even know if it was disconnected for some other reason to take advantage of an "exploit".

How are you going to check in each individual case?

Anyway, have a little patience with these things because they are very fine, I understand the purpose of the rule but there are players who earned their reputation and you as an administrator have to protect them, not punish them with a rule that is 2 days old. Explain to him once, twice or three times if necessary, in any case if he continues with the bad posture then just use the gun.


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#16 2022-04-07 01:11:19

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Yes. Thats how we do it. First a warning. Then a kick. Then a 15 minute ban. This is text book admining


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#17 2022-04-07 01:12:27

Gulag guard
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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

but the thing is that we are telling him that we do know what he is doing and he still call us liars, i mean......


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#18 2022-04-07 01:40:20

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

jorgen wrote:

This videos dont prove anything. Sorry. Its a black screen with the intro music.

Here is proof. Statiscally with ping 60 you should not have this low id this many times without using the exploit.

Zwarrior wrote:

but the thing is that we are telling him that we do know what he is doing and he still call us liars, i mean......

i recorded a video of the end of the round and loading a new one without disconnecting, but they still don't understand... it's amazing

record your video using the OBS and see what kind of black screen you get and post it here

also, for example, you can record a video with disconnecting after the round and joining again and you will see the difference

Last edited by BFSoldier3 (2022-04-07 01:50:13)


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#19 2022-04-07 01:55:17

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

you should play lotto test


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#20 2022-04-07 03:47:36

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

another abuse of the admin panel - I guess it was seven



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#21 2022-04-07 04:58:23

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

The #id is barely dependant on the ping. There is a chance that Test01 is playing within the rules.

This rule looks good on paper, but almost imposible to apply. I guess it was made to avoid those 3 (Merlín,000 and Test01) to hog vehicles. Maybe we can give them a warning alluding to the !dis command when they start doing so?


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#22 2022-04-07 05:01:12

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

Darcano wrote:

The #id is barely dependant on the ping. There is a chance that Test01 is playing within the rules.

This rule looks good on paper, but almost imposible to apply. I guess it was made to avoid those 3 (Merlín,000 and Test01) to hog vehicles. Maybe we can give them a warning alluding to the !dis command when they start doing so?

Watch the last video or this is not enough again and you will come up with something else?

A warning should be given to anyone who makes false reports about this and abuses the admin panel.

And the hog of vehicles does not always depend on the ID number.

Last edited by BFSoldier3 (2022-04-07 05:11:15)


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#23 2022-04-07 05:30:08

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

If test01 can get this low id without reconnecting all the time, it means he have modified his files. Not good test01.


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#24 2022-04-07 05:44:11

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

This is the dumbest rule ever. It has got nothing to do with ping. Faster map change depends on a lot of things and those can be changed to improve the speed, it is not about modifying anything. He literally has videos... If he would have disconnected, the screen would not be black. And really, do you want all players to be equally braindead and boring/unskilled? All these mods and rules support only noobs. There are some harmless tricks that old players have aquired over the years. The rule is going to be abused and it's literally worthless.


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#25 2022-04-07 05:47:22

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

jorgen wrote:

If test01 can get this low id without reconnecting all the time, it means he have modified his files. Not good test01.

And again lies.
I say now, something will come up!
They don't know what to do anymore.
Do you even understand what you're talking about?
You post screenshots from the phone with the id number as evidence, which do not prove anything and start lying that I am reconnecting.
Now, after watching my video proof, you decided to come up with something new and you're lying again. You don't know what else to come up with. It's just amazing.

In general, I'm not surprised ... this is a simple.
On the server, one cheater played for several months, the other for about a year and nothing with the maphack and no one checked and did not notice this. But at the same time, honest players are banned indiscriminately.

Last edited by BFSoldier3 (2022-04-07 06:01:49)


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#26 2022-04-07 08:53:11

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

The kicks are completely unjustified, test01 didn't disconnect. Simply getting a low ID isn't proof of anything.
Jorgen, Zwarrior open you Battlefield 1942 folder, there is a file called "BlackScreen.exe" in it.
Why don't you go ahead and explain to us what that file does and why it is relevant in this discussion.
Or maybe try to reproduce what is seen in test01's videos when you record your game with OBS Game Capture.


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#27 2022-04-07 09:35:54

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

The rule was made to stop some players getting the best toys in every round. How this player get this low id  every round is not that important. And video proof like this from a player with very low credabillity. It is very easy to edit a video to make it look like nothing bad happen. But as i say the rule about reconnecting is about using exploit to get low id. If the player uses other "exploit" to get low id the rule is still valid. Thats how i see the rule.
But aparently all you guys know something i dont know about getting low id. Do anybody want to explane it to me? Do it on pm/discord. If any player is getting low id in every round the "admin abuse" will continue.  So pleace be a good boy.
Pece and love your friendly admin jorgen


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#28 2022-04-07 09:41:10

Paul Baumer
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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

How can we forbid players from getting low id? There always will be someone with lower id than others - ban him every time for every map?
That's a made up nonsense rule that has nothing to do with fairplay and completely out from common sense.


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#29 2022-04-07 10:04:59

Kurwa japierdole
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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

simon wrote:

This is the dumbest rule ever. It has got nothing to do with ping. Faster map change depends on a lot of things and those can be changed to improve the speed, it is not about modifying anything. He literally has videos... If he would have disconnected, the screen would not be black. And really, do you want all players to be equally braindead and boring/unskilled? All these mods and rules support only noobs. There are some harmless tricks that old players have aquired over the years. The rule is going to be abused and it's literally worthless.

Next time we will ban players for bigger FPS.
Or for playing with disabled shadows.
Total bullshit.


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#30 2022-04-07 10:23:03

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Re: jorgen - abuse of the admin panel

The rule might be weird and difficult to enforce and I wouldn't like to see the skill level on the server decrease (if that's even possible), BUT I'm personally so tired of watching how a few players playing 24/7 on the server, hugging  certain vehicles on certain maps and almost sees them as their personal property, making it impossible for other players ever using them.


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