#1 2021-11-18 10:22:55

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Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name

Got banned today by an admin I never heard of. Bunny was the name I think. Told me that I can't use Maj preface to my name, and to change name. I thought it was a joke (I've seen a lot worse names). He said only some guy called Merlin, whoever that is, can have Maj at the start of their name. I got kicked, then came back to ask why, but as soon as I rejoined, I got a ban.
Seriously? Some admins I think are on a bit of a power trip. Are they really supposed to be banning people for any little thing? I've seen many petty admins in my time, but this takes the cake. The community will continue to dwindle with admins like this.


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#2 2021-11-18 10:24:55

Marshal Murat
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Re: Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name

you were banned by jumpy for not changing your name and the duration is 15 mins, you didn't change the name and you deserved it, read rules and don't impersonate others, have a nice day.

Last edited by Goldie (2021-11-18 10:26:15)


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#3 2021-11-18 10:35:28

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Re: Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name

Well, you say I "deserved it" without any valid arguments backing up why I deserved it.  My opinion is that I didn't deserve it, hence this complaint.
My argument is this; Maj is a preface meaning Major, which is a military rank. Can the Maj preface be reserved for one player? I'm not sure that's fair.


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#4 2021-11-18 10:39:49

Marshal Murat
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Re: Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name

admin was thinking that you were impersonating and you didn't change your name back there while you were given 2 clear warning and you completely ignored them, that's the reason, when an admin tells you to, behave.

Last edited by Goldie (2021-11-18 10:40:05)


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#5 2021-11-18 10:55:01

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Re: Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name

I'm not going to blindly follow everything an admin says. And rightly so, as this time, they got it wrong.
To clarify, I thought it was just a joke, as we were having a discussion in the chat, about admins, and  I said that 'some admins are power hungry'. So, to see a 'change your name' request immediately after I said that - seemed like a funny joke. I said 'haha'. Then, kicked. Then tried to return, banned. Unable to ask for the reason.
Anyway, I can see that this isn't getting me anywhere. I just wanted to state my case and I think I've done that, so have a good day.


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#6 2021-11-18 13:05:52

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Re: Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name

Its my identity and you cant just go swiping it and adding it to own name because you think it looks cool or when a few idiots bandwagon on a goofy trend only really designed to hound, harass people, even if they're such constant headbutters like me, also I started as Lt.MerliN on Day Of Defeat, after some years at that, I felt worthy of Cpt. then realizing Major was next and how much cooler Maj.MerliN would look, it was my goal for Bf1942 starting myself off as Sgt again, and when i'd become dominant enough on moongamers, natoes I elevated my rank gradually, so its not simply putting it in because its short for Major, I played in such lengths as other ranks to feel i'd earned it, and since it looked, sounded best I kept it even if my ability level long since surpassed it.

Truth is normally ive no objections at all to people using it, but not as a fad, as a trend because of others, copying and only happening because of that, that it is only appearing and becoming popular from a stupid name copying circlejerk by a given number of certain people who find fun in that sort of thing, not for legitimate reasons like I have, if was more like that, it doesnt matter, but in this case, it does.

Last edited by Zatoichi (2021-11-18 13:09:26)


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#7 2021-11-18 13:39:10

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Re: Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name

hometownhero wrote:

I'm not going to blindly follow everything an admin says. And rightly so, as this time, they got it wrong.
To clarify, I thought it was just a joke, as we were having a discussion in the chat, about admins, and  I said that 'some admins are power hungry'. So, to see a 'change your name' request immediately after I said that - seemed like a funny joke. I said 'haha'. Then, kicked. Then tried to return, banned. Unable to ask for the reason.
Anyway, I can see that this isn't getting me anywhere. I just wanted to state my case and I think I've done that, so have a good day.

I sure it was a joke ban just to drag you to this forum, please dont get offended, of course prefix Maj. is free to use.
Merlin its time to promote youself to generals.


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#8 2021-11-18 18:33:50

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Re: Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name

Zatoichi wrote:


So maybe we should ban all the players who have a military grade in their nick, unless they are colonels and generals, given that YOU used to wear all those sergent, lieutnant, etc before...

Come back to reality, you're just a d'ckhead in front of a screen, you're not a soldier. Maybe you should change your grade to froshy or rookie, you deserve it more, and nobody will try to copy it.


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#9 2021-11-18 18:38:01

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Re: Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name

joint wrote:
hometownhero wrote:

I'm not going to blindly follow everything an admin says. And rightly so, as this time, they got it wrong.
To clarify, I thought it was just a joke, as we were having a discussion in the chat, about admins, and  I said that 'some admins are power hungry'. So, to see a 'change your name' request immediately after I said that - seemed like a funny joke. I said 'haha'. Then, kicked. Then tried to return, banned. Unable to ask for the reason.
Anyway, I can see that this isn't getting me anywhere. I just wanted to state my case and I think I've done that, so have a good day.

I sure it was a joke ban just to drag you to this forum, please dont get offended, of course prefix Maj. is free to use.
Merlin its time to promote youself to generals.

Dicktator would fit fine for him Joint !

Last edited by Dakota (2021-11-18 18:39:38)


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#10 2021-11-18 19:11:20

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Re: Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name

Goldie wrote:

you were banned by jumpy for not changing your name and the duration is 15 mins, you didn't change the name and you deserved it, read rules and don't impersonate others, have a nice day.

Did he use Maj Merlin or Maj ........ ?  He was not  impersonating if he was using Maj ....... then it was a mistake to ask him to change the name.

Last edited by Dakota (2021-11-18 19:16:12)


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#11 2021-11-18 20:57:04

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Re: Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name

Dakota wrote:
Goldie wrote:

you were banned by jumpy for not changing your name and the duration is 15 mins, you didn't change the name and you deserved it, read rules and don't impersonate others, have a nice day.

Did he use Maj Merlin or Maj ........ ?  He was not  impersonating if he was using Maj ....... then it was a mistake to ask him to change the name.

CANNOT get any more straight up than that Dak!
And if he DID use full Maj Merlin, he SHOULD be kicked immediately. I believe all folks know that. And I hope ALL Admins would comply for ALL of us players under those circumstances.


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#12 2021-11-18 21:55:12

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Re: Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name

Meow trying to shit stir desperately here, arguing for sake of arguing because he wants to make it look like this is about all military prefixes but its about copying maj for its own sake now go sit back down and shut up


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#13 2021-11-18 21:59:00

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Re: Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name

Zatoichi wrote:

Meow trying to shit stir desperately here, arguing for sake of arguing because he wants to make it look like this is about all military prefixes but its about copying maj for its own sake now go sit back down and shut up

Not at all. I agree that copying "Maj.Merlin" is against the rules.
But the prefix "Maj" doesn't belong to you. Not more than the b17 and the m10.

Last edited by Meow (2021-11-18 21:59:43)


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#14 2021-11-19 00:26:09

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Re: Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name

Its my handle, and people changing it to that suddenly is not a matter of the principle you are speaking, shut up, you have no argument here


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#15 2021-11-19 04:53:17

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Re: Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name

Zatoichi wrote:

Its my handle, and people changing it to that suddenly is not a matter of the principle you are speaking, shut up, you have no argument here

You're a case for psychatrists my friend lol.

Last edited by Meow (2021-11-19 04:53:34)


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