#1 2021-09-22 14:29:22

Reputation: +2676
Registered: 2015-12-20
Posts: 2,376
Windows 10 Firefox 92.0

Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

There was a cow infestation spanning several maps yesterday:

9/21/2021 17:42:36 : # [Global] Maj.MerliN: fng Hindus must be behind all these cows showing up
9/21/2021 17:57:29 : # [Global] I  see dead cows: what did the killer look like? he is cowcasian
9/21/2021 18:15:24 : # [Global] Don't have a cow: flakkers ruined my cowfight
9/21/2021 18:24:31 : # [Global] RoboCow: Moooo re time
9/21/2021 18:24:36 : # [Global] Obelisk: what's with this cow stuff

Cows On Midway

9/21/2021 17:40:57 : # [Global] Cow l Arp273: it all started with burnt cow and frozen cow
9/21/2021 17:41:02 : # [Global] BfCowldier: sit
9/21/2021 17:41:04 : # [Global] Cow|Cactus: Cowral Sea
9/21/2021 17:41:24 : # [Global] Cowrona: comeon 000 do another rage cow
9/21/2021 17:42:36 : # [Global] Maj.MerliN: fng Hindus must be behind all these cows showing up
9/21/2021 17:42:48 : # [Global] Cow l Arp273: mooo?
9/21/2021 17:42:53 : # [Global] Cow Milk: moooooooo
9/21/2021 17:43:00 : # [Global] -=Elite=-m00: m000.
9/21/2021 17:43:19 : # [Allies] Cow Milk: need a cow crew on the DD
9/21/2021 17:43:52 : # [Global] Cowrona: we need more cows
9/21/2021 17:43:58 : # [Global] Cowrona: raspop, be a cow too
9/21/2021 17:44:21 : # [Global] Cow must go on: .14 tk
9/21/2021 17:44:29 : # [Global] Cow|Cactus: !moo
9/21/2021 17:44:34 : # [Global] Cow must go on: moooooooo
9/21/2021 17:44:40 : # [Global] Cow Milk: cow tank a/f
9/21/2021 17:44:42 : # [Global] -=[coW]=-: MOOOOOOOO
9/21/2021 17:44:46 : # [Global] Oh_No_Not_Oatmeal!: Cows LOVE oatmeal!
9/21/2021 17:45:28 : # [Global] Cow must go on: we should put a cowpiright
9/21/2021 17:45:49 : # [Global] -=[coW]=-: W NEED TO RENAME TE SERVER COW
9/21/2021 17:45:54 : # [Global] -=[coW]=-: we*
9/21/2021 17:46:15 : # [Global] Cow must go on: 
9/21/2021 17:46:17 : # [Global] Red Hot Chili Cows: shit
9/21/2021 17:46:20 : # [Global] -=[coW]=-: we need a change.org pertition
9/21/2021 17:46:25 : # [Global] Cow Milk: don't have a cow man
9/21/2021 17:46:58 : # [Global] Red Hot Chili Cows: hahaha
9/21/2021 17:47:48 : # [Global] Cow must go on: raspoop, u can do better...
9/21/2021 17:47:52 : # [Global] Cow Milk: cow fairy down
9/21/2021 17:48:19 : # [Global] Red Hot Chili Cows: merlin, dont be so moooooooooo-dy
9/21/2021 17:48:21 : # [Global] Cow must go on: cowticide
9/21/2021 17:48:37 : # [Axis] Cowctus: what are you doing shorts?
9/21/2021 17:48:54 : # [Axis] Cowctus: ok
9/21/2021 17:49:00 : # [Global] Cow must go on: hi henk
9/21/2021 17:49:05 : # [Global] Cow must go on: be a cow pls
9/21/2021 17:49:24 : # [Global] Cow must go on: moooooo
9/21/2021 17:49:44 : # [Global] CresT: WHY COWS?!?!?!
9/21/2021 17:50:02 : # [Global] Cow must go on: good raspoop !
9/21/2021 17:50:11 : # [Global] Red Hot Chili Cows: beh
9/21/2021 17:50:20 : # [Global] Maj.MerliN: thats goat, not cow
9/21/2021 17:50:22 : # [Global] Cow must go on: lol
9/21/2021 17:50:33 : # [Axis] Cowctus: merl flying?
9/21/2021 17:50:35 : # [Global] Cow Milk: some cow mugged me at s. flag
9/21/2021 17:50:48 : # [Global] Cow must go on: lol cow01
9/21/2021 17:50:50 : # [Global] cow01: %
9/21/2021 17:50:54 : # [Global] Cowctus: damn
9/21/2021 17:50:57 : # [Global] Cow must go on: thats cowticide
9/21/2021 17:51:34 : # [Allies] don't have a cow man: !nextmap
9/21/2021 17:51:59 : # [Global] Cow must go on: moooo?
9/21/2021 17:52:07 : # [Global] Cow...fat one!!!!!: moooooo!!!!!
9/21/2021 17:52:17 : # [Global] Cow must go on: mooooooo!!!!
9/21/2021 17:52:38 : # [Global] Cow Milk: bailing cow s. flag
9/21/2021 17:52:49 : # [Global] Cow must go on: henk !
9/21/2021 17:52:55 : # [Global] Cow must go on: u no cow
9/21/2021 17:53:10 : # [Global] Cow must go on: im arpcow
9/21/2021 17:53:48 : # [Allies] COLHOOO: chill cow!
9/21/2021 17:54:02 : # [Global] Cow Milk: maj cow down
9/21/2021 17:54:30 : # [Global] Cowrona: stop cow wounding man
9/21/2021 17:54:44 : # [Global] cowtester01: enemy cow D1 ?
9/21/2021 17:54:59 : # [Global] Cow must go on: moooo?
9/21/2021 17:55:01 : # [Global] cowtester01: enemy cow spotted
9/21/2021 17:55:06 : # [Global] secret cow level: ye, i herd someone saying moo in that grid
9/21/2021 17:55:14 : # [Global] Cow must go on: xD
9/21/2021 17:55:35 : # [Global] Cow Milk: no blue cow pilots sad
9/21/2021 17:55:40 : # [Global] Cow must go on: the moo is srtong in this one
9/21/2021 17:55:59 : # [Global] Cow must go on: lol
9/21/2021 17:56:09 : # [Axis] Cowerd: zie je wel shorts?
9/21/2021 17:56:13 : # [Global] Cow must go on: cowspiracie
9/21/2021 17:56:15 : # [Axis] Cowerd: was in het noorden wink
9/21/2021 17:56:19 : # [Axis] Cowctus: need crew on e1 destroyer
9/21/2021 17:56:21 : # [Global] cowtester01: hey Chibicow
9/21/2021 17:57:29 : # [Global] I  see dead cows: what did the killer look like? he is cowcasian
9/21/2021 17:57:31 : # [Axis] Cowctus: one more crewmate in f2 destroyer
9/21/2021 17:57:38 : # [Global] Cow must go on: lol
9/21/2021 17:57:44 : # [Global] Cow must go on: i like cowcasian wagga
9/21/2021 17:58:11 : # [Global] Cow must go on: btw, where is Cowrax?
9/21/2021 17:58:13 : # [Allies] Cow Milk: not one pilot at all here
9/21/2021 17:58:54 : # [Global] I  see dead cows: haha
9/21/2021 17:59:14 : # [Global] Cowctus: liked more cow01
9/21/2021 17:59:25 : # [Global] Cowctus: cowtester souns dark
9/21/2021 17:59:27 : # [Global] Cow Milk: anyones see the blue cows?
9/21/2021 17:59:29 : # [Global] Cow must go on: moooo?
9/21/2021 17:59:44 : # [Global] Cowctus: perfect
9/21/2021 18:00:25 : # [Allies] Cow...fat one!!!!!: laaaaggg!
9/21/2021 18:00:30 : # [Global] Cow must go on: all cows should be in same team..
9/21/2021 18:00:38 : # [Global] Cow must go on: to mooo better
9/21/2021 18:00:56 : # [Allies] secret cow level: ye, all cows to allied team pronto
9/21/2021 18:00:58 : # [Global] Cow Milk: blue cows are not a team
9/21/2021 18:01:13 : # [Global] Cow...fat one!!!!!: yeah...we hate homo sapiens...
9/21/2021 18:01:15 : # [Global] secret cow level: all cows on allied team pronto
9/21/2021 18:01:17 : # [Global] Cownaldinho: yea
9/21/2021 18:01:28 : # [Global] secret cow level: we moo as one
9/21/2021 18:01:32 : # [Global] Cow must go on: cant stac
9/21/2021 18:02:05 : # [Global] Cownaldinho: shit
9/21/2021 18:02:25 : # [Global] Cow must go on: lol cownaldinho
9/21/2021 18:02:30 : # [Global] Cow must go on: xD
9/21/2021 18:02:59 : # [Axis] Cow Milk: do not beach that carrier
9/21/2021 18:03:43 : # [Global] Cowerd: )
9/21/2021 18:03:43 : # [Global] secret cow level: pfff
9/21/2021 18:03:43 : # [Global] Cownaldinho: maj. cow
9/21/2021 18:03:43 : # [Global] Cow must go on: fellow cows, I must go
9/21/2021 18:03:49 : # [Global] Cow id: møøø
9/21/2021 18:03:51 : # [Global] Cowctus: moo
9/21/2021 18:03:53 : # [Global] Cownaldinho: DUDE
9/21/2021 18:05:31 : # [Global] Cow Milk: bailing cow
9/21/2021 18:06:05 : # [Global] Cow...fat one!!!!!: idiot!!!!
9/21/2021 18:07:26 : # [Global] Cow Milk: can't land for repairs w/o team attacking ya
9/21/2021 18:07:29 : # [Global] Cow id: møøø
9/21/2021 18:09:04 : # [Axis] Cow Milk: tha cow was mine
9/21/2021 18:09:11 : # [Global] Cowctus: yes?
9/21/2021 18:09:35 : # [Global] Cow...fat one!!!!!: nice..
9/21/2021 18:09:41 : # [Global] Cownaldinho: cownaldinho took a flag
9/21/2021 18:09:47 : # [Global] mediocre: moo
9/21/2021 18:09:53 : # [Global] secret cow level: mooooo
9/21/2021 18:10:08 : # [Global] cow01: any cows ?
9/21/2021 18:10:10 : # [Global] Cowerd: knock knock
9/21/2021 18:10:55 : # [Global] Cow...fat one!!!!!: ooopsieee...sry
9/21/2021 18:12:09 : # [Axis] Cowctus: any ship?
9/21/2021 18:12:15 : # [Global] Stifler's Cow: idk
9/21/2021 18:12:23 : # [Global] Stifler's Cow: HAHA
9/21/2021 18:12:32 : # [Global] cow01: enemy cow spotted
9/21/2021 18:12:40 : # [Axis] Cowerd: carrier?
9/21/2021 18:12:52 : # [Axis] Cowerd: merlin?
9/21/2021 18:13:15 : # [Global] Stifler's Cow: horny cow 000
9/21/2021 18:13:22 : # [Global] Stifler's Cow: want a cowjob?
9/21/2021 18:13:30 : # [Global] Cowerd: C000w
9/21/2021 18:13:50 : # [Global] Stifler's Cow: o
9/21/2021 18:14:30 : # [Axis] Cowctus: i believe that was pooky's ship
9/21/2021 18:14:49 : # [Global] Stifler's Cow: oh god
9/21/2021 18:15:16 : # [Global] Cowerd: )
9/21/2021 18:15:24 : # [Global] Don't have a cow: flakkers ruined my cowfight
9/21/2021 18:16:00 : # [Global] Cowerd: hahaha
9/21/2021 18:16:05 : # [Global] Cowerd: cowfight
9/21/2021 18:16:49 : # [Global] Cowerd: you have horny and normal cows btw
9/21/2021 18:18:15 : # [Global] RoboCow: my fault, i couldnt scape
9/21/2021 18:18:26 : # [Global] Don't have a cow: treeeeee
9/21/2021 18:18:37 : # [Allies] secret cow level: sry sad
9/21/2021 18:18:45 : # [Global] RoboCow: hi
9/21/2021 18:18:54 : # [Global] secret cow level: ohi
9/21/2021 18:18:57 : # [Global] RoboCow: Erwin Cowmel
9/21/2021 18:18:59 : # [Global] secret cow level: hi
9/21/2021 18:21:27 : # [Global] RoboCow: 10 min!
9/21/2021 18:21:30 : # [Global] RoboCow: or 5...
9/21/2021 18:22:09 : # [Global] RoboCow: oof
9/21/2021 18:22:24 : # [Axis] Cowctus: merl
9/21/2021 18:22:29 : # [Axis] Cowctus: help yamato
9/21/2021 18:22:44 : # [Global] RoboCow: enemy sumbnarine
9/21/2021 18:22:50 : # [Global] Cowctus: more time, yes
9/21/2021 18:23:06 : # [Global] cow01: yes
9/21/2021 18:23:14 : # [Global] ShortsNL: we need cow01 to win gold
9/21/2021 18:23:36 : # [Global] Cowctus: !timer20mins
9/21/2021 18:23:59 : # [Global] RoboCow: Cows like cowntry music
9/21/2021 18:24:01 : # [Global] cow01: cowoff
9/21/2021 18:24:13 : # [Global] Cowctus: !add20mins
9/21/2021 18:24:23 : # [Global] Cowctus: !timeroff
9/21/2021 18:24:29 : # [Global] Cowctus: lol
9/21/2021 18:24:31 : # [Global] RoboCow: Moooo re time
9/21/2021 18:24:36 : # [Global] Obelisk: what's with this cow stuff
9/21/2021 18:24:40 : # [Global] Cowctus: catnfocus
9/21/2021 18:24:42 : # [Global] RoboCow: gg
9/21/2021 18:24:46 : # [Global] Cowctus: !timeroff
9/21/2021 18:24:50 : # [Global] RoboCow: join us
9/21/2021 18:25:18 : # [Global] cow01: mooooore
9/21/2021 18:25:20 : # [Global] Don't have a cow: !timer60mins
9/21/2021 18:25:22 : # [Global] Don't have a cow: that's it
9/21/2021 18:25:26 : # [Global] RoboCow: Cowmmand and Cownquer
9/21/2021 18:25:30 : # [Global] Cowctus: me
9/21/2021 18:25:52 : # [Global] Cowctus: not solo
9/21/2021 18:26:06 : # [Global] Cowctus: half server
9/21/2021 18:26:12 : # [Global] Cowctus: more
9/21/2021 18:26:52 : # [Global] Cowctus: xD
9/21/2021 18:27:00 : # [Axis] Cowerd: sry
9/21/2021 18:27:06 : # [Global] RoboCow: sorry really
9/21/2021 18:27:10 : # [Global] RoboCow: i saw in map but not in screeen
9/21/2021 18:27:18 : # [Global] Cowctus: dude
9/21/2021 18:27:28 : # [Global] RoboCow: IS THE FINAL COWNTDOWN tududududuuu!
9/21/2021 18:27:30 : # [Global] Cowctus: chill the f out
9/21/2021 18:27:34 : # [Axis] Cowerd: found carrier?
9/21/2021 18:27:54 : # [Global] RoboCow: Cownt Cowkula
9/21/2021 18:28:51 : # [Global] RoboCow: lmao wtf
9/21/2021 18:28:53 : # [Global] Cowctus: !nextmap
9/21/2021 18:29:00 : # [Global] Cowctus: i can fly
9/21/2021 18:29:14 : # [Global] Cow...fat one!!!!!: yes, add two days for midway.. smile
9/21/2021 18:29:50 : # [Allies] RoboCow: REPAIR COWRRIER ! !! !
9/21/2021 18:31:04 : # [Axis] Cowerd: cow01 ftw
9/21/2021 18:32:13 : # [Global] Cow...fat one!!!!!: fat cows are soooo underestimated...
9/21/2021 18:33:00 : # [Axis] Don't have a cow: alt - cow
9/21/2021 18:33:46 : # [Global] Maj.Cow: moo
9/21/2021 18:33:57 : # [Axis] Cowerd: carrier h2
9/21/2021 18:34:13 : # [Global] Cow...fat one!!!!!: ys...lets play midway for a week...
9/21/2021 18:34:13 : # [Global] RoboCow: enter the ship pleae...
9/21/2021 18:34:15 : # [Global] Cowerd: gn all
9/21/2021 18:34:19 : # [Global] RoboCow: gn
9/21/2021 18:34:21 : # [Global] Cow...fat one!!!!!: gn
9/21/2021 18:34:33 : # [Global] RoboCow: yes?
9/21/2021 18:34:42 : # [Global] Maj.Cow: very nice balv
9/21/2021 18:35:31 : # [Allies] RoboCow: repair ship!
9/21/2021 18:35:56 : # [Global] RoboCow: i have o ide erwin



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#2 2021-09-22 15:20:58

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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers



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#3 2021-09-22 15:22:12

L0rd Waggachugga
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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers



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#4 2021-09-22 15:30:38

Marshal Murat
Reputation: +337
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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

why did he make jokes about caucasian? bruh i live there technically and if idiot says a thing, others follow, it's usual in modern world.


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#5 2021-09-22 15:35:38

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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

Goldie wrote:

why did he make jokes about caucasian? bruh i live there technically and if idiot says a thing, others follow, it's usual in modern world.

hes talking about the "race". People over there use this kind a language a lot.


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#6 2021-09-22 15:56:23

Marshal Murat
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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

Zody wrote:
Goldie wrote:

why did he make jokes about caucasian? bruh i live there technically and if idiot says a thing, others follow, it's usual in modern world.

hes talking about the "race". People over there use this kind a language a lot.

quite, it is weird sometimes......


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#7 2021-09-22 16:26:17

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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

Vertigo wrote:

There was a cow infestation spanning several maps yesterday:

It started on Kursk with an admin called "Cow Burner". Another player renamed himself "cow friend".
Then I decided to rename into "a burnt cow" and the snowball started rolling...

Last edited by Meow (2021-09-22 16:26:43)


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#8 2021-09-22 16:57:11

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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers


Hmm... i killed also a Cow today.

But it was an old and weak one in Guadalcanal.



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#9 2021-09-22 18:15:55

Gulag guard
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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

cows is it possible?


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#10 2021-09-22 18:22:17

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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers


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#11 2021-09-22 19:23:09

Gulag guard
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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

wtf Jorgen? Lol


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#12 2021-09-22 19:55:22

Reputation: +26
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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

You know there is going to be at least one or two who will get turned on by this on this server big_smile

Last edited by BZHERMINING (2021-09-22 19:55:52)


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#13 2021-09-22 20:28:02

Marshal Murat
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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers


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#14 2021-09-22 21:24:39

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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

haha, why did I see this?


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#15 2021-09-22 22:41:24

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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

you guys are just nasty. thinking perverted about your food.
how many of you guys have eaten hotdogs lately? do you think they use prime cuts for that? and do you think they trow away utters, face meat and genitals?
think about that next time you eat cow pussy shaped as a penis... 8===D


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#16 2021-09-22 23:05:39

North Korea
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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

jorgen wrote:

do you think they use prime cuts for that?

I thought they serve only the crème de la crème in hot dogs big_smile


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#17 2021-09-22 23:44:50

Empress of Doom
United States
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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers


You know there is going to be at least one or two who will get turned on by this on this server big_smile

Yes. A lot of incels.


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#18 2021-09-23 01:32:25

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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

Sunshine wrote:

You know there is going to be at least one or two who will get turned on by this on this server big_smile

Yes. A lot of incels.

Cows are not that difficult to find


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#19 2021-09-23 01:57:32

Empress of Doom
United States
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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

Cactus wrote:
Sunshine wrote:

You know there is going to be at least one or two who will get turned on by this on this server big_smile

Yes. A lot of incels.

Cows are not that difficult to find

Please don't feed them a cactus.


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#20 2021-09-23 05:00:43

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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

Go cows! Goats&sheeps will never be tolerated!


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#21 2021-09-23 05:34:40

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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

eat a cow vageena     diddle a muled onkey vageinaa



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#22 2021-09-23 07:33:39

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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers


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#23 2021-09-24 20:49:26

Oscar Goldman
United States
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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

Vertigo wrote:

What have you weirdos done to my post wink

In a crowded field of cows, one turns to the other and says "moooooooove over."


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#24 2021-09-25 02:14:17

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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers


Oscar Goldman wrote:

In a crowded field of cows, one turns to the other and says "moooooooove over."

LoL..  But for stealing jokes from your Grandkids, I'm posting a private picture of you.

Last edited by seVen (2021-09-25 02:15:08)


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#25 2021-09-28 10:56:22

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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

jorgen wrote:

you guys are just nasty. thinking perverted about your food.
how many of you guys have eaten hotdogs lately? do you think they use prime cuts for that? and do you think they trow away utters, face meat and genitals?
think about that next time you eat cow pussy shaped as a penis... 8===D

omg this made me laugh hahahahah


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#26 2021-09-28 15:47:49

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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

It won't be so funny when the MooV clan comes for you  Vert & Piper smile

Last edited by Hillbillyninja (2021-09-28 15:50:02)


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#27 2021-09-28 18:32:27

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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

Meow wrote:
Vertigo wrote:

There was a cow infestation spanning several maps yesterday:

It started on Kursk with an admin called "Cow Burner". Another player renamed himself "cow friend".
Then I decided to rename into "a burnt cow" and the snowball started rolling...

I had some fun after a bottle of whisky on my free day. big_smile Many players had fun too... I even got "friends" smile
Anyway Timmos would like to be a part of that, Iguess, instead of playing 3 vs 3 with some banned cheaters. Isn't it, Timmos?

Last edited by e.S (2021-09-28 18:47:26)


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#28 2021-10-04 06:04:28

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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

Hillbillyninja wrote:

It won't be so funny when the MooV clan comes for you  Vert & Piper smile

ill let vertigo stand in front .. they can have him and ill run away big_smile


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#29 2021-10-05 18:07:51

United States
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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

Vertigo wrote:


PipeR wrote:
Hillbillyninja wrote:

It won't be so funny when the MooV clan comes for you  Vert & Piper smile

ill let vertigo stand in front .. they can have him and ill run away big_smile

Hilly, how would I say "bitch" in Australian??   Oh, I think it would be: "G'day Bitch!"

smile  but we still like you sometimes Piper smile

Can you throw us another shrimp in the bar bee?


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#30 2021-10-07 02:55:36

Reputation: +111
Registered: 2019-09-21
Posts: 106
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Re: Cows take control of SiMPLE servers

Piper, I think you need to come back and play some 42.  I miss you!!!

PipeR wrote:
Hillbillyninja wrote:

It won't be so funny when the MooV clan comes for you  Vert & Piper smile

ill let vertigo stand in front .. they can have him and ill run away big_smile


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