#1 2021-09-16 01:56:49

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How to make vehicles and stationary weapon respawn time longer


I don't know if it's possible but I didn't find any option to it in the map setting (before starting the game) or with the command list I found on this forum.

I also searched the forum with no luck.

Not sure If i'm clear. I would like to make the stationary weapon respawn after 15 minutes and vehicule after 5 for exemple.

I almost sure to remember having played a game where it was something like that.

Thank you.


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#2 2021-09-16 03:05:03

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Re: How to make vehicles and stationary weapon respawn time longer

That requires you to mod the level.  Not something you can do from an options menu.
The defaults for El Alemein / Conquest are:

ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner MachinegunSpawner
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 2 Stationary_browning
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 Stationary_mg42
ObjectTemplate.MinSpawnDelay 35
ObjectTemplate.MaxSpawnDelay 55
ObjectTemplate.SpawnDelayAtStart 0
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 45
ObjectTemplate.Distance 40
ObjectTemplate.DamageWhenLost 10

You'd have to change the respawn values for each weapon/vehicle etc,
then save the level and upload it to your server.

If you're up for all of that, there are still modding sites online with good info.


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#3 2021-09-16 20:28:33

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Re: How to make vehicles and stationary weapon respawn time longer


Thank you! That make sens.

Do you know if there a way to set a "general" rule for all "stationary weapon" of all maps or I realy need to edit every?

Also, just to be sure, If I do the modification, did anyone joining the map will need to have the mod on their pc or it's server side configuration and it doesn't matter?

When doing so, do I need to start a dedicated server or it's okay to use the in game menu to select and start the game?

Thx again

Last edited by JCVD (2021-09-16 20:31:53)


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#4 2021-09-17 20:27:51

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Re: How to make vehicles and stationary weapon respawn time longer


JCVD wrote:

Do you know if there a way to set a "general" rule for all "stationary weapon" of all maps or I realy need to edit every?

Many things cannot be modded globally, and I'm quite sure this would be one of them.

But I'll have to quote what bud said here:
"with this game you have to toss things at it and see what sticks".

JCVD wrote:

Also, just to be sure, If I do the modification, did anyone joining the map will need to have the mod on their pc or it's server side configuration and it doesn't matter?

Changes such as that would be s/s.  Clients need nothing.

JCVD wrote:

When doing so, do I need to start a dedicated server or it's okay to use the in game menu to select and start the game?

You could launch a server from your installed game and your mod will be active.
But depending on what you are modding, it is often best to run a dedicated server tho.
If you cannot connect to it, or are disconnected after connecting or spawning, you'll
know that the mod is botched.  Running the server from your full install may not
notify you because it still has all of it's proper files.  Hope that makes sense.

There are others with far more knowledge here (I was primarily a CoD modder),
and check this site for more info:

https://bfmods.com/tutorial3deb.php?pag … arted.html


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#5 2021-09-20 17:00:58

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Re: How to make vehicles and stationary weapon respawn time longer

Thank you so much.

I will try to find some time this week to experiment.


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#6 2021-09-21 02:40:41

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Re: How to make vehicles and stationary weapon respawn time longer


Just did some test. Quite easy to do for the editing part but I'm having issue to build the map back to RFA after editing it.

I'm using RFA Explorer By Col. Something.

After opening the application as administrator and doing my modification, I build the RFA back using the menu button "build RFA" and everything seems to be fine.

However, when I run the map a lot of things is broken.

For exemple, all the building, sand bags bunker, tower, etc are just not there. I can only see the shadow of them

While playing in coop, the japanese were not using the small ship to attack, only the plane was controller by AI and the US soldier were not moving.

The map I modded is the custom Wake Island (Battlegroup mod.)

I'm on Windows 10, should I tweak something in RFA Explorer or use something else as tool to edit it?

Any advice would me appreciated.



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#7 2021-09-26 15:33:39

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Re: How to make vehicles and stationary weapon respawn time longer

I'm still on this issue if you happen to have a solution.

This week I will try an other rfa editor I found it seems to be older then the one I use so I doesn't have much hope but who knows?


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#8 2021-09-27 12:53:51

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Re: How to make vehicles and stationary weapon respawn time longer

software www.bfo.pm/menu/winRFA.zip i press cancel in the video because i already have it installed.

Last edited by bud (2021-09-27 12:56:49)


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#9 2021-10-20 03:19:20

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Re: How to make vehicles and stationary weapon respawn time longer

bud wrote:

software www.bfo.pm/menu/winRFA.zip i press cancel in the video because i already have it installed.-


First, sorry for the delay, I had so much too do recently.

Thank you so much for the tool and video!

I managed to extract and pack the map with no problem using them.

There is no more weird bugs on the maps and the AI works good now.

Unfortunately, the changes I made were not working.

I modded the Wake Island map from BG42 mod.

I wanted the carrier and the destroyer to spawn back only after 20 minutes.

I made those changes :

ObjectTemplate.MinSpawnDelay 1200
ObjectTemplate.MaxSpawnDelay 1200

For both of them, but it was not working.

Guess what? As I was playing in coop, I had to change the ObjectSpawnTemplates.con in the singlePlayer folder not the conquest folder.

Stupid mistakes, I know.

Now it's working perfectly.

I'm playing a lot of maps with a crazy ratio like 8 vs 1 with a couple of friends and we get some crazy battles against the bots.

Sometimes, it was a bit too hard or too much to deal with when objects are spawning too quickly.

Now I will be able to mod artillery, stationnary weapon, etc to make them not respawn once destroyed so we will be able to play with "objectives" and progress through the map with a little more consistency.

Thank you so much guys.

I will keep this software preciously on my drive for the years to come.


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#10 2021-11-22 06:06:40

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Re: How to make vehicles and stationary weapon respawn time longer

Just wanted to add that changing spawn delay at start does absolutely nothing, so dont bother changing that at all. In theory, if you set it to 60, it should wait 60 seconds until spawning a tiger or whatever, at the start of game. But changing this does nothing. All vehicles appear at the start of the game. The only way to change that is to set a vehicle to a grey flag start of game, such that it appears after a team caps that flag.


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#11 2021-11-22 16:21:59

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Re: How to make vehicles and stationary weapon respawn time longer

ehh objectTemplate.spawnDelayAtStart does work.
At least if if its not attached to a controlPoint.


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#12 2021-11-22 23:20:16

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Re: How to make vehicles and stationary weapon respawn time longer

JCVD wrote:

Guess what? As I was playing in coop, I had to change the ObjectSpawnTemplates.con in the singlePlayer folder not the conquest folder.

Yeah ivé been in the exact same situation, last time was when trying to activate some bots in conquest-mode for a internet server.

The winRFA tool seems to be the best regarding compability back-forth, but it doesnt compress the files very much, and its very basic. There is another tool for compressing, or one can just zip the files  and share that way if needed.

Last edited by bud (2021-11-22 23:24:14)


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