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Who won?
So will there be some sort of after season cup now that the NC is done?
Aren't you retired?
For the videos, check out Flettner's channel:
Who won?
"Turneringen" er ikke spillet færdig endnu. Men mit bud på vinderholdet er det hold ikke består af 10 forskellige mixed nationer og ringers, Tyskland/Østrig.
Cartmanez wrote:Who won?
"Turneringen" er ikke spillet færdig endnu. Men mit bud på vinderholdet er det hold ikke består af 10 forskellige mixed nationer og ringers, Tyskland/Østrig.
Hvordan står det til for lille Danmark?
The cup isn't done. There is still a tournament phase after the group phase.
The cup isn't done. There is still a tournament phase after the group phase.
Cool, thanks Mitch.
LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:Cartmanez wrote:Who won?
"Turneringen" er ikke spillet færdig endnu. Men mit bud på vinderholdet er det hold ikke består af 10 forskellige mixed nationer og ringers, Tyskland/Østrig.
Hvordan står det til for lille Danmark?
Vi spiller ikke med. Jeg var/er ikke fan af at spille fastlagte kampe midt i sommerferien, og jeg synes også det ligner lidt en joke-turnering. Men du kan se holdene og stillingen her: … Itemid=174
Den sidste rigtige liga sæson, som blev afsluttet i juni, hvor et (næsten) dansk hold deltog for første gang, der gik det faktisk rigtig, rigtig godt for os. Kun 3 point for toppen, og vi slog alle de aktive og hungrende hold. Vi startede desværre ud med at møde et BmC og deres absolutte A-line up i vores allerførste kamp (med tømmermænd) og måske på et lidt dårligt valgt map. Det var den eneste kamp vi tabte, men i BF-ligaen er konkurrencen ret forudsigelig, så taber man bare 1 kamp, er Top 3 næsten fordelt, da der er så få hold, som kan tage point fra de bedste hold. Det var åbenbart kun os der kunne det - vi var i hvert fald de eneste som spillede op med Lop, sidste sæsons og denne sæsons vindere. … &Itemid=99
Structure & Rules After the Group Stage
Top 2 teams on the table qualify directly to the semi-finals
Rest of the teams (3,4,5,6) play quarter-finals; 3rd vs 5th and 4th vs 6th
The team who completed the group stage at 1st place will be playing vs the winner team coming from 4th vs 6th quarter-final game and the 2nd team of the group stage will be playing vs the winner team coming from 3rd vs 5th
Map Picking and the Winner Evaluation
From now on, the winner team is going to be the team who wins 4 rounds before the opponent does.
The better ranked team based on the initial completed group stage, will have priority to pick their map from the map pool and also the side to start the war on that particular map
If team A wins 160-0 in el_alamein for instance, and team B wins 60-0 in the second half of the map, the overall result of the map is going to be 1-1 not 2-1 for team A
So that, we do not rely on the overall tickets for the evaluation of winning the map, we rely on ‘’round winning’’ which means a complete war in a map will be resulting either 1-1 or 2-0.
In case of a ticket draw, then the result of that particular map can vary as 2-1, or 2-2 (which is very rare to happen)
After the 1st map is done, the opponent (relatively worse ranked team) will be picking their map and we keep continue playing until one of the teams win 4 rounds overall in the war
Map picks will not be done in advance as we did on bf-league before, here we want to try something new. Each team will be available to tell their map choice in the server on the matchday. But anyways if you want to let your opponent about your map pick, you are free to share it in advance.
All the maps are available to be used again (including the ones we already played in the group stage) but in the war, you can not pick the same map that your opponent picked (in a particular war, the maps will be different, you can not pick the same map to play another 2 rounds of it)
Teams will be having only 1 chance to pick a map, then they will not be available to re-pick that particular map in other wars
Overall playlist of my videos from it: … SAUOP1SaYw