#31 2021-08-02 01:36:12

L0rd Waggachugga
Reputation: +145
Registered: 2020-02-22
Posts: 188
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Re: Qu Qu misadmining, and gullible for Comrade Ivan harassment prank

I prefer that my dirty pms  are from chicks.


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#32 2021-11-26 05:37:20

Reputation: +4
Registered: 2020-05-28
Posts: 19
Windows 10 Chrome 96.0

Re: Qu Qu misadmining, and gullible for Comrade Ivan harassment prank

Oh, hi Merlin, hi QQ, hi all.  Here's Ivan's input:

*  Completely innocent mistake giving wrong ID for SFV.
*  It was only a kick at first.
*  Merlin comes back outraged.
*  I apologized sincerely several times.
*  I never joked about it - I felt bad, I don't want innocent people to get kicked.
*  And then Merlin gets a short ban for not calming down.

That's what happened.  No conspiracy.

Merlin:  I apologize again for the mistake.

Last edited by ComradeIvanKovolot (2021-11-26 05:38:51)


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#33 2021-12-05 09:36:26

Reputation: -8
Registered: 2021-12-05
Posts: 10
Windows 7 Chrome 79.0

Re: Qu Qu misadmining, and gullible for Comrade Ivan harassment prank

MerliN it is possible to incidentally write 0 instead of 39, the guy you looking for is right up or down in the list. its like you have 10 points and he has 9. People do errors I didn't hear about someone who never do any. I agree with fact that admins aren't diplomatic here, what make you such frustration.
Would you check some random report if you have admin rights ? If someone have to do it he will not able to play. If some player A report player B You never ever look on the list you just use your "kick #".

Three should be implementation which prevent to kick some selected players just like that, because many nobs do fake report especially against merlin. Look if they see you are easy to provoke they will choose you on target faster than another-ones , animals always targeting the smallest and weakest  prays.

Last edited by PlayFair (2021-12-05 09:39:38)


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#34 2021-12-05 09:40:15

Reputation: -8
Registered: 2021-12-05
Posts: 10
Windows 7 Chrome 79.0

Re: Qu Qu misadmining, and gullible for Comrade Ivan harassment prank

L0rd Waggachugga wrote:

I prefer that my dirty pms  are from chicks.

Do you have a HiV already?


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