#1 2021-07-09 05:54:09

Reputation: 0
Registered: 2021-07-09
Posts: 1
Windows 10 Chrome 91.0

Banned for someone? ( I don't know what should i write here )

Hi, so i was banned today ( 08.07.2021 ) on Simple I bf1942 conquest - midway     
and i dont know why i got banned maybe I killed a teammate while bombing but when I got in the plane on the carrier i think someone flew at me or something and we exploed and then i got banned.


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#2 2021-07-09 20:11:18

Reputation: +2782
Registered: 2014-06-06
Posts: 7,048
Windows 7 Chrome 91.0

Re: Banned for someone? ( I don't know what should i write here )


Shice happens, ... but i don't see any "Bahten" in the Banlist.

If you played as "Bahten" then the ban is expired already.

If not, then tell us, which playername you used.



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