#31 2021-07-06 18:01:13

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Re: Bailers

True Deeko, that's why I'd prefer public on unmodded smaller server. BFL can be hectic. lol


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#32 2021-07-06 18:03:20

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Re: Bailers

KANER88 wrote:
bud wrote:
Sparrow wrote:

Darcano has a precise and careful aim.

Of course you could see and read nametags in fast movement when you have that aim.

Remember  how easily he destroys planes once in sight? And that's with 270 ping.

KANER88 wrote:

When u lead on the plane while aiming you can see the name.

you two can look at his own video to see how wrong both your statements are, you can only see nametags when its right in front of you.

I didnt come to defend Darcano or so, but some things were clear, at least to me, including this.
Okay, 1) he saw and knew it was that guy Xxxx_was_won_by_xxxx, who bailed...then waited a little time, went or was over their af and saw a plane after new spawn being taken and he went for it..You'd expect him to dive and minimalize his speed to make sure he sees that loong name again before he starts shooting.

dary wrote:

n this case he doesn't even need to read the name because he is the only one with such a long nick. A plane doesn't need much bullets while starting.

And as dary said, a plane, very slow, on the takeoff, does not need much bullets to be killed, when u know where u have to aim, so it takes him a second, maybe two to finish him off. If Im wrong, you can correct me Darc.

This is purely your own fantasy afterconstruction, have you ever used a plane ingame? "after new spawn being taken" he saw that from flying over the fog limit? common.

Last edited by bud (2021-07-06 18:05:06)


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#33 2021-07-06 18:52:21

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Re: Bailers

bud wrote:

This is purely your own fantasy afterconstruction, have you ever used a plane ingame? "after new spawn being taken" he saw that from flying over the fog limit? common.

No, I started playing yesterday big_smile


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#34 2021-07-06 18:54:36

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Re: Bailers

bud wrote:

now you are just posting stupid crap, ivé posted a shitload of flying vids here throw the years. if you missed that you must be blind.

Bud, are you drunk, or trolling perhaps?

Why aren't you able to comprehend simple english sentences?

I don't think my grammar is that bad.

bud wrote:

This is purely your own fantasy afterconstruction, have you ever used a plane ingame? "after new spawn being taken" he saw that from flying over the fog limit? common.

Hence why I've said fly a bit more, which you totally missed the point.

If you seriously don't know how he could see when someone takes the plane from above, then you have extremely low experience in this game.

There's no blackmagic in this.

I've noticed you're almost always jumping in the 'suspecious/cheater wagon' lately.

Last edited by s/w (2021-07-06 18:56:28)


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#35 2021-07-07 09:03:56

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Re: Bailers

It really is nothing special for a good pilot to be waiting above their airfield to take out a certain someone. You would need to be unlucky facing two concurrent take-offs and checking the nametag of the wrong plane and receive immediate AA fire.

In many situations it's frustrating when an enemy pilot bails on you. I can't say it never gets to me but I think ultimately you always should just be letting it go if you can. Another point to consider in my opinion is that bailing in the right moment is a skill that's useful for playing in the bf-league. Optimally good pilots are also good infs so they are not only a force to be reckoned with when they are in the air. Hitting the right timing for bailing could be something you should be practising if you want to be a good pilot. Of course that doesn't really work as well when your ping is 200+.

Disabling the parachute on a few of the many maps with planes, might be a way to introduce some poetic justice.


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#36 2021-07-07 11:58:14

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Re: Bailers

"Disabling the parachute on a few of the many maps with planes, might be a way to introduce some poetic justice."

I would love to see that big_smile big_smile


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#37 2021-07-07 12:50:13

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Re: Bailers

In the happenstance of a simple mistake or missunderstanding, i will inform you that i have put all to many years in planes in this game, running servers and bf-teams. But if you already knew this and still post comments like "you should fly more" then you its obvious you just trolling.

You wrote:

Sparrow wrote:

Darcano has a precise and careful aim.

Of course you could see and read nametags in fast movement when you have that aim.

Remember  how easily he destroys planes once in sight? And that's with 270 ping.

While every other player knows that you dont aim at a target in this game, instead you are leading the target because of time slippage (bullet speed + latency) and in doing so you cant see any nametag exactly what is shown in the video i posted. Also if one want to be nitpicky he didnt destroy the plane in the video even when it was directly "in his aim". Its all there in the video, dunno how to explain it better. Picturebooks use to work even at infants so if you still dont get it i at this point i guess i just give up trying to explain.


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#38 2021-07-07 13:16:54

Czech Republic
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Re: Bailers

The video you showed bud is completely anything different from the case that Darcano did, absolutely uncomparable. You should probably check latest Darcano video in other section.
Nothing more to say.


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#39 2021-07-07 13:17:18

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Re: Bailers

KANER88 wrote:
bud wrote:

This is purely your own fantasy afterconstruction, have you ever used a plane ingame? "after new spawn being taken" he saw that from flying over the fog limit? common.

No, I started playing yesterday big_smile

Lol, sorry if that sounded a bit harsh. Somedays are just shitty and unfortunately it does reflect a bit when i type stuff.

Darcano wrote:

when I calculated he would be taking off I went to their af above fog, he was in fact doing so

This statement just doesnt compute to me. How can one see anyone taking off if being high up  and in the fog?


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#40 2021-07-07 13:26:52

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Re: Bailers

bud wrote:
KANER88 wrote:
bud wrote:

This is purely your own fantasy afterconstruction, have you ever used a plane ingame? "after new spawn being taken" he saw that from flying over the fog limit? common.

No, I started playing yesterday big_smile

Lol, sorry if that sounded a bit harsh. Somedays are just shitty and unfortunately it does reflect a bit when i type stuff.

Darcano wrote:

when I calculated he would be taking off I went to their af above fog, he was in fact doing so

This statement just doesnt compute to me. How can one see anyone taking off if being high up  and in the fog?

First of all, you're using some aesthetics-mod that would not be allowed in the bf-league. I'm not sure how that's affecting the LoD and culling-distance in your video but that taken aside...

I would easily be able to see a plane taking-off from height at around 0:19. Take away thrust at descent and you can then easily target the plane to get the name-tag feedback.
If it's the correct target you then proceed to thrust again and pull up slightly to adjust your aim-point ahead and take down the plane.

I don't even know why this is still being discussed...


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#41 2021-07-07 14:54:50

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Re: Bailers

bud wrote:

How can one see anyone taking off if being high up  and in the fog?



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#42 2021-07-07 15:03:03

L0rd Waggachugga
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Re: Bailers

If this were legal, then it's anyway impossible for admins to be able to distinguish between base attack and killing a bailer.

bud wrote:

How can one see anyone taking off if being high up  and in the fog?

You don't see him, you time it based on the spawntime.


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#43 2021-07-07 15:24:42

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Re: Bailers

Vertigo wrote:


- Attacking the enemy uncapturable main base (basecamping or basebombing) is not allowed. You must not snipe at the main base. You are not allowed to shoot at planes during take-off. All other vehicles must be given the opportunity to leave their base. Nevertheless, it's permitted to air strike at a fireing AA gun or a shooting artillery that's inside the base.


So any plane taking off? Or from base only?  If I go to repair to my AF I'm at safe haven? - This only seems crystal clear to you.
If we take what it's stated there literally then a tank that's attacking from main can't be killed/bombed because isn't an artillery nor AA. Neither can you snipe a guy on the AA because it only says "air strike", and so on...

We all agree that the "written" rules suck, that's why we imply some things. I implied something that is controversial at least, and you kicked and banned me for that.


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#44 2021-07-16 14:28:08

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Re: Bailers

Many recordings that i see have a way worse quality then the live picture quality is.
From score the dogfight winner can know whether the bailer has died in the meantime, if however i as admin know it too and if no others get affected on such a late kill, i wouldn't act on it.
If someone bails on enemy main to kill someone who is not active, it's another story. You have to know the target is active, otherwise punishment is clearly legit and worth of escalation on further occasions.


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