#1 2021-03-15 00:41:45

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#2 2021-03-15 02:03:20

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Re: Something very typical 4

A video with maphack from Britain, please. Or your second identity on the second PC, which you're using to watch the mini-map from the enemy's side. You attacked the German airfield 3 times and 3 times it was me. 3 different spawns near the plane and 3 different start-ups. I'll never believe that a noob with such piloting skill and absolutely no intelligence can do it.
The players like you should not be allowed to play. There are not enough solid proofs for a permanent ban but I hope it will happen sooner or later.


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#3 2021-03-15 20:25:03

Reputation: +297
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Re: Something very typical 4

Off topic: Nice Video, is it the real Alvarez Latino who keeps jumping on deck of driving carrier to die and cause the server to blame the carrier captain for 2 teamkills that are none?


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#4 2021-03-15 20:30:15

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Re: Something very typical 4

Frank(Ger) wrote:

Off topic: Nice Video, is it the real Alvarez Latino who keeps jumping on deck of driving carrier to die and cause the server to blame the carrier captain for 2 teamkills that are none?

I saw him do that a few weeks ago as well. Its the real one.

Last edited by Zody (2021-03-15 20:32:18)


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#5 2021-03-15 20:44:34

Reputation: +2666
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Re: Something very typical 4

Frank(Ger) wrote:

Off topic: Nice Video, is it the real Alvarez Latino who keeps jumping on deck of driving carrier to die and cause the server to blame the carrier captain for 2 teamkills that are none?

Zody wrote:
Frank(Ger) wrote:

Off topic: Nice Video, is it the real Alvarez Latino who keeps jumping on deck of driving carrier to die and cause the server to blame the carrier captain for 2 teamkills that are none?

I saw him do that a few weeks ago as well. Its the real one.

He also did it to me when first becoming admin.  Still have video.
But thanks for pointing this out: banned for three days..


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#6 2021-03-15 21:33:49

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Re: Something very typical 4

Vertigo wrote:
Frank(Ger) wrote:

Off topic: Nice Video, is it the real Alvarez Latino who keeps jumping on deck of driving carrier to die and cause the server to blame the carrier captain for 2 teamkills that are none?

Zody wrote:
Frank(Ger) wrote:

Off topic: Nice Video, is it the real Alvarez Latino who keeps jumping on deck of driving carrier to die and cause the server to blame the carrier captain for 2 teamkills that are none?

I saw him do that a few weeks ago as well. Its the real one.

He also did it to me when first becoming admin.  Still have video.
But thanks for pointing this out: banned for three days..

Do you have any video when you kicked me for Distrubative?


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#7 2021-03-16 14:18:09

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Re: Something very typical 4

subject of the report isnt Darcanos rule breaking but your you russian scummy subhuman. 
Nameless is so heavy brain problems kid, and he all time think that issue is only with another players.  He think when somone was breaking rules now he can brek too. being an fake admin. he is sneaky and unfair like latino. but anyway I think alvarez shoudnt be so bad fake admin like invictus.


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#8 2021-03-21 11:22:51

Paul Baumer
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Re: Something very typical 4

Nameless, do you mind explaining what is the reason of 15 mins ban to Darcano here? And what exactly gives you the right to insult him, call him cheater and abuse with commands on him? You suspended Abas's admin rights for the same thing: he was accusing you of cheats without a proof and abused admin rights on you. Now you're acting worse than Abas did towards you and no one has any problem with that? Man you should consider suspending your own admin rights to be fair.
If Darcano cheats - prove it and ban him. If after checking he results clean - give apologies and stop abusing on him at the very least. If you can't tell the difference, why being an admin at all?


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#9 2021-03-21 12:13:33

Reputation: +2783
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Re: Something very typical 4


You can see disappearing Planes and Mates on the Minimap.

Together with the Kill Messages you always find out where your desired target must be around.

Easiest when you go for campers and not far harder when have to take out planes.

Ok, if you just go for it like this, you can also fall into a trap if 2-3 fly together as a team.

But anyway. That's the normal way to find targets, ... and no cheats. 



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