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Some weeks ago i had to change my key due to gio missing the number of a ban, so i could still play with them that night. Thing is the key changer was giving me some problems until i replaced the key, so i lost it. Is there any way i can get it back, maybe from old logs?
In the Logs the keyHASH is notated,
The server doenst know your key, only you keyhash.
You cant go back from keyhash to key
Last edited by henk (2021-02-17 15:45:52)
Sad to hear that then
Indeed the server doesn't have any record of your key, and only knows your key hash. Not aware of any client-side log that would have the key in the clear.
One thing you could do before giving up is look in the registry, "just in case" the key changer changed one specific registry location the key is stored, but not "all of them". Maybe your old key is still in one of those locations. But if the key changer did it's job, they're probably all the same, and all the new key.
The locations in the registry are listed in this post: … 92#p119192
Hey, thanks, checked out there but it appears to be overwriten everywhere.
Thanks for the help anyways
Pages: 1