#1 2021-02-02 18:51:33

Black Mamba
Reputation: +1511
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Infiltration game mode

I've created a new game mode which is infantry only and heavily focused on tactics and team play. The game mode is not new in the FPS genre, it was ported from a FPS that came out around the same time as BF1942: Soldier of Fortune II. The game mode is called ''Infiltration'' and you can play it in my Raised Fist Infiltration mod.

Some information on the game mode:

- Rounds are four minutes long
- 10 rounds: 5 on each side for both teams
- One match is 40 minutes long
- A briefcase, marked by a B and guarded by the Axis team must be stolen and brought back to an extraction point on the map, marked by a red X
- A 20 second spawn time when players die. This is to make it easier for the Allied side to steal the briefcase
- The Allied side has two smoke grenades
- The briefcase is actually a kit that can only be picked up by the Allied side. It contains the briefcase, which has to be thrown on top of the extraction point to score a point
- The player that captures the briefcase gets 5 points
- The Allied side loses the round if they fail to bring the briefcase to the extraction point before time runs out. Alternatively, Axis wins if they prevent the Allied side from bringing the briefcase to the extraction point for 4 minutes
- The game mode is best played in 3v3 situations. 4v4 and 5v5 is also good put probably too crowded.

This is an explanatory video of how the game mode works in Soldier of Fortune II:
Note that the game mode in BF1942 is not a 1:1 copy of the SoF2 game mode. In SoF2 for example, once the Allied side is completely dead, the Axis team wins and another round starts. This isn't possible in BF1942, at least for now. Hopefully we can make it happen someday.

This is a tutorial on how to play Infiltration in BF1942:

Here is another video:

I think it's a pretty interesting game mode that could be used in competitive events. It's similar to CTF in a way (kind of like one-way CTF). If anyone wants to test the game mode, just PM me. I'm planning on doing a bunch of 3v3 scrims after the 1v1 cup is done, to see if I need to balance things out. Right now the game mode is available in two maps in my Raised Fist Infiltration mod: cut and rf_frostbite.

Last edited by Black Mamba (2021-02-02 18:52:14)


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