#1 2020-12-30 16:30:38

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inadequate admins

Why is this being done, comrades! in the 21st century, the descendants of the fascists are trying to impose their own rules on us. How could we allow those who have forgotten the lessons of history to rekindle racism and hatred! Once again, I ask you to deprive the administrative powers of Russophobes who are trying to ban the Russian language in the chat. People with such views should not have power.
Что же это делается,товарищи! в 21 веке потомки фашистов пытаются навязать нам свои правила. Как мы могли допустить,что забывшие уроки истории вновь разжигают расизм и ненависть! Я еще раз прошу лишить администраторских полномочий русофобов, которые пытаются запретить русский язык в чате. Люди с такими взглядами не должны иметь власт


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#2 2020-12-30 16:52:17

Anna Nym
Reputation: +386
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Re: inadequate admins

How pathetic, no need for each of your little drops to open a new topic

please stay here:

https://team-simple.org/forum/viewtopic … 60#p163960



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#3 2020-12-30 17:27:47

John Gult
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Re: inadequate admins

Anna! (and Arwen)

Why are players punished for speaking Russian?
Many people come here not only to play, but also to communicate!

It turns out that communication in Russian is illegal ?!

If this is so, then it is Nazism!
And it is illogical to justify this with server rules!

Почему игроков наказывают за общение на русском языке?
Многие приходят сюда не только играть, но и общаться!

Получается, что общение на русском - вне закона?!

Если это - так, тогда это нацизм!
И оправдывать это правилами сервера - нелогично!


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#4 2020-12-30 17:58:39

Paul Baumer
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Re: inadequate admins

Guys if you talk in chat instead of playing and talk only in russian it's annoying to other players who try to focus on the game but get distracted by so many messages in a language that they don't understand. Some players might even get offended by that. What you are doing is called chatspam and it's clearly against the rules. Please stop making drama and have fun in game.

Друзья, если вы постоянно спамите в чате на языке, которого многие не понимают, это мешает другим игрокам получать удовольствие от игры. Спам запрещен правилами игры на сервере. Будьте добры, используйте другие каналы для чата а не только тот что в игре. Отнеситесь с пониманием к другим игрокам. И не надо драмы пожалуйста, какой нахрен нацизм? big_smile
Есть правила - соблюдайте их.

Last edited by Paul Baumer (2020-12-30 18:01:09)


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#5 2020-12-30 18:09:53

Reputation: +82
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Re: inadequate admins

I think it's better to continue here because the other topic started about a bit different things.

Anna wrote:

one ruke  is dont chatspam !
Please leave messages that are intended for the game.
The server language is English, by the way.
And no, I won't kick someone for a sentence or two, not even in your local language.
What igor and his friends do is abuse of the chat function.
warnings were given in advance, several times and not just individually.
But u guys ignored all.

I thought everything was clear after 2017 about 'russian spam' but it seems its not.
How do you know that russian language messages are not intended to the game?
Can you please give a link to where it is said that server language is English?
If I'm online I always ask my russian friends to switch team to the one with no russophobic admin so that we can continue 'spam' in team chat, so you can't accuse us of provoking too.
I can't remember a single random player that said 'kick those guys for spamming' or 'when will the russian spam end' or 'fucking russians spamming again'. For some reason only some admins have problems with it.
Also, Paul said 'talk in chat instead of playing', you want me to show xx screenshots where I, who 'spammed' all round, was in top-3? How can a player who only 'spams' get in top-3?
Also, if Anna after many years playing this game and being experienced and good player didnt know, I can tell you: you can ignore one particular player by open console and write:

- chat.addToIgnoreList 7
if u want to remove him from ignore list :
- chat.removeFromIgnoreList 7
If u want to know who is in your ingore list :
- chat.ignoreList
, where 7 is id of player

so that 'russian spam' will suddenly disappear. For you only, but as I mentioned above, only 2-3 admins have problem with this.

Last edited by Dashi_Dorzho (2020-12-30 18:10:16)


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#6 2020-12-30 18:44:30

John Gult
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Re: inadequate admins

Anna, Arwen, Paul!

Dashi_Dorzho writes logically and correctly.

It follows from this logic that a prejudice against Russians is present on the server.

I would really like it not to happen!


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#7 2020-12-30 18:45:17

Anna Nym
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Re: inadequate admins

first of all and clearly.

its not about russians, russianlanguage etc. -  its about - chatspaming and abuse of the chatfunction ingame.
Please don't make another topic out of it, okay?!

No 'Dashi_Dorzho' it cannot be that I as admin have to change the settings of the game so that you can stick to your chat habits.
that is a completely different view.
this is a good example of the completely selfish mentality how you and your friend use this server

For further understanding, I come to the server first as a player 75% of the time. In half of the cases, however, it turns out that I have to intervene as admin, vehicles are deliberately destroyed, teamkiller onwork, some are just trolling about it, other players write a chat to me as admin to man should react ... It's a flood of information that you as the admin have to sort out so that the saying doesn't come back afterwards -
'admin was onboard but doesn't do anything'

these chatspamers are completely a hindrance to this work.

And again for you and everyone else, this is not about a few sentences ... you use the chat tool three quarters of the time and it is also not true that 'you or igor' at 3 or wherever may in the start of the gane ... you guys stand for large parts during the game around and also block a player slot.


Last edited by Anna Nym (2020-12-30 19:00:16)


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#8 2020-12-30 18:49:04

Anna Nym
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Re: inadequate admins

John Gult wrote:

Anna, Arwen, Paul!

Dashi_Dorzho writes logically and correctly.

It follows from this logic that a prejudice against Russians is present on the server.

I would really like it not to happen!

Please do me a favor and don't blabber/talk/write straight away without having understood the circumstances and situation at all.
that is far from helpful.



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#9 2020-12-30 19:37:56

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Re: inadequate admins

It seems you didnt read my message.

Anna Nym wrote:

No 'Dashi_Dorzho' it cannot be that I as admin have to change the settings of the game so that you can stick to your chat habits.

It can, if you make up your own rules and kick for your imaginary rules. I still wait for the link to server rules that state 'server language is English'. I still wait for you to show common player asking admin to kick 'russian spamer', for now it's only you who have problem. And since you're admin and not common player, I believe it is more than normal to adjust your game to do your job. !ignore and it is over.

And again for you and everyone else, this is not about a few sentences ... you use the chat tool three quarters of the time and it is also not true that 'you or igor' at 3 or wherever may in the start of the gane ... you guys stand for large parts during the game around and also block a player slot.

It seems you really didnt read my message.

you want me to show xx screenshots where I, who 'spammed' all round, was in top-3? How can a player who only 'spams' get in top-3?

By the way, do you know what really 'spam' is? Open console, write 'say i like spamming so goddamn much' and press enter. Then arrow up and enter and arrow up and enter etc. This is spam, fyi.

and also block a player slot

Nice contrived arguments because there is nothing more to say.


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#10 2020-12-30 19:45:18

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Re: inadequate admins

I insist that the administrator Anna is biased towards Russian-speaking players. Firstly, for my compatriots this is not news, she and a number of other admins have long been considered Russophobes because of their negative attitude towards Russians for a long time. For example, even today, when I went to the server, she and one of the players discussed the Russians in a negative light, but they stopped seeing me.
Secondly, as GANAPLOLSKY already said, none of the administrators have any problems with this, only you ban it for it. According to your logic, everyone should be silent so that you can kick or ban someone a couple of times during the game. Maybe no one comes in at all, so that the administrator has less worries? This is some kind of Gestapo.
Я настаиваю на том,что администратор анна предвзято относится к рускоговорящим игрокам. Во первых, для моих соотечественников это не новость, она и ряд других админов уже давно считаются руссофобами из за негативного отношения именно к росссиянам на протяжении длительного времени. К примеру даже сегодня,когда я зашел на сервер она с одним из игроков обсуждали в негативном свете русских, но увидев меня перестали.
Во вторых, как уже сказал ГАНАПЛОЛЬСКОЕ, ни у кого из администраторов с этим проблем нет, только вы за это баните. По вашей логике все должны молчать,чтобы вы смогли пару раз за игру кикуть или забанить кого-либо. Может вообще никому не заходить,чтоб у администратора стало меньше забот? Это какое то гестапо получается.


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#11 2020-12-30 19:54:51

Paul Baumer
Reputation: +2656
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Re: inadequate admins

I'm totally with Anna on this one. It's not a discrimination against russians, like some people would like to put it. It's some people breaking a rule. The rule is not that its forbidden to chat in russian; the rule is that CHATSPAM IS FORBIDDEN and It applies to EVERYBODY. No need to have a go on our admins and make drama.

Dashi_Dorzho wrote:

russophobic admins

Prove your point, or apologize to those admins whom you called russophobic.

Last edited by Paul Baumer (2020-12-30 20:00:58)


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#12 2020-12-30 20:12:50

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Re: inadequate admins

Paul Baumer wrote:

Prove your point, or apologize to those admins whom you called russophobic.

if you are an admin open today's chat on a wake between anna and the killer. I saw only the end of this conversation, but I realized that Russian players were being criticized there. this will be your proof.
if this is not enough, I will bring here a lot of Russian players who have suffered from this attitude

Last edited by igor" (2020-12-30 20:14:39)


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#13 2020-12-30 20:23:18

Anna Nym
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Re: inadequate admins

Dashi_Dorzho wrote:

It seems you didnt read my message.

This opening of a dialogue is not very constructive, just like giving a negative reputation at first.

I don't have to read you the rulebook here, it is a fixed part as a command is sufficient, further above I  try to explain the background to it.

And NO,  it is not about showing you a screenshot how well you do ,skilled you are good and avtive in a small moment of time,
It's about the whole - chat spam and as I said in another topic I warned ' igor ' a few days ago because of disruptly.

and this argument of ignoring the chat is just ur completely pointless to stupid.
Your friend igor still begged yesterday that I intervene as admin and act because of the chat and the insult in the chat to one of his friends !

so everything doesn’t really make sense what you both bring up here except that you want to disperse poison and throw shit,
- Constructive is not at all.

I have - whoever you are ingame, _ igor and others repeatedly warned for chatspaming.
there was not even a single reaction or answer from you guys you complete ignored everything . So what is this, what kind of behavior,  if everything is so good it can be explained very briefly also ingame - but you ignore .
the consequence is then command  '!klisten' ...

it would be better for you and your friend to reflect on your attitude



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#14 2020-12-30 20:32:12

Anna Nym
Reputation: +386
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Re: inadequate admins

igor" wrote:

if you are an admin open today's chat on a wake between anna and the killer. I saw only the end of this conversation, but I realized that Russian players were being criticized there. this will be your proof.
if this is not enough, I will bring here a lot of Russian players who have suffered from this attitude

Once again I get the impression that you are not able to understand what is written or english,
that would explain a lot Igor.
he doesn't need to open the log -
when I entered the server, 'Killer88' and other players mentioned several violations under * Russian players' and I asked if you -Igor was one of them.

that´s all , nothing more . stay calm.

Last edited by Anna Nym (2020-12-30 20:32:58)


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#15 2020-12-30 20:42:48

average dödelcopter pilot
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Re: inadequate admins

Let me add here my 50 cents.

Starting with what is chatspamming? It's just repetitive nosense messages like ggggggggggggggggddddddssss and so on. Friendly talking between two or more persons on unknown language for you doesn't mean chatspamming at all.

Personally I don't care about someone who use chat for talking with each other not just by game moments until it become offencive or meaningless/nonsence messages which is forbidden by rules. Language is also don't play a role here, there's no such rule that you must speak on English only, this rule appy just on this forum, but not game server called SiMPLE.

What about some persons who have a problems with russian lang on chat. GANA posted a good solution but I can also send a link which can fix cyrillic fonts and they will display correctly instead of á, é, í/ý, ó, ú, so you can translate and understand what is wrotten if you want. Just extract .exe file, launch it, press Next/Далее buttons and it will be done.

Now lets not mix some different things all together and be friendly to each other. You can't force anyone to stop using chat not by game, it's not clanwar with strict roles and rules, it's just a public server where people come to play and have fun, so chat is a way for communitation between people whatever language and topics are used for speaking.

Ну и немного по-русски. Не мешайте все понятия в кучу, хотите общаться - общайтесь в рамках правил, но и играйте хоть немного в то же время, просто стоять и чатиться весь раунд или страдать хуйнёй вместо игры, это считай что занимать место просто так на сервере. Лучше не надо, поверьте и не проверяйте на себе. Можно пользоваться параллельно любой голосовой программой и в то же время играть, это удобно, и никто к вам никаких претензий иметь не будет, но в то же время никто не обязывает ей пользоваться. smile


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#16 2020-12-30 21:02:54

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Re: inadequate admins

Anna Nym wrote:


I proved 10 times above that we dont spam, we dont have negative impact on server, players dont complain about us, IT IS NOT RULE BREAKING AFTER ALL, but it seems its imperative to you that 'many russian messages' = spam. Nothing I can do about it, sorry.

The server language is English ... I don't have to read you the rulebook here, it is a fixed part as a command is sufficient

You cant show the rule because there is no rule that server language is English. Who am I arguing with, admin that doesn't know the rules... or deliberately lies
Back in 2016 there were also a drama about couple admins kicking for 'russian spam'. iirc it all stopped as soon as those admins left simple. So it really seems to me that the problem is in 2-3 admins and not us.
this is my last post here, everything is clear with you
happy 2021


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#17 2020-12-30 21:34:27

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Re: inadequate admins

What a false accusation is this.......try harder. There is nothing wrong with friendly talking we all do it from time to time, the problem is they do not know where is the limit. Igor joins the game doing nothing just fooling around and chat a lot, I will not support this kind of behaviour, takes place from others who actually intent to play. I kick spanish and hungarian players too, noone cares what lang u talk here.  But if admins support the idea I will do same and then we can see the mess we make, you won't be able to read any text for sure and then you want to play too, right?


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#18 2020-12-31 01:25:33

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Re: inadequate admins

FFS this is crazy, I am french Canadian and will play in english because its worldwide most speaking language.  The rules are written in english not in Russian, to have a couple of lines in chat whit your language is ok but dont stack the chat !!  You can use team speak or others apps ..  Or you could play on a Russian server, may be your own ?


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#19 2020-12-31 08:55:52

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Re: inadequate admins

Then you have to set rules about and define the difference
1. When someone type in chat in latin latters but not english?
2. someone type in english but makes so much misstakes that noone can understand him but his mates
3. What if someone types in coded english in way so others can not understand them, like "birdy landed, elephant meets butterfly, plan B. Etc


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#20 2020-12-31 09:52:12

North Korea
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Re: inadequate admins

Communicating on the server in a language other than English is permitted now or not? With sources please.


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#21 2020-12-31 10:40:59

Anna Nym
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Re: inadequate admins

Please read the following again because this time the topic is again distorted

the origin of this topic is not the server language, it is about chatpaming.

yesterday, players were warned about excessive use of the ingamechat and then kicked when there was no reaction.
the main actor in the scenario was `Igor '.
Igor is a native Russian speaker and so was the chat in Cyrillic.

and again:
It is allowed to chat, also in any language.
it's about the extent, so the extent. Sometimes there are situations where players pause and just chat.

and if players should be affected by it yesterday who do not otherwise do this - then sorry for that but please just understand the whole context.



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#22 2020-12-31 11:49:08

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Re: inadequate admins

People (particularly Lunatik) now spreading fake info on the server about that russian language is forbidden on Simple.
@Igor' this is your achievement, well done...


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#23 2020-12-31 12:30:35

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Re: inadequate admins

Insane wrote:

People (particularly Lunatik) now spreading fake info on the server about that russian language is forbidden on Simple.
@Igor' this is your achievement, well done...

Lol fuckin Igor, russian victum of intolerance smile


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#24 2020-12-31 13:07:13

Czech Republic
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Re: inadequate admins

Anna Nym wrote:
igor" wrote:

if you are an admin open today's chat on a wake between anna and the killer. I saw only the end of this conversation, but I realized that Russian players were being criticized there. this will be your proof.
if this is not enough, I will bring here a lot of Russian players who have suffered from this attitude

Once again I get the impression that you are not able to understand what is written or english,
that would explain a lot Igor.
he doesn't need to open the log -
when I entered the server, 'Killer88' and other players mentioned several violations under * Russian players' and I asked if you -Igor was one of them.

that´s all , nothing more . stay calm.

Just gonna edit this a little bit, but I dont wanna interfere with all the other things that have been said overall.
I didnt mention any of you Russian guys, Igor. It was probably anyone else as Anna is saying. It surely is in the log, once I even typed the name and in two other cases  i used ID of the player. Last x days it starts being troll again. I was getting a bit sick of it. After many other harms being done, I joined the servis on wake as Axis who were in desperate need of getting flag. I jumped on 2nd seat of boat thinking he’d go directly to island. No, dude drove the boat off map for 4 mins and having us lost a lot of hp almost killing us and screaming “hold this position via F-keys”. Then someone beached carrier and many trolls shot my taking off Zero to 0% hp and teamkilled me.. I report and dude says “ sorry i didnt want”. Anna then asked me kindly if it was Igor, i told her no. Not to mention on Kharkov yesterday again many delib teamkills im my taking off plane, taxiing etc.. so many idiots recently.


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#25 2020-12-31 13:41:04

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Re: inadequate admins

igor" wrote:

... I saw only the end of this conversation, but I realized that Russian players were being criticized there. ...

Oh, yes I can explain any situation by just seeing a couple of sentences. They call me The Mentalist.


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#26 2020-12-31 13:53:50

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Re: inadequate admins

How about you keep your nationalism to yourselves? Someone got kicked for chatspam, which is a rule for years on the server and all the Russians come out of the woodwork and talk about "Russophobia". Seriously now? Stop being butthurt and follow the rules next time.


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#27 2020-12-31 15:09:26

Semi-corrupt admin
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Re: inadequate admins

We were players from the different countries, we speak different languages but the only goal we should have on the server is to enjoy the game. It happened that not everyone can speak English good, including me, or someone else cannot keep the conversation going, in case you speak English well and another person doesn't. It would be much more easier to force everyone to speak only one language but it's not possible due to cultural specifics and the level of knowledge.

We have many spam messages in many languages like Spanish, mostly from the players from Argentina. There are a lot of them on the server, especially when it's a late evening in Europe. Also, the spam from the ex-Yugoslavian countries like Serbia, Croatia and the others also takes it's place. Sometimes people from the Middle East countries are spamming much, when there are more than one player from there are online. People from Germany, Netherlands and the other European countries also spam occasionally. The only reason, why Russian spam looks more annoying than another one, I think is the problem with encoding that game has since 2002. A lot of people can only see something gibberish instead of letters. Something like this:

Áûòü èëü íå áûòü? Âîò â ÷åì âîïðîñ? ×òî ëó÷øå?
Ñíîñèòü ëè îò íåèñòîâîé ñóäüáû
Óäàðû ñòðåë è êàìíåé, - èëè ñìåëî
Âîîðóæèòüñÿ ïðîòèâ ìîðÿ çëà
È â áîé âñòóïèòü? Âåäü óìåðåòü - óñíóòü -
Íå áîëüøå. È ñîçíàòü, ÷òî ýòèì ñíîì
Ìû çàãëóøèì âñå ìóêè äóõà, áîëè
Òåëåñíûå? Î, ýòî ñòîëü æåëàííûé
Êîíåö! Äà, - óìåðåòü - óñíóòü!

1. I'd like to ask Anna to be more tolerant and be reasonable. Russian spam is not exceptional.
2. What I see against Anna is a planned social attack with wild accusations in Nazism. She's not that kind, she's a good and responsible person. If you had the opportunity to plan this, you can also consider the possibility to communicate with each other using TeamSpeak, for example. The BF-League TeamSpeak channel usually has players in the separate rooms. It might help to reduce the amount of excessive messages in the game chat. It's a good practice.


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#28 2020-12-31 15:47:24

Paul Baumer
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Re: inadequate admins

nämeless wrote:

I'd like to ask Anna to be more tolerant and be reasonable. Russian spam is not exceptional.

Can you please explain how Anna is not tolerant and not reasonable? Where did he abused admin rights? Anna just applied the clear rule: don't chat spam. What's wrong with that? Admins can't warn or kick chatspammers anymore? Admins make no difference based on language, country etc - admins apply the rules no matter who they deal with.


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#29 2020-12-31 16:06:34

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Re: inadequate admins

Igor are afro-russian, please respect their identity
@Insane better burn it in a flash
Okay, actually i find international fights on this forum cringe-funny smile

Last edited by joint (2020-12-31 16:07:58)


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#30 2020-12-31 16:53:50

John Gult
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Re: inadequate admins

Paul Baumer wrote:
nämeless wrote:

I'd like to ask Anna to be more tolerant and be reasonable. Russian spam is not exceptional.

Can you please explain how Anna is not tolerant and not reasonable? Where did he abused admin rights? Anna just applied the clear rule: don't chat spam. What's wrong with that? Admins can't warn or kick chatspammers anymore? Admins make no difference based on language, country etc - admins apply the rules no matter who they deal with.

How could Anna (... Arwen, etc.) determine what is spam and what is not, without knowing the language?
I was banned for one or two phrases addressed to Igor.

If you want tolerance, then let those admins who understand the language identify spam and decide on punishment! Otherwise it turns out - Nazism!

And let them introduce the definition of spam.


Как Анна (... Арвен, и тд) могла определить, что такое спам, а что нет, не зная языка?
Меня забанили за одну-две фразы в адрес Игоря.

Если хотите толерантности, то пусть те админы, которые понимают язык, определяют спам и принимает решение о наказании! Иначе получается - нацизм!

И пусть введут опредение спама.


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