#1 2020-11-24 14:05:41

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Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

Hey guys

I have been thinking about if it was possible to set up a standard classic conquest funwar with me and my danish irl friends - with fun I mean "not for specific training or big win in mind" -> strictly for the laughs, pressure on flags can be lowered, etc. - basically just organised chaos with communication :-).

So I thought I would ask and hear if anybody from the Simple community would be interested in playing vs. us maybe on a sunday or friday night in the near future. If there is no interest for commitment it is all understandable and I will probably ask a league team like TnS or Tamplier.

Who are we? Its mostly my gaming danish irl friends (+Lighty and Mammo) who have very mixed experience with BF42 - so the skill difference will range from decent players to moderate beginners and therefore I'm also a bit cautious about arranging it vs an experienced team :-).

Have a nice day :-)


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#2 2020-11-24 15:49:58

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

Sounds amazing Doubti. Also my Turkish gang is asking if we could play together, with some of them i currently met but they have experience, rest of them are old gang. But since Magnus is in military service and Scorpion has a problem with his computer, gathering only the rest of them may not be challanging or we could not be as strong as you are. But if i could manage to do it so I'll let you know:)


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#3 2020-11-24 17:03:10

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

We will be very weak, and that is kindda why I come here (no offense Simple) smile. I don't expect this to happen, but I wanted to ask anyway smile


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#4 2020-11-24 17:29:26

average dödelcopter pilot
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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

Nice to hear this, PHX would be glad to take this friday 20:30 CET. Contact me on discord PM asap.

Last edited by Flettnerman (2020-11-24 17:29:56)


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#5 2020-11-24 17:34:43

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

Looking forward smile


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#6 2020-11-24 19:03:01

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

Flettnerman wrote:

Nice to hear this, PHX would be glad to take this friday 20:30 CET. Contact me on discord PM asap.

Hey Flettner I don't think I can gather my friends that fast already big_smile. Also I do think PhX are too strong. But if we set a date in the near future that would be cool - thou I think phx will be to strong smile


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#7 2020-11-24 19:09:35

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

Just choose random players from simple then set a date.


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#8 2020-11-24 20:22:52

Black Mamba
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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

I’d join this thing if we could agree on a Secret Weapons/RTR map to play on.


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#9 2020-11-24 20:58:25

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

BFSoldier1 wrote:

i dislike clanners, bfleague, everything clanners do, and clanners in general. i dislike clanners irl too

You are just jealous of some real skill and good teamplay since you lack completely all of it. No worries, you will never ever be even invited to any clan, so u can quietly keep hating eveything and everyone. Just shut up now..

Good you realized and deleted ur post with -2 rep straight away


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#10 2020-11-24 21:00:21

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

KIN wrote:

Just choose random players from simple then set a date.

What world did you join from?
1. How likely do you think it is that public players even want to play this sort of thing?
2. Do you trust "random players" to meet up on a certain date and time? It will be pretty sad if I convince 7 of my friends to do this, and then no one shows up smile

@Mamba: I don't know those mods


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#11 2020-11-24 23:36:07

average dödelcopter pilot
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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

Hey Flettner I don't think I can gather my friends that fast already big_smile. Also I do think PhX are too strong. But if we set a date in the near future that would be cool - thou I think phx will be to strong smile

No problem just let me know when your guys will be ready. smile

Last edited by Flettnerman (2020-11-24 23:36:23)


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#12 2020-11-25 00:58:10

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

Flettnerman wrote:
LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

Hey Flettner I don't think I can gather my friends that fast already big_smile. Also I do think PhX are too strong. But if we set a date in the near future that would be cool - thou I think phx will be to strong smile

No problem just let me know when your guys will be ready. smile

Cool Flettner. Nice that PHX are that active :-). I will talk with my mates and you promise to play only at 50% strenght wink


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#13 2020-11-25 02:12:24

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

Cool Flettner. Nice that PHX are that active :-). I will talk with my mates and you promise to play only at 50% strenght wink

Haha, deal! big_smile


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#14 2020-11-25 02:30:34

Black Mamba
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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:
KIN wrote:

Just choose random players from simple then set a date.

What world did you join from?
1. How likely do you think it is that public players even want to play this sort of thing?
2. Do you trust "random players" to meet up on a certain date and time? It will be pretty sad if I convince 7 of my friends to do this, and then no one shows up smile

@Mamba: I don't know those mods

The BF1942 official expansions? Are you serious lol


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#15 2020-11-25 10:33:02

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

Black Mamba wrote:

I’d join this thing if we could agree on a Secret Weapons/RTR map to play on.

Hehe I'm a classic BF42 player big_smile. I remember I played a bit DC and very little Vietnam back in the days - also remember my twinbrother buying RtR and played maps called Anzio and Casiono? I think I have spend not more than a few hours there, so I don't really know those expansions/mods big_smile


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#16 2020-11-25 10:42:22

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:
Black Mamba wrote:

I’d join this thing if we could agree on a Secret Weapons/RTR map to play on.

Hehe I'm a classic BF42 player big_smile. I remember I played a bit DC and very little Vietnam back in the days - also remember my twinbrother buying RtR and played maps called Anzio and Casiono? I think I have spend not more than a few hours there, so I don't really know those expansions/mods big_smile

Vietnam rules!


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#17 2020-11-25 12:18:00

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:
Black Mamba wrote:

I’d join this thing if we could agree on a Secret Weapons/RTR map to play on.

Hehe I'm a classic BF42 player big_smile. I remember I played a bit DC and very little Vietnam back in the days - also remember my twinbrother buying RtR and played maps called Anzio and Casiono? I think I have spend not more than a few hours there, so I don't really know those expansions/mods big_smile

SW is pretty good and especially the map El Aghaila. A funwar on this map would be fun.


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#18 2020-11-25 14:45:49

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

dary wrote:

SW is pretty good and especially the map El Aghaila. A funwar on this map would be fun.

Me and Mamba did it already on past, you can check it here.

Last edited by Flettnerman (2020-11-25 14:46:06)


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#19 2020-11-25 14:49:15

Black Mamba
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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

We also did Anzio. Although I prefer Raid, it was an intense fight. Some of these expansion maps are really good.


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#20 2020-11-25 15:03:09

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

dary wrote:
LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:
Black Mamba wrote:

I’d join this thing if we could agree on a Secret Weapons/RTR map to play on.

Hehe I'm a classic BF42 player big_smile. I remember I played a bit DC and very little Vietnam back in the days - also remember my twinbrother buying RtR and played maps called Anzio and Casiono? I think I have spend not more than a few hours there, so I don't really know those expansions/mods big_smile

SW is pretty good and especially the map El Aghaila. A funwar on this map would be fun.

Maybe we can discuss than in another thread big_smile.  I just wanted to see if it was possible to find a team/people for a funwar a friday ogrsunday night, which looks like possible :-) - but we (us danes) start with playing classic BF42 before we install new mods or maps :-)


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#21 2020-11-25 18:14:45

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

Flettnerman wrote:
dary wrote:

SW is pretty good and especially the map El Aghaila. A funwar on this map would be fun.

Me and Mamba did it already on past, you can check it here.

Cool, when I ask in WA about this map nobody is interested. big_smile For me it is on of the best maps. You have everything there and it is well balanced.


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#22 2020-11-25 19:56:42

Black Mamba
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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

BF League doesn’t care about expansion maps, they prefer playing shitty memo maps over and over again. I never understood why they never got into the expansions. There is no excuse for bf league players to not have the expansions installed.


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#23 2020-11-25 20:35:41

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

Black Mamba wrote:

BF League doesn’t care about expansion maps, they prefer playing shitty memo maps over and over again. I never understood why they never got into the expansions. There is no excuse for bf league players to not have the expansions installed.

I had a lot of fun and good experience playing the "new" memo maps, but that is many many years ago now from 2009-11, so I understand what you mean and you are right! - the league could really need some "new fresh air" :-).

What expansions should I install and what maps is suited for 8v8+? And by expansions I don't mean "fun mods" like Pirates or DC, but something similar to BF42.


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#24 2020-11-27 10:27:14

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

Hello Doubti. I may be interested in playing during such an event if there is room for me. Cheers.


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#25 2020-11-28 05:13:34

Black Mamba
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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:
Black Mamba wrote:

BF League doesn’t care about expansion maps, they prefer playing shitty memo maps over and over again. I never understood why they never got into the expansions. There is no excuse for bf league players to not have the expansions installed.

I had a lot of fun and good experience playing the "new" memo maps, but that is many many years ago now from 2009-11, so I understand what you mean and you are right! - the league could really need some "new fresh air" :-).

What expansions should I install and what maps is suited for 8v8+? And by expansions I don't mean "fun mods" like Pirates or DC, but something similar to BF42.

I would suggest installing both Secret Weapons and Road to Rome, you can download them from the forums under the Announcement header.

For Secret Weapons, I would suggest maps like Hellendoorn and Raid on Agheila. For Road to Rome, Santo Croce, Anzio and Salerno.


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#26 2020-11-28 18:41:31

Black Mamba
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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

Here is a video of a 8v8 clanwar Flettnerman and I organized for demonstrative purposes on the Raid on Agheila map.

Nobody knows about this map yet this was one of the most fun and crazy match I’ve played. And Flet’s team kicked our asses:


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#27 2020-11-28 20:30:43

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

That was fun to watch and I learned from the team play! NICE vid!


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#28 2020-11-29 18:07:45

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

Sommarel wrote:

Hello Doubti. I may be interested in playing during such an event if there is room for me. Cheers.

Hey Sommarel. Nice that you are replying, but overall it seem's like the community ain't really interested - which is all fair. I have moved and asked UF to play us, and if it is a succes I will continue with organising wars.

Funny enough I have had quite some succes asking on danish it/tech forums about my bf42 funwar idea, and there have been several old (school) bf42 players replying. So I'm hoping they will commit so we can have some danish funwars durinf the corona-winter :-)

Now we are just dealing with the usual BF42 problems and the neverending problems with punkbuster we have to get sorted out big_smile


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#29 2020-12-16 22:09:28

Black Mamba
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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

What could be interesting to do, and this was mentionned on BF-League forums, would be to have some sort of North America vs Europe match.


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#30 2020-12-17 17:15:06

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Re: Classic conquest funwar 8v8+

Doubti, lets make a clan together.


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