#1 2013-01-27 19:53:09

Reputation: +83
Registered: 2012-10-18
Posts: 300

It seems that i am banned. Is this a mistake or did i miss something?

Hi guys

The last time I played on the server was yesterday. There was nothing to report as none of the admins threatened to kick me out of the server as far as I am aware of.

That is why I am assuming that there must be a mistake. Can you guys please try to find out what the hell happened and keep me posted about it.

Thanks in advance


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#2 2013-01-27 20:03:11

Red Scorpion
Reputation: +215
Location: Scotland
Registered: 2012-06-19
Posts: 715

Re: It seems that i am banned. Is this a mistake or did i miss something?

try again sometimes bf manager fuks up or tuia will clear it


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#3 2013-01-27 20:50:58

Reputation: +11

Re: It seems that i am banned. Is this a mistake or did i miss something?

Somm I banned you under the name aimbot1.61. Had no idea it was you but you had -11 at beginning of some map, forgot what it was and players were complaining.  I think it was El Al. Ban has been removed, im sure you just did some stupid mistake with b17 or something.

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#4 2013-01-28 19:11:12

Reputation: +83
Registered: 2012-10-18
Posts: 300

Re: It seems that i am banned. Is this a mistake or did i miss something?

Thanks for replying my message Lecter

You are right about el alamein ctf, I remember that my plane collided with two other planes when I tried to take off from main base.

What is weird is that I am pretty sure that the last map I played on was Berlin ! No matters

See you later


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#5 2013-01-28 19:19:02

Reputation: +11

Re: It seems that i am banned. Is this a mistake or did i miss something?

Berlin was before im sure. Because the ban was issued by me and it was on remote as such. smile

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