#1 2020-07-08 09:03:37

Tree hater
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Player "napsterfan"

Hello there, time for report.

Map Battleaxe Conquest SiMPLE server.

Time: 10 minutes ago.

Player napsterfan done many tks, destroyed maybe 5 friendly planes on airfield, and teamwounded friendly soldiers on airfield. He attacked friendly artillery with flag gun etc.
also tried to tk me many times.
He disconnected many times to avoid auto kick/ auto ban.

Me and other players had to tk him few times.


He destroyed friendly flak gun with panzerschreck

He tked me here.
He also tked me like 8 times,
Fast tk and disconnect.

There was no admin on server...

Admins, please give him 1 month ban.

It may be worth considering making me an server admin?



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#2 2020-07-08 09:15:23

Empress of Doom
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Re: Player "napsterfan"

I'll give him 1 week off. Not the first time they've done such stuff.

Last edited by Sunshine (2020-07-08 09:21:31)


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#3 2020-07-08 10:00:34

Tree hater
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Re: Player "napsterfan"

Sunshine wrote:

I'll give him 1 week off. Not the first time they've done such stuff.



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#4 2020-07-08 17:50:11

Red Scorpion
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Re: Player "napsterfan"

Yea give admin to guy who admits to tk


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#5 2020-07-08 18:39:37

Tree hater
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Re: Player "napsterfan"

Red Scorpion wrote:

Yea give admin to guy who admits to tk

Sometimes teamkill is necessary evil to protect other teammates from a bad teamkiller.
Its preventing teamkills.

Its like inner Team Self-Defense mechanism.

Acting Jesus who's turning the other cheek to teamkiller
will change nothing in situations like in my report.


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#6 2020-07-08 22:38:24

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Re: Player "napsterfan"

The problem is, if someone didn't see that you are not the one who started, he woult tk you (or if it is an admin kick/ban you) to protect others from you.
That are reasons why it is not allowed here, since it is a game you can effort not to defend yourself or others.
Btw. real self defence is only given if an attack is about to happen or lasting, afterwards it would be selfjustice which is not allowed irl too.

Last edited by Frank(Ger) (2020-07-08 22:39:40)


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#7 2020-07-08 22:56:56

Tree hater
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Re: Player "napsterfan"

Frank(Ger) wrote:

The problem is, if someone didn't see that you are not the one who started, he woult tk you (or if it is an admin kick/ban you) to protect others from you.

As for the first part, I agree.

Frank(Ger) wrote:

Btw. real self defence is only given if an attack is about to happen or lasting, afterwards it would be selfjustice which is not allowed irl too.

However, in the situation which I presented in my report.
Me, and other 2 players knew who is teamkiller.
We knew that if he spawns again that he gonna attack us.

Everything depends on situation.


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#8 2020-07-08 23:15:45

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Re: Player "napsterfan"


Intentional Teamkill is NOT allowed.

I will ban you if i see you teamkill someone in revenge.



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#9 2020-07-08 23:23:11

Tree hater
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Re: Player "napsterfan"

Arkos wrote:


Intentional Teamkill is NOT allowed.

I will ban you if i see you teamkill someone in revenge.


Go for it!

On battleaxe players could not count on admin's help...


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#10 2020-07-08 23:25:39

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Re: Player "napsterfan"

Panzermensch wrote:

Hello there, time for report.

Map Battleaxe Conquest SiMPLE server.

Time: 10 minutes ago.

Player napsterfan done many tks, destroyed maybe 5 friendly planes on airfield, and teamwounded friendly soldiers on airfield. He attacked friendly artillery with flag gun etc.
also tried to tk me many times.
He disconnected many times to avoid auto kick/ auto ban.

Me and other players had to tk him few times.


He destroyed friendly flak gun with panzerschreck

He tked me here.
He also tked me like 8 times,
Fast tk and disconnect.

There was no admin on server...

Admins, please give him 1 month ban.

It may be worth considering making me an server admin?


What about you take your hole for same thing ??


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#11 2020-07-08 23:32:28

Tree hater
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Re: Player "napsterfan"

Dakota wrote:

What about you take your hole for same thing ??

"same thing"

Yo, player that i reported has destroyed friendly planes on airfield with panzerschreck, some had players inside.
He has attacked friendly Wespe.
Teamwounded his teammates.
Avoided auto kick/ban.

Same thing ??


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#12 2020-07-08 23:41:17

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Re: Player "napsterfan"

You say it may worth to consider you a admin ?? Reporting in abuse section for things that you do, seriously ???


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#13 2020-07-08 23:59:07

Tree hater
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Re: Player "napsterfan"

Dakota wrote:

You say it may worth to consider you a admin ?? Reporting in abuse section for things that you do, seriously ???

Oho, you ignored the thread where you accused me for "the same thing".
(which was not the same).
And now you are changing the subject. Okey.

Do you know why making me an admin should be considered?

Because as my report shows.
I stood up for myself and other players.

Of course, others can look at my actions wrong,
"Because how could he break the rules only defend other players and himself? and tried discourage the troll from playing?"

This Situation on Battleaxe is a great example of what might happen on server without active admin.

Of course, I can never become admin.
It doesn't change the fact that I will help other players because we all want to play.
And if someone wants to disrupt the game, let him do it on other server. Not here.


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#14 2020-07-09 00:09:07

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Re: Player "napsterfan"

We are typing from 2 report abuse section, read the 2 of them and you will understand mon ami !!   And why would they not take you for a admin if you dont tk back ?? 

PS: No revenge


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#15 2020-07-09 00:32:04

Tree hater
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Re: Player "napsterfan"

Dakota wrote:

We are typing from 2 report abuse section, read the 2 of them and you will understand mon ami !!   And why would they not take you for a admin if you dont tk back ?? 

PS: No revenge

I don't expect to be an admin, and team kill sometimes has its justification.


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#16 2020-07-09 01:10:34

Empress of Doom
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Re: Player "napsterfan"

Panzermensch wrote:
Dakota wrote:

We are typing from 2 report abuse section, read the 2 of them and you will understand mon ami !!   And why would they not take you for a admin if you dont tk back ?? 

PS: No revenge

I don't expect to be an admin, and team kill sometimes has its justification.

Wrong again.

Last edited by Sunshine (2020-07-09 01:41:15)


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#17 2020-07-09 07:48:34

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Re: Player "napsterfan"

I think Panzer_ and ashfaqursiddique47 (especially) are fully compliant with SiMPLE admin standards, and they will be a great addition to the admin team


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#18 2020-07-09 07:56:55

Tree hater
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Re: Player "napsterfan"

Sunshine wrote:

Wrong again.

If you can't agree with it because something doesn't match for you, it's your business, but I think team skill sometimes has a justification.


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#19 2020-07-09 09:24:15

Empress of Doom
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Re: Player "napsterfan"

Panzermensch wrote:
Sunshine wrote:

Wrong again.

If you can't agree with it because something doesn't match for you, it's your business, but I think team skill sometimes has a justification.

It has nothing to do with ME. It has EVERYTHING to do with Simple servers.

Team killing is F-O-R-B-I-D-D-E-N.

I'm done arguing with you. It's pointless.

Last edited by Sunshine (2020-07-09 09:24:57)


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#20 2020-07-09 09:38:04

Tree hater
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Re: Player "napsterfan"

Sunshine wrote:

I'm done arguing with you. It's pointless.

Yeah, I think the same
Our arguing is pointless tongue.

Last edited by Panzermensch (2020-07-09 09:38:17)


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#21 2020-07-09 15:58:22

Paul Baumer
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Re: Player "napsterfan"

Doing self-justice by teamkilling back and then asking for help from admins, then asking for admin rights?
Yeah why the f*ck not big_smile


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#22 2020-07-09 18:53:18

Anna Nym
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Re: Player "napsterfan"

in german we have a nice saying  :

„Der größte Lump im ganzen Land, das ist und bleibt der Denunziant“. *Hoffmann von Fallersleben*

in English  >   ... biggest scoundrel in country,  is and remains the informer


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#23 2020-07-09 19:25:48

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Re: Player "napsterfan"

if he reports but breakes rules himself, i agree.
Otherwise reporting with screenshots/Videos and enter "ptk" in console are the best Reaction for a bad situation without admins.


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