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Lightning Strike here I was banned from Simple for returning fire at St Croce as I was on the hilltop. Was not doing anything illegal...why and how long?
That is Simple S/S
Last edited by Lightning Strike (2020-04-16 09:49:10)
Hello, Lightning. It's a one week ban for baseraping by Anna Nym. Please, wait for her answer.
Can't believe this went though the fires to get unbanned two months ago...played by the rules (ask any administrator who plays on a regular basis) have had no problems. Not warned just banned. I spend many hours on this server and this is how someone gets treated. I was returning fire on vehicles and waiting for them to come out of the base (was not base raping). Simple rules state I can fire on vehicles firing on me. Just a simple "Please stop" and I would have adjusted.
Lightning, in case it was a mistake, your ban could be revoked or maybe shortened if the ban time is too excessive and you did a minor violation. Please, wait for Anna Nym or Paul Baumer.
NP I Pm'ed Anna and Paul about this but it is frustrating when someone doesn't warn and just ban's .
... as I was on the hilltop. Was not doing anything illegal...why and how long?
Hi LS ,
as long as you dismiss the situation as nonsense i am not much motivated to lift your ban LS.
1. you are - lets say - a regular player , you know the rules well
2. you stayed at top of hill and kept the alliebase under fire , no chance for any vehicle to leave the base w/o beeing attacked by you
3. i dont know which agrement you have and who s admin who gave you the 'permission' to fire back into base
4. right, you are allowed to strike back but that means strike the attacker only and not ever vehicle and player
and i even count the 'splashdamge' = collateral damgae you attempt
rules are clear and there s no need for any exception .
Some advice , stay away base and especially of firing into and LS - No Admin ingame means not there no rules.
netherless your ban is lifted . Follow rules stay calm
Last edited by Anna Nym (2020-04-16 11:52:14)
Thank you for lifting the ban...just a suggestion that a warning be given so game play can be adjusted if you feel there is a rule violation...I would have changed tactics instead of risking a ban...once again thanks
Warnings look as an adequate measure when it's a new player. If there is a person that knows the rules but still violates them on purpose then warnings look ridiculous.
Good point Insane.
Anna very nice from you to lift the ban.
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