#1 2020-02-22 19:40:55

Reputation: -30
Registered: 2012-05-29
Posts: 1,844
Windows 10 Chrome 79.0


Jorgern, ur buddies Nick her, Chad, dusa, lord wachugga, whomever the fuck you want to call them, have been on opposing teams like on omaha, and giving away sherman on purpose, then accusing me of doing it, when I didnt, and I know you know they're up to something, why do you enable this? Do you realize he has a person on enemy team telling him where I am, and other players, so getting equal to map haq inside info, why do you think these people deserve the benefit of a doubt, why do you keep vouching for their character?
They also tried to sabotage omaha twice, by delaying first boat rush by the critical time for beach to be rushed, which admin has been allowing these guys, or encouraging, even paying them?
I want proper, honest fucking answers, NOW


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