#1 2020-02-10 19:07:56

Marshal Murat
Reputation: +337
Registered: 2019-08-09
Posts: 930
Windows 7 Chrome 79.0

requesting reinforcements

getting kicked from server
''data differs from server''
doesn't matter if i download vanilla bf maps

Last edited by Goldie (2020-02-10 19:25:56)


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#2 2020-02-10 22:14:24

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Re: requesting reinforcements

Sort by date in descending order and check all .rfa files for recently modified one in \Battlefield 1942\Mods\bf1942\Archives\


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#3 2020-02-10 23:00:40

Reputation: +2783
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Windows 7 Chrome 79.0

Re: requesting reinforcements


You installed the game new and forgot a patch or so?



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#4 2020-02-11 07:57:18

Marshal Murat
Reputation: +337
Registered: 2019-08-09
Posts: 930
Android Chrome 71.0

Re: requesting reinforcements

Arkos wrote:


You installed the game new and forgot a patch or so?


No. I didn't

Last edited by Goldie (2020-02-11 07:57:38)


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#5 2020-02-12 13:46:26

Marshal Murat
Reputation: +337
Registered: 2019-08-09
Posts: 930
Windows 7 Chrome 79.0

Re: requesting reinforcements

i fixed it finally by reinstalling it and that make my ping rise to 89 (had 71 before)


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#6 2020-02-14 19:22:09

Black Mamba
Reputation: +1511
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Re: requesting reinforcements

Without reinstalling, one can do as ziba mentionned and find out if you have any modified RFAs. I had the same problem as you yesterday and since I mod a lot I had to remove some Archives I had; also, I noticed that removing a file called “BF1942.org” in the main BF1942 directory also solves the problem.

Last edited by Black Mamba (2020-02-14 19:22:45)


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#7 2020-02-14 20:34:18

Marshal Murat
Reputation: +337
Registered: 2019-08-09
Posts: 930
Windows 7 Chrome 79.0

Re: requesting reinforcements

Black Mamba wrote:

Without reinstalling, one can do as ziba mentionned and find out if you have any modified RFAs. I had the same problem as you yesterday and since I mod a lot I had to remove some Archives I had; also, I noticed that removing a file called “BF1942.org” in the main BF1942 directory also solves the problem.

well, for example, i had downloaded ''graphicmod'' and HD gun sounds, but it didn't harm my files, but when i downloaded i think 'bodies stay' mod, i think it ruined it, but i found oout and read it in Moddb and yes i am interested in bunch of mods as i have tens of games, but thanks for the advice, as for bf1942.org, it wasn't deleted and i think bcz of last mod.

Last edited by Goldie (2020-02-14 20:36:33)


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#8 2020-02-14 20:36:09

Black Mamba
Reputation: +1511
Registered: 2012-12-01
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Re: requesting reinforcements

Goldie wrote:
Black Mamba wrote:

Without reinstalling, one can do as ziba mentionned and find out if you have any modified RFAs. I had the same problem as you yesterday and since I mod a lot I had to remove some Archives I had; also, I noticed that removing a file called “BF1942.org” in the main BF1942 directory also solves the problem.

well, for example, i had downloaded ''graphicmod'' and HD gun sounds, but it didn't harm my files, but when i downloaded i think 'bodies stay' mod, i think it ruined it, but i found oout and read it in Moddb and yes i am interested in bunch of mods as i have tens of games, but thanks for the advice smile

Yes that Bodies Stay Mod modifies your Objects.rfa file hence why you got the Data differs error dialog.


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#9 2020-02-14 20:37:21

Marshal Murat
Reputation: +337
Registered: 2019-08-09
Posts: 930
Windows 7 Chrome 79.0

Re: requesting reinforcements

Black Mamba wrote:
Goldie wrote:
Black Mamba wrote:

Without reinstalling, one can do as ziba mentionned and find out if you have any modified RFAs. I had the same problem as you yesterday and since I mod a lot I had to remove some Archives I had; also, I noticed that removing a file called “BF1942.org” in the main BF1942 directory also solves the problem.

well, for example, i had downloaded ''graphicmod'' and HD gun sounds, but it didn't harm my files, but when i downloaded i think 'bodies stay' mod, i think it ruined it, but i found oout and read it in Moddb and yes i am interested in bunch of mods as i have tens of games, but thanks for the advice smile

Yes that Bodies Stay Mod modifies your Objects.rfa file hence why you got the Data differs error dialog.

yes, thanks man, knew it....


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