#31 2020-01-02 13:23:30

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Re: F.E.A.R Game


Some attempts - Perseus Mandate

After some hours of playing i started to capture some parts. Many times i needed some attempts. Close to the end you see why i don't like to use SloMo. In this game, the opponents use it too and it seemse really ridicolous if you need 200 MinigunHeadshots to kill a bot.

I did not use all material. Sometimes i was dead between 0.1 secondes when he showed up with one shot from his Repeating Canon.

Also at other moments there were enemies with SloMo and Lighting Arc Weapons where i needed many attempts to kill them.
They also used turrets and placed them allways on a different place.  Those SloMo using bots were really hard.

(I did not use all those parts in the video. It was too boring just to see that i killed him after 15 attemtps after 6 Quicksaves and using SloMow, ... i hate this SlomoThingens).

At the end i prefere and like a challenge, but it must be makeable without miraculous "cheats" like Slomo and ~10+ attempts and Quicksaves between.

Perseus Mandate would have been perfect with 5x more normal enemies, because there were many empty parts of the game, where you had just to walk through that huge Underground Complex.

The beginning of the video is just after the long part without MedicPacks.



Last edited by Arkos (2020-01-02 14:27:30)


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#32 2020-01-02 19:29:12

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Re: F.E.A.R Game


This video was just a part of the Perseus Mandate with some scenes.

I forgot how long this game is, because i played it this time only from after the 1/3+ i guess or even later.

I just started it new and the 1st Level took 47 Minute.

Because it was really good to play i will upload the video soon.

F.E.A.R, F.E.A.R Extraction Point and F.E.A.R Perseus Mandate are definitely worth to play.

F.E.A.R 2 is different and not so smooth or funny to play like the 1st series. (My Opinion).

F.E.A.R 3 is again better.


Last edited by Arkos (2020-01-02 19:29:38)


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#33 2020-01-02 22:44:07

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Re: F.E.A.R Game


Here Mission 1 + 2    (Watch in 1440P, FullHD looks bad).

(Uncut, ... i die here and there. Sometimes the fights were really hard, but it makes really fun to play.)   smile




Last edited by Arkos (2020-01-02 22:48:41)


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#34 2020-01-03 09:21:22

Black Mamba
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Re: F.E.A.R Game

I reinstalled the game yesterday after about 6-7 years (FEAR Combat) to play online, and I don't miss the intensity of the close quarter fights. Man, this game is so fun and addictive. Unfortunately there are a bunch of cheaters on the rare populated servers I could find and these usually kill you in half a second with the Dual Pistols or the Unarmed Attack. Pretty frustrating.

F.E.A.R. I think to this day is still a revolutionary horror sci-fi FPS. I think it captures very well the ''arena shooter'' ambience of Quake 3/Arena while at the same time not being too fast and all over the place. The multiplayer maps make it impossible to camp. The skill gap is also huge between veterans that have been playing the game since 12 years ago, when the game launched, and noobs that just installed the game, but I suspect a lot of cheaters slipped in since it has no native AC application.

Last edited by Black Mamba (2020-01-03 09:31:04)


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#35 2020-01-03 14:31:05

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Re: F.E.A.R Game


The Bots are also not bad. They don't use a fix script. Yesterday one was jumping twice through a window, when i was hunting him smile

Minute 10.37 in the second video.

And if you throw a grenade they try to avoid, but like this you can also startle and catch them out when they try to escape. 


Btw. The unarmed attack allways killed instantly, if i'm not wrong.


Last edited by Arkos (2020-01-03 15:06:14)


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#36 2020-01-04 05:40:06

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Re: F.E.A.R Game

bud wrote:
Sunshine wrote:

I only have 5gb free on my HD. I wanna play so bad:(

Maybe a simple usb stick could work. or you can mount some network space from your laptop.

Just for fun i also tested mounting google drive, vids works ok but gaming not so much.


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#37 2020-01-04 12:25:52

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Re: F.E.A.R Game


F.E.A.R 2 is even worse then i remembered.

Just played it some time and i must say it's totally unimaginative and boring.

Far far away from the first Series. No fun.


The best thing i found in F.E.A.R 2 so far was this average Office Mouse and that Gaming Keyboard



Last edited by Arkos (2020-01-04 20:07:57)


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