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I think Zwarrior would be wonderful as an admin, im surprised he isn't one already.
"ABDUL" is a just a troll.
I really dont see what is problem with this honestly. Few players gather up fooling around with no harm to anyone except apc which used rare. Why this bother you ? I can understand for tank, its total waste of vehicle, true. But basically not so harmfull
hi Zwarrior thank you so much for Your report and Your time
well It is not against the rules What they do ..... just some Fun
and About Don He is really nice guy i'm gonna talk to him ....
and igor' to
have a nice day see u in bf1942.
well i get killed due to this actions , i entered in a jeep as a copilot and this player just crashed it against sand barrier.
and after that happened i reported it in the game chat, when Don saw that i was reporting him in game chat he suggested me to publish this here.
hi Zwarrior thank you so much for Your report and Your time ;)
well It is not against the rules What they do ..... just some Fun :D
Are you sure boy? Do that on Omaha Beach and you're gonna eat a nice punishment.
Last edited by AlboBallist (2019-12-11 00:15:41)
I really dont see what is problem with this honestly. Few players gather up fooling around with no harm to anyone except apc which used rare. Why this bother you ? I can understand for tank, its total waste of vehicle, true. But basically not so harmfull
no sir, that is called disruptive gameplay , if you check the log of that session you will see that your friends did that multiple times, if they want to do that shit they can always play single or in other server with no rules, because here we do have.
hi Zwarrior thank you so much for Your report and Your time
well It is not against the rules What they do ..... just some Fun
and About Don He is really nice guy i'm gonna talk to him ....
and igor' to
have a nice day see u in bf1942.
you even come here to make fun of me ?
I think Zwarrior would be wonderful as an admin, im surprised he isn't one already.
Z has character, honesty, integrity and stands for what he believes is right.
Wonderful characteristics for an Admin Sparrow. I agree, seems he has earned it.
However,........not all players wish for those traits in an Admins. I believe he would be an honor to the game. And benefit the server from what I have learned playing with him and observing the Forum participation.
Tips the hat to you Sparrow!
Last edited by Pleiades53 (2019-12-11 00:27:32)
Well maybe in guadall they have vehicles to spare but personally I will kick anybody doing this.
They can go single player and do it all day long having as much "fun" as they want but wasting vehicles and damaging own AA along the way is disruptive gameplay by definition. ( @ Ahmed)
This bug is probably older than the ones that do it thinking it is cool nowdays.
... personally I will kick anybody doing this.
They can go single player and do it all day long having as much "fun" as they want but wasting vehicles and damaging own AA along the way is disruptive gameplay by definition. ...
totally agree
Sparrow wrote:I think Zwarrior would be wonderful as an admin, im surprised he isn't one already.
Z has character, honesty, integrity and stands for what he believes is right.
Wonderful characteristics for an Admin Sparrow. I agree, seems he has earned it.
However,........not all players wish for those traits in an Admins. I believe he would be an honor to the game. And benefit the server from what I have learned playing with him and observing the Forum participation.
Tips the hat to you Sparrow!
I totally agree! Zwarrior is a good and honest player, and helps a lot against these trolls.
i see many admins here at this abuse topic, ¿are any of this admins going to do something about this post? remember Rules are for all, including friends of admins.
¿who is Dashi Dorzho?
What would you like to see as a settlement Z? Did their actions result in a teamkill at all?
If not, that would be a regular kick (from me)..
Last edited by seVen (2019-12-11 15:10:28)
i have typed it before, i got killed because of their actions it can be seem in the log of that session, from my point of view that counts as a teamkill and also disruptive behavior.
if you see that log you will notice a whole bunch of "suicide" well those are not suicide it should be teamkills,i would like someone to upload the log of that session for all to see. also the chat, where this asshole of Don dares me and also makes fun of me to make an abuse topic.
well i get killed due to this actions , i entered in a jeep as a copilot and this player just crashed it against sand barrier.
he asked u from radio to bail out 4 times but u didn't
you even come here to make fun of me ?
i don't dare to d that Z i respect u man and u ill be a nice admin man
vertigo Why only me ?
Zwarrior wrote:well i get killed due to this actions , i entered in a jeep as a copilot and this player just crashed it against sand barrier.
he asked u from radio to bail out 4 times but u didn't
Zwarrior wrote:you even come here to make fun of me ?
i don't dare to d that Z i respect u man and u ill be a nice admin man
vertigo Why only me ?
don´t ask him that question, give thanks to Don, as you can see he dares me to do this, you all know that this server has rules and what you did was disruptive, all those "suicide" also destroying teams vehicles.
That guy did not showed up here, ¿what is his username here at the forum?
vertigo Why only me ?
Because Don, you mess with Z, you mess with me!!...!!!
EDIT: k, time for lunch; everyone fuck off..
Last edited by seVen (2019-12-11 18:35:47)
Okay you did say that in post #6 here. Sry for missing that. And that'd be line #4867 here:
Line 4813: 12/10/2019 14:14:52 : # [Global] Zwarrior: hi all
Line 4830: 12/10/2019 14:16:34 : # [Global] Don: borrrrring this team
Line 4837: 12/10/2019 14:18:01 : # [Allies] Don: amn it
Line 4839: 12/10/2019 14:18:04 : # [Allies] Don: igor
Line 4844: 12/10/2019 14:18:34 : # [Allies] Don: no flank no jump
Line 4847: 12/10/2019 14:18:58 : # [Global] Don: lol
Line 4858: 12/10/2019 14:19:43 : # [Global] Don: khkhh
Line 4867: 12/10/2019 14:20:34 : # [Global] Zwarrior: 9 tk
Line 4869: 12/10/2019 14:20:39 : # [Global] Don: ?
Line 4870: 12/10/2019 14:20:52 : # [Global] Don: with the jeep
Line 4875: 12/10/2019 14:21:09 : # [Allies] Don: zawwier
Line 4878: 12/10/2019 14:21:39 : # [Allies] Don: go igo
Line 4881: 12/10/2019 14:21:55 : # [Allies] Don: íÕ
Line 4888: 12/10/2019 14:22:31 : # [Allies] Don: LOL
Line 4894: 12/10/2019 14:23:01 : # [Global] Don: Yep!
Line 4901: 12/10/2019 14:23:39 : # [Allies] Don: jesus igor
Line 4907: 12/10/2019 14:24:19 : # [Allies] Don: zwarrior go to simple to post that
Line 4913: 12/10/2019 14:25:10 : # [Global] Zwarrior: ?
Line 4919: 12/10/2019 14:25:31 : # [Allies] Don: igor with apc?
Line 4927: 12/10/2019 14:26:13 : # [Global] Don: hahahahahahaha
Line 4937: 12/10/2019 14:27:01 : # [Allies] Don: with apc comeone
Line 4946: 12/10/2019 14:29:22 : # [Allies] Don: P
Line 4952: 12/10/2019 14:29:39 : # [Global] Don: Not bad ....
Line 4967: 12/10/2019 14:31:46 : # [Global] Don: (Turns out the Frank warned Don for the tk. I was in game at the time. suicides - remote logs do not show them, and it's unlikely that the server logs will.
Windows BF servers create .xml files with details of every join/kill/disconnect, etc
Don't know if the same occurs on Linux, but I'll almost guarantee that nobody is going
to look through those for disruptive players. Prolly tuia is the only one with access also.<bf:event name="scoreEvent" timestamp="65897.9">
<bf:param type="int" name="player_id">2</bf:param>
<bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">1188.24/462.698/1920.88</bf:param>
<bf:param type="string" name="score_type">Kill</bf:param>
<bf:param type="int" name="victim_id">0</bf:param>
<bf:param type="string" name="weapon">Bar1918</bf:param>
</bf:event>ABDUL has not been kicked/banned by an admin (in my logs) ever.
Don has. Want me to uber-ban him?
if you have to ban all of them (svetlana,Igor,Abdul and Don) because it is your duty as an admin go ahead, but my main target here is Don, he crashed the jeep we were in causing a tk and for being cocky in chat. that will teach him a lesson.
May i ask why you sit in jeep which was going direct in obsticle ? Is it happened too fast or just to fulfill your demands to ban this guy named "Don" ?
Why you curious aboutvDashi Dorzho ? Its my second account here
May i ask why you sit in jeep which was going direct in obsticle ? Is it happened too fast or just to fulfill your demands to ban this guy named "Don" ?
Why you curious aboutvDashi Dorzho ? Its my second account here
i am free to choose where to sit where ever i want, ofc your russian second account.
Last edited by Zwarrior (2019-12-11 20:03:11)
Of course you are free. Imagine liberation of caen and rush to the watter in jeep. You need to jump out sec before car reach watter. You can stay if you like to die , your choise, but dont brag how someone purposelly tk you. Especially if driver yelled bail out few times as i heard.
Bdw did i made some sin with other account ? Why you asked at all.
Of course you are free. Imagine liberation of caen and rush to the watter in jeep. You need to jump out sec before car reach watter. You can stay if you like to die , your choise, but dont brag how someone purposelly tk you. Especially if driver yelled bail out few times as i heard.
Bdw did i made some sin with other account ? Why you asked at all.
The main objective of a conquest map is to reach certain points and conquer the flags, not to crash to the pile of sand on purpose causing a tk. ¿are we clear until that point or do you need me to make a draw for you to understand? because the problem of this topic starts right on this point ¿how much clear do i have to explain this to you? I think that the thread is long enough for anyone to undertand the situation here.
Me explaining an admin the we have rules, it´s amazing....
Last edited by Zwarrior (2019-12-11 22:35:15)
im going to end up improving my english at the end of this topic
don't be a dick Z it was just one Killed + u spawend in airfield that's mean take the plane or jeep there was 2 jeeps u pick the wrong one by ur self.
Now i remember that round, i was axis and eating dinner while securing iron bottom sound with a ship. Allies rarely had flags, now i know one reason why.
If i see that, i kick for it too.
Last edited by Frank(Ger) (2019-12-12 00:23:16)
don't be a dick Z it was just one Killed + u spawend in airfield that's mean take the plane or jeep there was 2 jeeps u pick the wrong one by ur self.
liar, as you can see in my screenshots there where more than one killed by flakking.
When i joined the map was conquered by the other team, so in order to get to other flags of the map i thought that the best idea was to fly to them, but i was shooted down by sparrow many times.
when there were no planes spawned i thought that the second best way to get to a flag was by jeep and then that player decided to crash it.
we were not able to conquer a flag long enought until the end of it.
Last edited by Zwarrior (2019-12-12 00:34:08)