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From player Esdras planting mines in the runway
C'mon, he's been a real asset to the community
Search ".*esdras.*" (17 hits in 3 files)
\\SERVER\BF1942-Admin\Simple\2019-11-08-00-49.log (4 hits)
Line 5626: 11/7/2019 15:14:22 : # [Axis] Arno: esdras why did u do that
Line 5637: 11/7/2019 15:16:43 : Server: Player esdras kicked.
Line 5895: 11/7/2019 15:58:50 : # [Axis] mark: esdras team killing
Line 6536: 11/7/2019 17:02:31 : Server: Player esdras banned.
\\SERVER\BF1942-Admin\Simple\2019-11-11-08-38.log (7 hits)
Line 6516: 11/10/2019 15:23:22 : # [Axis] esdras: lзlkjb
Line 6517: 11/10/2019 15:23:29 : # [Axis] esdras: lnada
Line 7198: 11/10/2019 17:46:45 : # [Global] esdras: ioui 3w a
Line 7221: 11/10/2019 17:53:03 : Server: Player esdras kicked.
Line 7510: 11/10/2019 18:26:04 : Server: Player esdras kicked.
Line 7664: 11/10/2019 18:53:33 : Server: Player esdras kicked.
Line 7665: 11/10/2019 18:54:38 : # [Global] Choppy Wagon: lol esdras
\\SERVER\BF1942-Admin\Simple\2019-11-13-11-40.log (6 hits)
Line 2293: 11/11/2019 14:57:39 : # [Allies] esdras: l
Line 2299: 11/11/2019 14:58:39 : # [Global] Cactus: esdras
Line 2601: 11/11/2019 15:52:49 : Server: Player esdras kicked.
Line 2614: 11/11/2019 15:57:01 : Server: Player esdras banned.
Line 2837: 11/11/2019 17:36:04 : Server: Player esdras kicked.
Line 2878: 11/11/2019 17:48:07 : Server: Player esdras banned.
Thx Cactus.
All of those kicks/bans, yet I can't get his IP/Hash through RM.
Maybe tuia gives me access to the server logs for Christmas
happy to help
Passes Vert ALL the damned Chrismas cookies. The Rum. The Gin and Bourbon. Passes the damned plate of fried pickles and stuffed olives. Passes all the Christmas fixins to ya Vert.........even if you cant capture the IP or Hash. You do such good stuff here. And the curvy humor.......
Maybe tuia will see your "ways"........
I can vouch for ya. My vouch at least the value of a chipped wooden nickel.
THANKS Cactus for the help!!!!!!!
Hey Vert you say ( I can't get his IP/Hash through RM.
Maybe tuia gives me access to the server logs for Christmas ) That is a must for admins tuia !! Dont be like Pit please !!
All that for me Pleiades? Thanks man! And PipeR isn't get'in none of it.
If not mistaken Dak, Pit allowed Adder access to the logs.
Adder was one of the good guys over there..
MOST welcome Vert. Its been earned.
Yeah Pit allowed adder access to the logs as far as I know. He is a good man and a fun player too. ALL admins there, had access to the RM as well. ALL!! If you have an admin, and that one abuses, becomes an ass, is not mature enough, WHATEVER, then quite simply, it was THAT admin that was controlled. (or kicked) Not all of them. Such simplicity in maintaining control/satisfaction.
Actually, I do believe we had access to the logs as well. When we were admins for SiMPLE USA a few years back, Before the two changes to TGE, we had access to the RM there from tuia. Russ had the command (TGE) of the software and modding and changes. He is VERY smart too. And of course,.......(feathers being ruffed ahead.....) we had our own Admin section for the Forum. I suspect it has maintained that way over there, because it makes such PERFECT sense. Funny thing is I cannot remember a single complaint or concern, that we had a separate room in the forums. Might be different now. Everything changes in life. That is except for my debt.
Last edited by Pleiades53 (2019-12-04 18:53:36)
Pages: 1