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I was winning every game, totally dominating, and then Horst, who was number 2, banned me for no reason to take the lead.
Battleaxe. 5.13 PM pacific time. Sept 28
Wasn't Horst, and it was for attacking uncaps. But you're all set.
Please do not attack non-active targets.
Why did you ban me?
Yep mate your big dizzle my nizzle you own't ery body gj bro......col tubman ht you heard em? raptor's boy
Yep mate your big dizzle my nizzle you own't ery body gj bro......col tubman ht you heard em? raptor's boy
Sounds Nigglish.
nick her wrote:Yep mate your big dizzle my nizzle you own't ery body gj bro......col tubman ht you heard em? raptor's boy
Sounds Nigglish.
That is sooo Temple OS like! CIA niggas! RIP Mr Davis!
Last edited by iCQ (2019-10-01 21:14:52)
Why did you ban me?
Slow reader or bad eyesight?
it was for attacking uncaps.
Well I id not, I killed an enemy infantry that was shooting at us from atop the hill. Active enemies can be killed.
The real story - you were tossing nades into the uncaps, then shot up an unarmed player.
Yeah I'm stacking up the kills with that wrench, eh?
The reason that I removed your ban after a few hours was because I also removed Sommarels.
Try to be less greedy. Wasn't enough that red has all flags, but you need uncaps too....
Funny how rules of offensive names not apply to this player. KKK.... way cool... and sure u might agree.. lets burn and hang the black people. Nice world/place u guys create for eachother.
put on ur pointy hats so nobody can see who u are.
Good luck witth invite/allow these types into your "home".
Ur a real tough guy Tuia... pray on the weak.
How un-important u might think ur choices in life might be. Showing no respect nor spine will get u bucket loads of fame, pussy and gold. Or maybe not, locked up in ur little world of mistaken hate and urge for destruction.
U will get what u deserve.
Last edited by iCQ (2019-10-05 15:23:30)
Funny how rules of offensive names not apply to this player. KKK.... way cool... and sure u might agree.. lets burn and hang the black people. Nice world/place u guys create for eachother.
put on ur pointy hats so nobody can see who u are.
https://blackcinemaconnection.files.wor … ion-41.png
Good luck witth invite/allow these types into your "home".
Ur a real tough guy Tuia... pray on the weak.
How un-important u might think ur choices in life might be. Showing no respect nor spine will get u bucket loads of fame, pussy and gold. Or maybe not, locked up in ur little world of mistaken hate and urge for destruction.
U will get what u deserve.
the number of this kind of players has increased but ofcourse Tuia do not see this (or do not want to for some strange reason)
Tuia used to carry website tag to some losers dark storm site. U know that site which had to.go on the dark web because it is calling for hate and dead to a group of people.
Do not be mistaken about working for simple. U also do have to follow the law and report things like this. I actually did and it is waiting for the law man to come a long. U might not want to be readh for that, lazy look away.
Anyway me stfu now... lets not make it too easy for these criminals.
Guys like nameless in Russia are fine of course, the law in these countries "have better things to do".
Remember that the other gender, the other race, the other kind is not your real enemy. Not even left or right is, China is not your enemy, ISIS is not your real enemy. The real enemy is the force of hate and destruction.
Last edited by iCQ (2019-10-05 15:43:58)
Did u know about a year ago i spoke with a higher judge "voorzitter meervoudige kamer gerechtshof in Arnhem" about this matter. He had the nerve to ask me "are u a racist?" for me being here.
I didn't say a word, i understand he had to ask. These people work slow by the way...
The dossier i put there on the table is clear
Can't delete it sorry buddy. And the dossier is growing. Priorities....
Anyway gotto go... have a nice day innocent people!
And t-bone.. wish u all the luck in the world and when u meet bubba, tell him he still owe me a pack of sigarettes!!
I cannot wait for the day to see some goverment workers face who got payed to read all our (my) crap in this forum.
A little advise for the people here: try "Ich habe es nicht gewusst" when the law man is at ur door.
"Whats in a name?" iCQ
Not many people seem to understand my nick and where it comes from (nah, it is not in the Kaballah).
Twitter lol: … ldnt-have/
Last edited by iCQ (2019-10-05 16:14:22)
KKK, the rule set is waiting for u:
Tuia used to carry website tag to some losers dark storm site. U know that site which had to.go on the dark web because it is calling for hate and dead to a group of people.
Do not be mistaken about working for simple. U also do have to follow the law and report things like this. I actually did and it is waiting for the law man to come a long. U might not want to be readh for that, lazy look away.
Anyway me stfu now... lets not make it too easy for these criminals.
Guys like nameless in Russia are fine of course, the law in these countries "have better things to do".
Remember that the other gender, the other race, the other kind is not your real enemy. Not even left or right is, China is not your enemy, ISIS is not your real enemy. The real enemy is the force of hate and destruction.
i guess this explains a lot of things......
Do not be mistaken about working for simple. U also do have to follow the law and report things like this. I actually did and it is waiting for the law man to come a long. U might not want to be readh for that, lazy look away.
Simple is one of the last places to go to for this old game, where you can get both support and download the game, both server and website are free of charge and you want to close that down?
simply put bud: NO
i am not the law, also i am not an admin... but i have, like all, a responsibility
We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Have fun there in Canada t-bone kkk whatever ur name is. Ur friends keep their hands above ur head but just didnt notice are already drowning.
And dont be silly bud, this game does not fall nor stand by just the simple "group". It's that simple actually... see the server list:
Note the main SIMPLE server ain't this list anymore (for a reason, also this i tried to pickup with Tuia but again radio silence. Call me annoying fine, eat it, see u in IRC).
And yes i have an agenda and a spine, im surprised you don't.
Last edited by iCQ (2019-10-05 21:07:54)
This is my spine, taken recently in the hospital after my little accident:
Do u really think this game is kept alive by NAZI's?!?!?!?! Can't be... the DiCE team wasn't even neo-n. Besides the real topic here is not "a game" but real life respect and laws. Anyone can say "ich hab es nicht gewusst".... if it will work is another question.
Last edited by iCQ (2019-10-05 21:17:25)
This is my spine, taken recently in the hospital after my little accident: u really think this game is kept alive by NAZI's?!?!?!?! Can't be... the DiCE team wasn't even neo-n. Besides the real topic here is not "a game" but real life respect and laws. Anyone can say "ich hab es nicht gewusst".... if it will work is another question.
Don't give me nightmares, i have back probs too
iCQ wrote:This is my spine, taken recently in the hospital after my little accident: u really think this game is kept alive by NAZI's?!?!?!?! Can't be... the DiCE team wasn't even neo-n. Besides the real topic here is not "a game" but real life respect and laws. Anyone can say "ich hab es nicht gewusst".... if it will work is another question.
Don't give me nightmares, i have back probs too
Anyway i have to admit i havent been banned either for my disrespect toward the hitler jugend here. I cannot believe anno 2019 we still let "them" work us against each other. And that is exactly my problem with this racist crap. First it is t-bone with his black people, then it is this christian against muslims, then we get someone calling for killing jews and chinese, u not have to be a rocket scientist to see we are all played upon with hate.
Last edited by iCQ (2019-10-05 23:01:55)
Please note i am NOT asking for a t-bone ban. I do not want him to be excluded.... just the link (he change the link in his sig to daily thunderstorm dawrf cartoon site and that broker site).
I would ask him, as an admin, please not KKK nickname... but i would also NOT ban him for it.
And that beautiful black couple at his profile... lol... whateva! Stop the link to illegal sh1t pls... and try not to scare away any players of color (i know u did, i know at least one player who doesnt want to play simple anymore because of that... and it is SAD and NOT GOOD for simple and the community).
And do not dare to say this black player is a noob or anything.. he was here in this game before MOST of us. he been top rank.. he been admin... now i can only find him in other servers. He is a decent hard working friend from the states... u have NO right to insult him or other people of color like that! No matter how stupid u think he might be.
NOT TO FORGET t-bone u insulted my wife several times, yes she is "black"... she is half chinese half thai... and sometimes quite dark. I drag her, against her will, a lot into the sun in Rama9 park where you can find us every weekend im free and home in bkk.
We sport there, ancient chinese art, jogging, tennis and badminton.
So thats us... insults fine... be a man for a change t-bone. Go outside more and show some bloody respect (please). As long as u t-bone or other brainless noob racists not do THAT you are fine to burn. No need to cry to me sorry buddy u asked for it! Bloody WIMPS always.
Anyway.. this is us:
Go attack me on the person... please note we are like 3 steps ahead. I will get you.. and yes YOU too man... you know who you are. Again tell bubba he still owe me a pack of cigarettes! You too Tuia...
Filthy racist pricks... i dont care how much people depend on your so called leet free services PERIOD
Last edited by iCQ (2019-10-06 00:36:40)
T-Bone. i Don't know why you are so Recist Like this. "ICQ" is my Best Friend and we are Close Brothers. so i Hate the way that you did Treated and Insulted my Friend and my Friend's wife. its "Not Cool" to Do such Thing Like That. Insulting Pepole and made them Give up on this server. i say he must get Banned from this server!!. so he can't Insult any one here agine. i fell Bad about that Boy when he Left this server "BECAUSE OF YOUR GODDAMEN SUCK BHAVIOR!!". and i saw "T-Boune" Couple of weaks ago. he was in a Rage with some person. and he keept to tell him Bad words. and the Ohter person say's "didnt do nothing?.. what??". Then i got in the Fight saying " hey Tuff Guy. leave the kid alone alright". then the fight have started. then we both and some 4 persons got banned. But i Explained to some admin here. that i did the Right Thing. Then the admin say" ok ". Then i got Back in the Battlefield. i was like punshied 22 muints only. i dont Realy remember The Kid name. C'uze it was a while. so please to "T-Bone". please ban that guy from this server. or give him a wirrning.
Last edited by Coprol Jack (2019-10-06 03:04:34)
Thanks Jack, i spoke to Merlin but no reply.... (he seemed awfully busy in the round)
And same with T-bone.. he does not reply. All he does is look for weak victims and gullible people. As for many predators do... they don't want to talk to strong minds, they cannot enslave those. Sorry i meant "can't put those people to work".
Last edited by iCQ (2019-10-06 03:42:11)
This game nearly died years ago, some idiots kept crashing servers (ours to) and tuia put in a lot of work to patch the code … 8355#p8355
Filthy racist pricks... i dont care how much people depend on your so called leet free services PERIOD
Here is the catch tho, he helped all these players/server owners without knowing or ask for any skincolor, belief system or race. And i have never seen anybody banned in server/forum because of skincolor, belief system or race either. Weird huh?
i havent seen anyone being banned for that either
So may i ask you about your views bud?
a few lines of asm code do not make up for the 10000's jews been gassed irl
Hey dude... i am talking about many souls here... not a few goofy gamers who feel unpleasant about a server crash. Where do people get that nerve from?
Again.. should we advertise hate, or should we obey the law?
Ah nah i know KKK this guy is allowed with. The many black people being raped and murdered by the KKK is obviously a joke to you too. U have fun walking with that in your "pocket" bud.
Thanks for Tuia for remove that link from his profile (dailystormer). Was it just the celebration of the jews that got killed? Or is it really everybody... people who are non white. But also disabled people etc etc that u wished to see disapear from the face of the planet?
And if he and later t-bone didn't insult me u probably would never have seen me here. What goes around comes around.
Last edited by iCQ (2019-10-06 04:57:02)
The Germans belonged to the high peoples and the Jews to the low ones. He also had specific notions about other peoples. The Slavic people, for instance, were cast as inferior, predestined to be dominated.Hitler felt that the German people could only be strong if they were 'pure'. As a consequence, people with hereditary diseases were considered harmful. These included people with physical or mental disabilities, as well as alcoholics and 'incorrigible' criminals. Once the Nazis had come to power, these ideas led to the forced sterilisation and killing of human beings.
So that included like 85% of all the current dailystormer people on the dead list of hitler. I guess, you are not a german, t-bone is not a german and Tuia is also not a german. Talking about WEIRD bud....
Anyway busy testing new mod for our server:
Last edited by iCQ (2019-10-06 05:39:23)
Hitler wasnt german, so Icq isnt too.. coinsidence? Or he is the lost son of the furer? We dont know..
Hitler wasnt german, so Icq isnt too.. coinsidence? Or he is the lost son of the furer? We dont know..
dont be lost son, being lost in the ukraine is a crime in itself
using drugs and advertise it makes u ripe for auschwitz as well
drugs is another matter, lucky we not have many people promoting drugs here
Last edited by iCQ (2019-10-06 07:42:40)
You dont need any drugs you say?:)