#1 2019-07-06 21:25:57

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Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

Hallo Leute ich wurde gestern nach dem ich einen ellendig langen Ban hatte und ich draus gelernt hatte wieder gebannt.
Ich habe dem Server gegen 16 Uhr betreten, und habe gut 4,5 Stunden gespielt als beispiel Market_Garden/BattleAX/Stalingrad.
Mir sind in der gesamten Zeit 5 Teamkills Passiert (ungewohlt) sei es das ich Nades in die Richtung der Gegner geworfen habe dort ein Verbündeter stand, oder in Häuser rein wo ein Gegner stehen könnte um den jenigen zu outplayen. Mir ist auch ein Teamkill passiert als ich auf ein Sherman mit der Panzerfaust geschossen habe, ich aber nicht gesehen hatte das ein Verbündeter dort hinter stand. Dafür möchte ich mich Entschuldigen. Es war niemals meine Absicht Leute absichtlich zu Teamkillen, und absichtliches Teamstacken mache ich auch nicht. Ich möchte auf Competetive Basis spielen und mir den Rang bester Spieler auf dem Server holen und ich glaube keiner benimmt sich Scheisse wenn er einen 3 oder gar 4Monats Bann hatte. (SIMPLE FRA)

PS: Ich würde liebend gerne dem Server wieder Joinen da ich das Game Liebe und ich die Community drum herum auch! big_smile

Ja Raketenhorst wir haben Probleme gehabt aber ich schreibe hier Sachlich, logisch, und klar nachvollziehbar. Ich möchte mich bei dir auch entschuldigen was die PMS betrifft, und bitte dich mein Entbann Formular Neutral und Subjektiv zu bewerten ich danke euch allen die Zeit genommen zu haben diese Nachricht zu Lesen schönen Abend noch euer. @[RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=/Bruce

EN: Hello people I was banished yesterday after I had a long ban and I had learned from it again.
I entered the server around 4 p.m., and played a good 4.5 hours as an example Market_Garden/BattleAX/Stalingrad.In the whole time 5 Teamkills Pass (unwell) be it that I threw Nades in the direction of the opponents there was an ally there, or in houses where an opponent could stand to outplay the one. A team kill also happened to me when I shot at a Sherman with the tank fist, but I hadn't seen that an ally was behind it. I would like to apologise for that. It was never my intention to intentionally kill people, and I don't do intentional team stacking either. I want to play on a competitive basis and get the rank of best player on the server and I don't think anyone behaves if they had a 3 or even 4 month ban. (SIMPLE FRA)

PS: I would love to join the server again as I love the game and I love the community around it too! big_smile

Yes, we have had problems, but I am writing here objectively, logically, and clearly comprehensible. I would also like to apologize to you regarding the PMS, and ask you to rate my unbanished form Neutral and Subjective I thank you all the time to have taken this news to read beautiful evening yet yours. [RNG-=XNJ3DK4X=/Bruce

Last edited by -=ALTF4HEADSHOT=- (2019-07-06 21:30:10)


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#2 2019-07-06 21:37:03

Empress of Doom
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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

Why should we allow a habitual troll who comes here every time he gets banned (with different forum accounts) and claim you'll never do it again when you just end up doing it again?


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#3 2019-07-06 21:43:16

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

Sunshine wrote:

Why should we allow a habitual troll who comes here every time he gets banned (with different forum accounts) and claim you'll never do it again when you just end up doing it again?

  I wrote a re-enactable text why should I troll wtf you didn't read the text?


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#4 2019-07-06 22:14:22

Empress of Doom
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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-


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#5 2019-07-06 22:36:57

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

Sunshine wrote:

Dude I had nen 4month bann think you seriously I seriously I then come to the server and think to me horny first all people try to teamkill I have written my unbann request I do not need to pull anything from the ass from the from the i ask you read the text again through un d change your opinion thanks!

Last edited by -=ALTF4HEADSHOT=- (2019-07-06 22:42:02)


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#6 2019-07-06 23:07:49

Empress of Doom
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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

-=ALTF4HEADSHOT=- wrote:
Sunshine wrote:

Dude I had nen 4month bann think you seriously I seriously I then come to the server and think to me horny first all people try to teamkill I have written my unbann request I do not need to pull anything from the ass from the from the i ask you read the text again through un d change your opinion thanks!

I don't need to read it again. Basic comprehension.

Let me make this easy for you:

Nonstop troll + evading ban = bye bye.


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#7 2019-07-06 23:11:57

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

Sunshine wrote:

I don't need to read it again. Basic comprehension.

Let me make this easy for you:

Nonstop troll + evading ban = bye bye.

but, but dude!


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#8 2019-07-06 23:33:33

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

Sunshine wrote:
-=ALTF4HEADSHOT=- wrote:
Sunshine wrote:

Dude I had nen 4month bann think you seriously I seriously I then come to the server and think to me horny first all people try to teamkill I have written my unbann request I do not need to pull anything from the ass from the from the i ask you read the text again through un d change your opinion thanks!

I don't need to read it again. Basic comprehension.

Let me make this easy for you:

Nonstop troll + evading ban = bye bye.

Fuck you down your knee then just don't believe me you whore son eats shit and die cruelly stupid jerk your whole family belongs exterminated and in the concentration camp I come again no worries smile Finger you Bloody you cunt Suck OOO/Bfsoldiers dick.


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#9 2019-07-06 23:34:35

Empress of Doom
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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

-=ALTF4HEADSHOT=- wrote:

frick you down your knee then just don't believe me you whore son eats shit and die cruelly stupid jerk your whole family belongs exterminated and in the concentration camp I come again no worries smile Finger you Bloody you cunt Suck OOO/Bfsoldiers dick.

Thank you so much.


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#10 2019-07-06 23:38:38

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

Vertigo wrote:
Sunshine wrote:

I don't need to read it again. Basic comprehension.

Let me make this easy for you:

Nonstop troll + evading ban = bye bye.

but, but dude!

You'll always be a lollipop in the game you banish players who are too good to get away lolly my dick you jerk just the fucked is gay


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#11 2019-07-06 23:47:53

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

We'll prolly miss your pleasant attitude more than your acclaimed skillset, but who knows...


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#12 2019-07-06 23:51:32

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

Vertigo wrote:

We'll prolly miss your pleasant attitude more than your acclaimed skillset, but who knows...

Hold your disgusting freak takes time to explain what happened man is portrayed as a liar just your mouth you mentally left behind shit and suck me a just the fucked is gay


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#13 2019-07-06 23:52:17

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

Sunshine wrote:
-=ALTF4HEADSHOT=- wrote:

frick you down your knee then just don't believe me you whore son eats shit and die cruelly stupid jerk your whole family belongs exterminated and in the concentration camp I come again no worries smile Finger you Bloody you cunt Suck OOO/Bfsoldiers dick.

Thank you so much.

Hold your disgusting freak takes time to explain what happened man is portrayed as a liar just your mouth you mentally left behind shit and suck me a just the frick is gay


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#14 2019-07-06 23:58:09

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

-=ALTF4HEADSHOT=- wrote:
Vertigo wrote:

but, but dude!

You'll always be a lollipop in the game you banish players who are too good to get away lolly my dick you jerk just the frick is gay

Here's a sing-a-long for ya


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#15 2019-07-07 00:06:37

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

Vertigo wrote:
-=ALTF4HEADSHOT=- wrote:
Vertigo wrote:

but, but dude!

You'll always be a lollipop in the game you banish players who are too good to get away lolly my dick you jerk just the frick is gay

Here's a sing-a-long for ya

Suck my dick retard smile you mom is the bigest slut on the world smile smile smile


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#16 2019-07-07 00:10:26

Empress of Doom
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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

You are a lovely person.


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#17 2019-07-07 00:16:16

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

Sunshine wrote:

You are a lovely person.

Lollipop my eggs then you show how much love in it you put whore son smile


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#18 2019-07-07 00:28:19

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-


Just ban him from the forum and all the simple servers, if he doesn't have allready a PermaBan.



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#19 2019-07-07 00:30:58

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

-=ALTF4HEADSHOT=- wrote:

PS: I would love to join the server again as I love the game and I love the community around it too! big_smile

What happened to all of the love you promised?  Not quite feeling the love (:


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#20 2019-07-07 01:10:03

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

guy has low sugar give him a candy

Last edited by joint (2019-07-07 01:13:49)


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#21 2019-07-07 01:29:34

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

Madness? No, this is the server ban appeals section of the forum.



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#22 2019-07-07 01:31:07

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-


This is SIMPLE!

... and now you can smash him into the hole



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#23 2019-07-07 01:31:33

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

should make a museum for best ban appeal topics smile


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#24 2019-07-07 17:50:38

Gulag guard
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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

Vertigo wrote:
-=ALTF4HEADSHOT=- wrote:
Vertigo wrote:

but, but dude!

You'll always be a lollipop in the game you banish players who are too good to get away lolly my dick you jerk just the frick is gay

Here's a sing-a-long for ya

i don´t know why this song makes me laugh, nice.


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#25 2019-07-07 19:17:49

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

I think he is obese and needs to shut his Fat mouth.
Can some 1 ban this idiot from ever playing in Simple.
Also block him from this forum permanent .
He has the I.Q. of a donut!
And Delete this damn post!
If anyone new comes here and sees this kinda horse shit, they will run away if they are smart.
Our admin don't deserve this treatment!

Last edited by Hillbillyninja (2019-07-07 19:22:07)


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#26 2019-07-07 19:20:10

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

See? Im sane and justified by comparison


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#27 2019-07-07 20:31:14

Gulag guard
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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

Zatoichi wrote:

See? Im sane and justified by comparison

Nah, both of ou are a waste of space in our planet.

Last edited by Zwarrior (2019-07-07 20:34:24)


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#28 2019-07-07 20:33:05

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

The song is hilarious! Even more when it follows after those mental posts smile)


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#29 2019-07-07 21:55:12

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

Hillbillyninja wrote:

He has the I.Q. of a donut!

Hey quit insulting the donut Hilly. donuts have feeling to ya know .. and do donuts go around yelling abuse at people ??  tongue


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#30 2019-07-07 22:04:05

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Re: Unbanrequest DE/EN [RNG}-=XNJ3DK4X=-

They do around here but I live in a tuff part of town.


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